dynamicvalue | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

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      8. Edit sbsar with SBSARManager
      9. Spot Colors
      10. Thumbnail creation with SAT
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      3. demos_batchtools
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      2. Substance definitions
        1. Common interfaces
          1. basegraph
          2. package
          3. sbsarobject
          4. sbsobject
        2. compnode
          1. compnode overview
          2. common
          3. compimplementation
          4. paramgraph
        3. context projectmgr
        4. graph
          1. graph overview
          2. function
          3. inputparameters
          4. output
        5. mdl
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          2. mdlcommon
          3. mdldictionaries
          4. mdlenum
          5. mdlgraph
          6. mdllibclasses
          7. mdlmanager
          8. mdlnode
          9. mdlnodeimpl
          10. mdloperand
          11. mdlsbsbridge
        6. modelgraphindex
          1. modelannotationnames
          2. modelgraph
          3. modelgraphgenerator
          4. modelgraphimplementation
          5. modelnodenames
          6. modeloperand
          7. modulegraphindex
          8. moduleannotation
          9. moduleconnection
          10. modulegraph
          11. modulegraphgenerator
          12. modulegraphimplementation
          13. modulegraphlibrary
          14. modulegraphregister
          15. modulenode
          16. modulenodeimplementation
          17. modulenodeinstance
          18. moduleoperand
          19. moduleoutputbridging
          20. moduleparaminput
        7. params
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          2. dynamicvalue
          3. paramnode
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          2. gui
          3. nodes
          4. values
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          2. content
          3. resource
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        2. sbslibrary
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          6. sbslibclasses
          7. sbswidgets
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          2. sbsbakersdef
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          5. sbsbakersenum
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          7. sbsbakingconverterparam
          8. sbsbakingparameters
          9. sbsdialogstate
          10. sbsscenedata
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            2. qtvariantreader
            3. qtvariantwriter
          7. psdparser
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            1. ag_functions
            2. ag_layout
            3. ag_types
          11. info_mesh_parser
          12. sbsbaker_info_handlers
          13. sbsrender_render_handlers
          14. output_handlers
          15. spotcolorinfo_handler
          16. thumbnail
          17. batchtools overview
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          2. functions
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      4. Baking
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        2. Export parameters
        3. Baker parameters
        4. Mesh setup
        5. Using a template
      5. Changelog
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Module dynamicvalue provides the definition of the class SBSDynamicValue: which allows to represent all the function graph in Substance Designer: - A function graph - A function defining the value of a dynamic parameter - The Pixel processor function

 class params.dynamicvalue.SBSDynamicValue(aGUILayoutParam=None, aRootNode=None, aParamNodes=None, aGUIObjects=None, aOptions=None, aValueProcessorRef=None)  

Bases: pysbs.common_interfaces.sbsobject.SBSObject

Class that contains information on a dynamic value as defined in a .sbs file. A dynamic value allows to define a function, for a dynamic parameter, a pixel processor or a function graph.

  • mGUILayoutParam (SBSGUILayoutComp): GUI flags and options.
  • mRootNode (str, optional): uid of the output node of the function.
  • mParamNodes (list of SBSParamNode): function nodes list.
  • mGUIObjects (list of SBSGUIObject): GUI specific objects.
  • mOptions (list of SBSOption): list of specific options.
  • mValueProcessorRef (weakref): Weak Reference to a value processor to keep output type in sync or None
 connectNodes(aLeftNode, aRightNode, aRightNodeInput = None)  

Connect the given nodes together: aLeftNode -> aRightNode(on the input aRightNodeInput) If the right node input is None, the connection will be done on the first compatible input of the right node.

  • aLeftNode (SBSParamNode or str) – Node to connect from, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID
  • aRightNode (SBSParamNode or str) – Node to connect to, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID
  • aRightNodeInput (FunctionInputEnum or str, optional) – Identifier of the input of the right node

The connection if success, None otherwise (in case of type incompatibility for instance)




Check if the given node belongs to this function graph

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – The node to check, as a, object or an UID
Returns:True if the given node belongs to the node list, False otherwise

Get deep copy of this SBSDynamicValue

Returns:A SBSDynamicValue object, identical to this object

Create a copy of the given node and generate a new uid for it

Parameters:aCompNode (SBSParamNode) – the node to copy
Returns:The new SBSParamNode object
 createComment(aCommentText='Comment', aGUIPos=None, aLinkToNode=None)  

Create a new comment. If aLinkToNode is not None, this comment will be linked to the given node, and the given GUI position must be relative to this node.

  • aCommentText (str, optional) – The text of the comment. Default to ‘Comment’
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float, optional) – The comment position in the graph. Default to [0,0,0]
  • aLinkToNode (SBSParamNode or str, optional) – The node to associate to this comment, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID

The SBSGUIObject created

 createFrame(aSize, aFrameTitle='Frame', aCommentText='', aGUIPos=None, aColor=None, aDisplayTitle=True)  

Create a new framed comment.

  • aSize (list of 2 float) – The frame size
  • aFrameTitle (str, optional) – The title of the frame. Default to ‘Frame’
  • aCommentText (str, optional) – The text of the frame. Empty by default
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float, optional) – The frame position in the graph. Default to [0,0,-100]
  • aColor (list of 4 float between 0 and 1, optional.) – The frame color. Default to [0.196, 0.196, 0.509, 0.196]
  • aDisplayTitle (boolean, optional) – True to display the frame title. Default to True

The SBSGUIObject created

 createFrameAroundNodes(aNodeList, aFrameTitle='Frame', aCommentText='', aColor=None, aDisplayTitle=True)  

Create a new framed comment around the given nodes.

  • aNodeList (list of class:.SBSParamNode) – The nodes to include in the frame
  • aFrameTitle (str, optional) – The title of the frame. Default to ‘Frame’
  • aCommentText (str, optional) – The text of the frame. Empty by default
  • aColor (list of 4 float between 0 and 1, optional.) – The frame color. Default to [0.196, 0.196, 0.509, 0.196]
  • aDisplayTitle (boolean, optional) – True to display the frame title. Default to True

The SBSGUIObject created



 createFunctionInstanceNode(aSBSDocument, aFunction, aGUIPos = None)  

Create a new function node of kind ‘instance’ which references the given function.

  • aSBSDocument (SBSDocument) – current edited document
  • aFunction (SBSFunction) – Function of which this node will be an instance of
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float, optional) – position of the node in the graph: [x,y,z]. default value is [0,0,0]

The new SBSParamNode object



 createFunctionInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument, aPath, aGUIPos = None)  

Create a new function node of kind ‘instance’ which references the function pointed by the given path.

  • aSBSDocument (SBSDocument) – current edited document
  • aPath (str) –

    path of the function definition (absolute, relative to the current .sbs file, or given with an alias, for instance sbs://functions.sbs/Functions/Math/Pi)

    • If the function is included in the current package, use: pkg:///MyFunctionIdentifier
    • If the path uses an alias, use: myalias://MyFileName.sbs/MyFunctionIdentifier
    • If the path is relative to the current package or absolute, use MyAbsoluteOrRelativePath/MyFileName.sbs/MyFunctionIdentifier
    • Note that if the function identifier is equivalent to the filename, the part /MyFunctionIdentifier may be omit.
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float, optional) – position of the node in the graph: [x,y,z]. default value is [0,0,0]

The new SBSParamNode object



 createFunctionNode(aFunction, aGUIPos = None, aParameters = None)  

Create a new compositing node filter and add it to the CompNodes of the graph.

  • aFunction (FunctionEnum or str) – kind of function to create, among the list defined in FunctionEnum
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float, optional) – position of the node in the graph: [x,y,z]. default value is [0,0,0]
  • aParameters (dictionary {sbsenum.FunctionEnum : parameterValue(str)}, optional) – parameters of the function node

The new SBSParamNode object

 createIterationOnNode(aNbIteration, aNodeUID, aGUIOffset = None)  

Duplicate NbIteration times the given node, and connect each created node to the previous one

  • aNbIteration (positive integer) – number of time the pattern must be duplicated
  • aNodeUID (str) – list of node’s UID that constitute the pattern to duplicate
  • aGUIOffset (list of 2 float, optional) – pattern position offset. Default to [150, 0]

The last SBSParamNode object created

 createIterationOnPattern(aNbIteration, aNodeUIDs, aNodeUIDs_NextPatternInput = None, aGUIOffset = None)  

Duplicate NbIteration times the given pattern of parameters nodes, and connect each pattern with the previous one.

It allows to completely define the way two successive patterns are connected.

For instance, provide aNodeUIDs = [A, B, C] and aNodeUIDs_NextPatternInput = [A’], if the pattern is A -> B -> C, and if C is connected to A’

If aNodeUIDs_NextPatternInput is let empty, the function will try to connect the successive patterns by the most obvious way, respecting the input / output type (color / grayscale)

  • aNbIteration (positive integer) – number of time the pattern must be duplicated
  • aNodeUIDs (list of str) – list of node’s UID that constitute the pattern to duplicate
  • aNodeUIDs_NextPattern (list of str) – list of node’s UID that correspond to the next pattern, which must be connected to the given pattern.
  • aGUIOffset (list of 2 float) – pattern position offset. Default to [150, 0]

The list of SBSParamNode objects created (including the nodes given in aNodeUIDs_NextPatternInput), None if failed

 createNavigationPin(self, aPinText, aGUIPos)  

Create a new navigation pin.

  • aPinText (str) – The text of the navigation pin
  • aGUIPos (list of 3 float) – The navigation pin position in the graph

The SBSGUIObject created


Allows to delete the given comment from the graph.

Parameters:aComment (SBSGUIObject or str) – The comment to remove, as a Comment or an UID.
Returns:True if success

Allows to delete the given frame from the graph.

Parameters:aFrame (SBSGUIObject or str) – The frame to remove, as a Frame or an UID.
Returns:True if success

Allows to delete the given navigation pin from the graph.

Parameters:aNavigationPin (SBSGUIObject or str) – The navigation pin to remove, as a NavigationPin or an UID.
Returns:True if success

Allows to delete the given node from the graph. It removes it from the ParamNode list, and delete all the connection from and to that node in the function graph.

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – The node to remove, as a SBSParamNode or an UID.
Returns:True if success
 disconnectNodes(self, aLeftNode, aRightNode, aRightNodeInput = None)  

Disconnect the given nodes: aLeftNode -> aRightNode(on the input aRightNodeInputIdentifier). If the right node input is None, all connections will be removed.

  • aLeftNode (SBSParamNode or str) – Left node, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID
  • aRightNode (SBSParamNode or str) – Right node, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID
  • aRightNodeInput (FunctionInputEnum or str, optional) – Identifier of the input of the right node




 duplicateNode(aCompNode, aGUIOffset = None)  

Duplicate the given node, generate a new UID and add the node to the same node list than the source node.

  • aCompNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to duplicate
  • aGUIOffset (list of 2 float, optional) – the offset to apply in the positioning of the new node. Default to [150, 0]

The new SBSParamNode object


Check if this SBSObject is equivalent to the other SBSObject. Some members may be excluded from this check, the UIDs or GUILayout for instance.

Parameters:other (SBSObject) – The SBSObject to compare to
Returns:True if the two SBSObject are similar according to their definition.

Get all comments defined in the graph

Returns:a list of SBSGUIObject

Get the UIDs of the dependencies used by this dynamic function

Returns:a list of UIDs as strings

Get all frames defined in the graph

Returns:a list of SBSGUIObject

Search for all SBSParamNode which represents the given filter kind.

Parameters:aFunction (FunctionEnum str) – kind of filters to look for
Returns:a list of SBSParamNode containing all functions of the given kind.

Get all the GUI objects defined in the graph (Comments, Frames, Navigation Pins)

Returns:a list of SBSGUIObject

Get all the navigation pins defined in the graph

Returns:a list of SBSGUIObject
 getAllNodeInstancesOf(aSBSDocument, aPath)  

Search for all SBSParamNode of kind ‘instance’, which reference the given function path.

  • aSBSDocument (SBSDocument) – current SBSDocument
  • aPath (str) –

    path of the function definition (absolute, relative to the current .sbs file, or given with an alias, for instance sbs://functions.sbs/Functions/Math/Pi)

    • If the function is included in the current package, use: pkg:///MyFunctionIdentifier
    • If the path uses an alias, use: myalias://MyFileName.sbs/MyFunctionIdentifier
    • If the path is relative to the current package or absolute, use MyAbsoluteOrRelativePath/MyFileName.sbs/MyFunctionIdentifier
    • Note that if the function identifier is equivalent to the filename, the part /MyFunctionIdentifier may be omit.

a list of SBSParamNode containing all instance nodes of the given function.

 getAllReferencesOnDependency(self, (aDependency)  

Get all the SBSParamNode that are referencing the given dependency

Parameters:aDependency (str or SBSDependency) – The dependency to look for (UID or object)
Returns:A list of SBSParamNode

Get the list of comments associated to the given node

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – The node to consider, as a SBSParamNode or given its UID
Returns:a list of SBSGUIObject
 getConnectionsFromNode(self, aLeftNode)  

Get the connections starting from the output of the given left node.

Parameters:aLeftNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to consider, as a SBSCompNode or given its uid
Returns:a list of SBSConnection
 getConnectionsToNode(self, aRightNode, aRightNodeInput=None)  

Get the connections incoming to the given right node, to a particular input or for all its inputs.

  • aRightNode (SBSCompNode or str) – the node to consider, as a SBSCompNode or given its uid
  • aRightNodeInput (InputEnum or str, optional) – the pin input identifier to consider. If let None, all the inputs will be considered

a list of SBSConnection


Search for the given function node in the node list

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – node to get, identified by its uid or as a SBSParamNode
Returns:A SBSParamNode object if found, None otherwise

Get the node associated to the given comment.

Parameters:aComment (SBSGUIObject) – The comment to consider
Returns:the SBSParamNode if found, None otherwise
 getNodeList(aNodesList = None)  

Get all the function nodes of this function, or look for the given nodes if aNodesList is not None

Parameters:aNodesList (list of str or list of SBSParamNode, optional) – list of node to look for
Returns:a list of SBSParamNode included in the function graph

Get all the nodes connected to an output of the given node.

Parameters:aLeftNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to consider
Returns:a list of SBSParamNode
 getNodesConnectedTo(aRightNode, aRightNodeInput=None)  

Get all the nodes connected to the given input of the given node. If aInputIdentifier is let None, consider all the inputs of the node.

  • aRightNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to consider, as an object or given its uid
  • aRightNodeInput (FunctionInputEnum or str, optional) – the input to take in account

a list of SBSParamNode


Get all the nodes that are docked to the given node.

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to consider
Returns:a list of SBSParamNode corresponding to the nodes that are docked to the given node.

Get all the nodes included or partially included in the given frame. The frame must be included in this function, otherwise SBSImpossibleActionError is raised

Parameters:aFrame (SBSGUIObject) – The frame to consider
Returns:a list of SBSParamNode

Get the output node of the function.

Returns:The SBSParamNode corresponding to the output node, None if there is no output node

Get the type of output node of the function.

Returns:The type to the output node, in the format ParamTypeEnum. VOID_TYPE if there is no output node
 getRect(aNodeList = None)  

Get the rectangle occupied by all the nodes of this function, or use only the given nodes if aNodeList is not None

Parameters:aNodeList (list of str or list of SBSParamNode, optional) – The list of node to take in account for the GUI rectangle. None to consider the node list pointed by itself.
Returns:A Rect

Parse the node list to find a node with the given uid

Parameters:aUID (str) – UID to check
Returns:True if a node has this uid

Get all the input parameters used in the this dynamic value among the given list, meaning the ones that are get by the function.

Parameters:aParameters (list of SBSParamInput) – the input parameters to look for
Returns:the list of useless SBSParamInput
 isAPathBetween(self, aLeftNode, aRightNode)  

Check if there is a path from the left node to the right node with the current connections.


True if a path is found, False otherwise

 moveConnectionOnPinInput(self, aInitialNode, aTargetNode, aInitialNodeInput=None, aTargetNodeInput=None)  

Allows to move the connection connected to the given pin input of the given node to the target pin input of the target node.

  • aInitialNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node initially connected, as an object or given its uid
  • aTargetNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the target node, which should be connected after this function, as an object or given its uid
  • aInitialNodeInput (FunctionInputEnum or str, optional) – the identifier of the input initially connected in aInitialNode. If None, the first input will be considered
  • aTargetNodeInput (FunctionInputEnum or str, optional) – the identifier of the input targeted on aTargetNode. If None, the first input will be considered



 moveConnectionsOnPinOutput(self, aInitialNode, aTargetNode)  

Allows to move all the connections connected to the output of the given node to the output of the target node.

  • aInitialNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node initially connected, as an object or given its uid
  • aTargetNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the target node, which should be connected after this function, as an object or given its uid


 parse(aContext, aDirAbsPath, aSBSParser, aXmlNode)  

Parse recursively the given xml node to retrieve the content of the SBSObject.

  • aContext (Context) – execution context
  • aDirAbsPath (str) – the absolute directory containing the current parsed package (.sbs file)
  • aSBSParser (SBSParser) – the substance parser
  • aXmlNode (xml.etree.ElementTree) – the xml node to parse
 reframeAroundNodes(aFrame, aNodeList)  

Move and resize a frame to be around the given nodes.

  • aFrame (SBSGUIObject) – The frame to edit
  • aNodeList (list of class:.SBSParamNode) – The nodes to include in the frame



Set the output node of the function.

Parameters:aNode (SBSParamNode or str) – the node to set as output, or its UID
Returns:The SBSParamNode corresponding to the output node, False if not found
 setToInputParam(aParentGraph, aInputParamIdentifier)  

This function will be set to return the value of the given input parameter defined on the given graph

  • aParentGraph (SBSGraph) – graph in which the input parameter is defined.
  • aInputParamIdentifier (str) – input parameter identifier

True if succeed




Sort the ParamNode list of the function to order them as a DAG. The member mParamNodes is updated.

Returns:the sorted node list.

Updates the value processor type so it represents what is in the dynamic value if there is one

 write(aSBSWriter, aXmlNode)  

Write recursively the content of the SBSObject into the given xml node.

  • aSBSWriter (SBSWriter) – the substance writer
  • aXmlNode (xml.etree.ElementTree) – the xml node to fill

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