sbscooker command line options | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

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  3. Command Line Tools
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    2. sbsbaker
      1. sbsbaker overview
      2. sbsbaker command line options
      3. sbsbaker Example Command Lines
    3. sbscooker
      1. sbscooker overview
      2. sbscooker command line options
      3. sbscooker pattern variables
    4. sbsmtools
      1. sbsmtools overview
      2. sbsmtools command line options
    5. sbsmutator
      1. sbsmutator overview
      2. sbsmutator command line options
      3. sbsmutator Example Command Lines
    6. sbsrender
      1. sbsrender overview
      2. sbsrender base parameters and pattern variables
      3. sbsrender command line options
      4. sbsrender example command lines
    7. sbsupdater
      1. sbsupdater overview
      2. sbsupdater command line options
  4. Pysbs - Python API
    1. Pysbs - Python API overview
    2. Getting started
    3. General topics
      1. Basic manipulation
      2. Substance creation
      3. Substances modification
      4. Dependencies management
      5. PySbs batchtools module
      6. metadata manipulation
      7. SAT demos
      8. Edit sbsar with SBSARManager
      9. Spot Colors
      10. Thumbnail creation with SAT
    4. Examples
      1. demohelloworld
      2. demos
      3. demos_batchtools
      4. script_update_with_sbsupdater
    5. API Content
      1. API Content overview
      2. Substance definitions
        1. Common interfaces
          1. basegraph
          2. package
          3. sbsarobject
          4. sbsobject
        2. compnode
          1. compnode overview
          2. common
          3. compimplementation
          4. paramgraph
        3. context projectmgr
        4. graph
          1. graph overview
          2. function
          3. inputparameters
          4. output
        5. mdl
          1. mdlannotation
          2. mdlcommon
          3. mdldictionaries
          4. mdlenum
          5. mdlgraph
          6. mdllibclasses
          7. mdlmanager
          8. mdlnode
          9. mdlnodeimpl
          10. mdloperand
          11. mdlsbsbridge
        6. modelgraphindex
          1. modelannotationnames
          2. modelgraph
          3. modelgraphgenerator
          4. modelgraphimplementation
          5. modelnodenames
          6. modeloperand
          7. modulegraphindex
          8. moduleannotation
          9. moduleconnection
          10. modulegraph
          11. modulegraphgenerator
          12. modulegraphimplementation
          13. modulegraphlibrary
          14. modulegraphregister
          15. modulenode
          16. modulenodeimplementation
          17. modulenodeinstance
          18. moduleoperand
          19. moduleoutputbridging
          20. moduleparaminput
        7. params
          1. params overview
          2. dynamicvalue
          3. paramnode
        8. projectmgrdoc
        9. sbsarchive
          1. sbsarchive overview
          2. sbsarenum
          3. sbsargraph
          4. sbsargui
          5. sbsarguiwidgets
          6. sbsarmanager
        10. sbscommon
          1. connections
          2. gui
          3. nodes
          4. values
        11. sbspreset
        12. sbsproject
        13. substance
          1. substance overview
          2. content
          3. resource
      3. Libraries
        1. sbsenum
        2. sbslibrary
          1. sbslibrary overview
          2. sbsdictionaries
          3. sbsfilters
          4. sbsfunctions
          5. sbsfxmapnodes
          6. sbslibclasses
          7. sbswidgets
        3. sbsbakerslibrary
          1. sbsbakerslibrary overview
          2. sbsbakersdef
          3. sbsbakersdefaultprops
          4. sbsbakersdictionaries
          5. sbsbakersenum
          6. sbsbakingconverter
          7. sbsbakingconverterparam
          8. sbsbakingparameters
          9. sbsdialogstate
          10. sbsscenedata
        4. Helpers
          1. sbscleaner
          2. sbsexporter
          3. sbsgenerator
          4. sbsparser
          5. sbswriter
          6. qtclasses
            1. qtclasses overview
            2. qtvariantreader
            3. qtvariantwriter
          7. psdparser
          8. sbsimpactmanager
          9. batchtools
          10. autograph
            1. ag_functions
            2. ag_layout
            3. ag_types
          11. info_mesh_parser
          12. sbsbaker_info_handlers
          13. sbsrender_render_handlers
          14. output_handlers
          15. spotcolorinfo_handler
          16. thumbnail
          17. batchtools overview
        5. Execution context
          1. context
          2. functions
        6. API Change log
  5. Samples
    1. Samples overview
    2. Texturing Template Demo
    3. Batch Tools Demo
    4. Variations
    5. Texture Mat
    6. Pixel Processor Ray tracer
  6. Setup and Getting Started
    1. Setup and Getting Started overview
    2. Compatibility
    3. Frequently asked Questions
    4. Known issues
    5. SAT Cookbook
    6. Use Pysbs in different python interpreter (maya, sd, blender...)
  7. Integrations
    1. Substance Maya toolset
      1. Substance Maya Toolset overview
      2. Installing
      3. Launching
      4. Baking
        1. Baking overview
        2. Export parameters
        3. Baker parameters
        4. Mesh setup
        5. Using a template
      5. Changelog
  8. Changelog overview

sbscooker command line options



  • sbscooker [...]

Global options

--doc-html, --doc
Generate basic documentation html from the option's help.
--help, -h, -?
Display help about given subcommand. If no subcommand is provided, this help about global options is printed.
Display full help about every options of given subcommand. If no subcommand is provided, help about global options is printed.
Create json description of all available options
--quiet, -q
Disable warning messages.
--verbose, -v
Enable info and debug messages.
--version, -V
Display version of the program.
Display the version of the cooker.
Display the version of the linker.

Subcommand cook

I⁄O options

Add an alias definition. syntax of : ':⁄⁄' Every occurence of in every url of every input file with be replaced with before cooking.
Include graph icons files in the SBSAR if they exist.
Paths to the substance files to cook (in the .sbs file format).
Merge all the results in one file
Generate non packaged SBSASM and XML.
--output-name [default: "{inputName}"]
Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: {inputName} Replaced by the name of the first processed sbs file. {udim} Replaced by the UDIM id of the cooked tile (MARI convention).
Set the output path for the generated files. By default the path is empty, i.e. the files will be saved in the current directory. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: {inputPath} Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs file.
--presets-path, --includes
--presets-path⁄includes is deprecated, built-in packages location is autodetect next to sbscooker executable. If you need to use another location please use the --alias sbs:⁄⁄ option.

Cooking options

Use Adobe ACE color management engine.
Render intent to use when using Adobe ACE. The default value if not specified is relative-colorimetric. Valid options include perceptual, saturation, relative-colorimetric and absolute-colorimetric
Working color space to use when using Adobe ACE. The default value if not specified is srgb. Valid options include srgb, linear-srgb and acescg
Specify the directory to search for user ICC profiles. Only used when ACE color management is enabled.
--compression-mode [default: "0"]
Set the compression mode : specify '0' for "auto", '1' for "best" and '2' for "none".
--expose-output-size [default: "yes"]
Expose output size ? ('0' = "no", '1' = "yes").
--expose-pixel-size [default: "no"]
Expose pixel size ? ('0' = "no", '1' = "yes").
--expose-random-seed [default: "yes"]
Expose random seed ? ('0' = "no", '1' = "yes").
Disable optimization. Check advanced parameters for finer tweaks with optimization.
Specify the OpenColorIO configuration file to use for managing bitmap resources. When not set, the legacy mode is used.
Maximum width and height of all compositing nodes,given as the exponent of a power in base 2.In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width⁄height. For example '--size-limit 10' means nodes have a size limit of 1024x1024 pixels. [Default value: Engine specific]
Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
--uv-tile ,
Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]

Linking options

Call linker to generate .sbsbin file for an engine identified with the or parameter.
--link-output-name [default: "{outputName}_{engineName}"]
Set the output name of the generated linked files, without the extension.The name is "{outputName}_{engineName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName} Replaced by the name of the processed sbs. - {engineName} Replaced by the name of the engine used to link the sbs. - {outputName} Replaced by the output name specified by the --output-name command.
--link-output-path [default: "{outputPath}"]
Set the output path of the generated linked files.The path is "{outputPath}" by default. program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath} Replaced by the path of the processed sbs. - {engineName} Replaced by the name of the engine used to link the sbs. - {outputPath} Replaced by the output path specified by the --output-path command.

Watermarking options

Post-filter substance file to apply (in the .sbs file format).

Cooking optimization options

can either be "0", "off", "no" or "false" to disable the optimizationor "1", "on", "yes" or "true" to turn it on.

--crc [default: "0"]
Reduce cooking time.
--full [default: "1"]
Full optimizations options. Best performance and memory footprint, slower cooking process.
--merge-data [default: "0"]
Reduce binary size.
--merge-graph [default: "0"]
Best performance.
--reordering [default: "0"]
Reduce memory footprint.

Other options


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