demos | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. Home
  3. Command Line Tools
    1. Command Line overview
    2. sbsbaker
      1. sbsbaker overview
      2. sbsbaker command line options
      3. sbsbaker Example Command Lines
    3. sbscooker
      1. sbscooker overview
      2. sbscooker command line options
      3. sbscooker pattern variables
    4. sbsmtools
      1. sbsmtools overview
      2. sbsmtools command line options
    5. sbsmutator
      1. sbsmutator overview
      2. sbsmutator command line options
      3. sbsmutator Example Command Lines
    6. sbsrender
      1. sbsrender overview
      2. sbsrender base parameters and pattern variables
      3. sbsrender command line options
      4. sbsrender example command lines
    7. sbsupdater
      1. sbsupdater overview
      2. sbsupdater command line options
  4. Pysbs - Python API
    1. Pysbs - Python API overview
    2. Getting started
    3. General topics
      1. Basic manipulation
      2. Substance creation
      3. Substances modification
      4. Dependencies management
      5. PySbs batchtools module
      6. metadata manipulation
      7. SAT demos
      8. Edit sbsar with SBSARManager
      9. Spot Colors
      10. Thumbnail creation with SAT
    4. Examples
      1. demohelloworld
      2. demos
      3. demos_batchtools
      4. script_update_with_sbsupdater
    5. API Content
      1. API Content overview
      2. Substance definitions
        1. Common interfaces
          1. basegraph
          2. package
          3. sbsarobject
          4. sbsobject
        2. compnode
          1. compnode overview
          2. common
          3. compimplementation
          4. paramgraph
        3. context projectmgr
        4. graph
          1. graph overview
          2. function
          3. inputparameters
          4. output
        5. mdl
          1. mdlannotation
          2. mdlcommon
          3. mdldictionaries
          4. mdlenum
          5. mdlgraph
          6. mdllibclasses
          7. mdlmanager
          8. mdlnode
          9. mdlnodeimpl
          10. mdloperand
          11. mdlsbsbridge
        6. modelgraphindex
          1. modelannotationnames
          2. modelgraph
          3. modelgraphgenerator
          4. modelgraphimplementation
          5. modelnodenames
          6. modeloperand
          7. modulegraphindex
          8. moduleannotation
          9. moduleconnection
          10. modulegraph
          11. modulegraphgenerator
          12. modulegraphimplementation
          13. modulegraphlibrary
          14. modulegraphregister
          15. modulenode
          16. modulenodeimplementation
          17. modulenodeinstance
          18. moduleoperand
          19. moduleoutputbridging
          20. moduleparaminput
        7. params
          1. params overview
          2. dynamicvalue
          3. paramnode
        8. projectmgrdoc
        9. sbsarchive
          1. sbsarchive overview
          2. sbsarenum
          3. sbsargraph
          4. sbsargui
          5. sbsarguiwidgets
          6. sbsarmanager
        10. sbscommon
          1. connections
          2. gui
          3. nodes
          4. values
        11. sbspreset
        12. sbsproject
        13. substance
          1. substance overview
          2. content
          3. resource
      3. Libraries
        1. sbsenum
        2. sbslibrary
          1. sbslibrary overview
          2. sbsdictionaries
          3. sbsfilters
          4. sbsfunctions
          5. sbsfxmapnodes
          6. sbslibclasses
          7. sbswidgets
        3. sbsbakerslibrary
          1. sbsbakerslibrary overview
          2. sbsbakersdef
          3. sbsbakersdefaultprops
          4. sbsbakersdictionaries
          5. sbsbakersenum
          6. sbsbakingconverter
          7. sbsbakingconverterparam
          8. sbsbakingparameters
          9. sbsdialogstate
          10. sbsscenedata
        4. Helpers
          1. sbscleaner
          2. sbsexporter
          3. sbsgenerator
          4. sbsparser
          5. sbswriter
          6. qtclasses
            1. qtclasses overview
            2. qtvariantreader
            3. qtvariantwriter
          7. psdparser
          8. sbsimpactmanager
          9. batchtools
          10. autograph
            1. ag_functions
            2. ag_layout
            3. ag_types
          11. info_mesh_parser
          12. sbsbaker_info_handlers
          13. sbsrender_render_handlers
          14. output_handlers
          15. spotcolorinfo_handler
          16. thumbnail
          17. batchtools overview
        5. Execution context
          1. context
          2. functions
        6. API Change log
  5. Samples
    1. Samples overview
    2. Texturing Template Demo
    3. Batch Tools Demo
    4. Variations
    5. Texture Mat
    6. Pixel Processor Ray tracer
  6. Setup and Getting Started
    1. Setup and Getting Started overview
    2. Compatibility
    3. Frequently asked Questions
    4. Known issues
    5. SAT Cookbook
    6. Use Pysbs in different python interpreter (maya, sd, blender...)
  7. Integrations
    1. Substance Maya toolset
      1. Substance Maya Toolset overview
      2. Installing
      3. Launching
      4. Baking
        1. Baking overview
        2. Export parameters
        3. Baker parameters
        4. Mesh setup
        5. Using a template
      5. Changelog
  8. Changelog overview


Module demos provides samples of usage of Pysbs.

demos.demoBakingParameters(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Demonstrates the creation and edition of the baking parameters

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoBakingParameters:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse the .sbs file and provide the object structure of the entire substance 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    if sbsDoc.parseDoc(): 
        # Add a new Scene resource to the document 
        aRelPath = sbsDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath(aRelPathFromPackage='./Models/m41_low.fbx') 
        aNewResource = sbsDoc.createLinkedResource(aIdentifier='LowResMesh', 
        # Create BakingParameters for this resource 
        aBakingParams = aNewResource.createBakingParameters() 
        # Add a high poly mesh from a file path 
        aHighPolyFilePath = sbsDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath('./Models/m41_high.fbx') 
        # Set default Antialiasing value 
        aBakingParams.setParameterValue(sbsbakers.ConverterParamEnum.DEFAULT__SUB_SAMPLING, sbsbakers.BakerFromMeshSubSamplingEnum.SUBSAMPLING_4x4) 
        # Add a Bent Normal From Mesh baker 
        BN_baker = aBakingParams.addBaker(sbsbakers.BakerEnum.BENT_NORMALS_FROM_MESH) 
        # Add a Normal Map From Mesh baker 
        NM_baker = aBakingParams.addBaker(sbsbakers.BakerEnum.NORMAL_MAP_FROM_MESH) 
        # Set Antialiasing value specifically to NormalMap baker 
        # Add an Ambient Occlusion baker which uses the resulting map of the Normal Map From Mesh baker 
        AO_baker = aBakingParams.addBaker(sbsbakers.BakerEnum.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) 
        # Set back the baking parameters into the options of the second resource 
        # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
        sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath)"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
        return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoBakingParameters] Failed to edit the baking parameters") 
    raise error
demos.demoBuildSBSFromPainterBitmaps(aContext, aDestFileAbsPath='')

Create a graph with as many Bitmap & Output node as picture files in the Painter folder

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting SBS file


Here is the code of function demoBuildSBSFromPainterBitmaps:

if aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
xOffset  = [150, 0, 0] 
yOffset  = [0, 150, 0] 
initPos  = [0,0, 0] 
    # Create a new SBSDocument from scratch 
    sbsDoc = sbsgenerator.createSBSDocument(aContext, 
                            aFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath, 
                            aGraphIdentifier = 'PainterFilter', 
                            aParameters  = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_SIZE:[sbsenum.OutputSizeEnum.SIZE_1024,sbsenum.OutputSizeEnum.SIZE_1024], 
                            aInheritance = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_SIZE:sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE, 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'PainterFilter') 
    # Retrieve bitmaps 
    aPathOutputs = sbsDoc.mDirAbsPath + os.path.sep 
    aListOutputs = glob.glob(aPathOutputs+"*.png") 
    for x in range(0,len(aListOutputs)): 
        # Create a Bitmap node 
        aBitmapNode   = aGraph.createBitmapNode(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, 
                            aResourcePath  = aListOutputs[x], 
                            aGUIPos        = [y * x for y in yOffset], 
                            aParameters    = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.COLOR_MODE:True}, 
                            aCookedFormat  = sbsenum.BitmapFormatEnum.JPG, 
                            aCookedQuality = 1) 
        aId = aListOutputs[x][aListOutputs[x].rfind(os.path.sep)+1:-4] 
        # Create a Output color node 
        aOutputNode = aGraph.createOutputNode(aIdentifier = aId, 
                            aGUIPos        = map(sum, zip([y * x for y in yOffset], xOffset)), 
                            aOutputFormat  = sbsenum.TextureFormatEnum.DEFAULT_FORMAT, 
                            aAttributes    = {sbsenum.AttributesEnum.Description: 'Exported from painter: %s' % aId}, 
                            aMipmaps       = sbsenum.MipmapEnum.LEVELS_12, 
                            aUsages        = {sbsenum.UsageEnum.DIFFUSE: {sbsenum.UsageDataEnum.COMPONENTS:sbsenum.ComponentsEnum.RGBA}, 
                                              sbsenum.UsageEnum.HEIGHT: {sbsenum.UsageDataEnum.COMPONENTS:sbsenum.ComponentsEnum.R}}) 
        aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode  = aBitmapNode, aRightNode = aOutputNode, 
                            aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.InputEnum.INPUT_NODE_OUTPUT ) 
        # Update node position 
        initPos += yOffset 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc()"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoBuildSBSFromPainterBitmaps] Failed to create the new package") 
    raise error
demos.demoCreation(aContext, aDestFileAbsPath='')
Demonstrates all what is possible to create using this API:
  • A new substance from scratch
  • Compositing graph (all filters, instance of graphs, inputs and outputs…)
  • Function graph (all functions, instance of functions, …)
  • Definition of input parameters for graphs and functions
  • Definition of a dynamic parameter
  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoCreation:

if aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Create a new package 
    sbsDoc = sbsgenerator.createSBSDocument(aContext, aDestFileAbsPath) 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.createGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'MyGraph', 
                                aParameters = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_FORMAT:sbsenum.OutputFormatEnum.FORMAT_16BITS}, 
                                aInheritance= {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_FORMAT:sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE}) 
    aSubGraph = sbsDoc.createGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'MySubGraph') 
    aFunction = sbsDoc.createFunction(aFunctionIdentifier = 'MyFunction') 
    aResourceGroup = sbsDoc.createGroup( aParentFolder = 'MyResources', aGroupIdentifier = 'Bitmaps' ) 
    startPos = [48,  48,  0] 
    xOffset  = [192,  0,  0] 
    yOffset  = [0,  192,  0] 
    xyOffset = [192, 96,  0] 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # Create the graph 'MySubGraph' 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # Create Input parameters for MySubGraph 
    # - Parameter InputColor(RGBA) 
    aSubGraph.addInputParameter(aIdentifier   = 'InputColor', 
                        aWidget       = sbsenum.WidgetEnum.COLOR_FLOAT4, 
                        aDefaultValue = [1,1,1,1], 
                        aLabel        = 'Input Color') 
    # - Parameter Blending(DropDown list) 
    aParam = aSubGraph.addInputParameter(aIdentifier = 'Blending', 
                        aWidget = sbsenum.WidgetEnum.DROPDOWN_INT1, 
                        aLabel  = 'Blending') 
    aParam.setDropDownList(aValueMap={sbsenum.BlendBlendingModeEnum.MULTIPLY: 'Multiply', 
                                      sbsenum.BlendBlendingModeEnum.OVERLAY: 'Overlay', 
                                      sbsenum.BlendBlendingModeEnum.SOFT_LIGHT: 'Soft Light'}) 
    # Create the content of the graph MySubGraph 
    # - Uniform color filter 
    aUniformColor = aSubGraph.createCompFilterNode(aFilter = sbsenum.FilterEnum.UNIFORM, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.COLOR_MODE: sbsenum.ColorModeEnum.COLOR, 
                                       sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_COLOR: [0.54,0.063,0,1]}, 
    # - Input node color 
    aInputNode = aSubGraph.createInputNode(aIdentifier = 'MyInput', 
                        aColorMode   = sbsenum.ColorModeEnum.COLOR, 
                        aGUIPos      = aUniformColor.getOffsetPosition(yOffset), 
                        aAttributes  = {sbsenum.AttributesEnum.Label: 'My Input'}, 
                        aUsages      = {sbsenum.UsageEnum.BASECOLOR:{sbsenum.UsageDataEnum.COMPONENTS:sbsenum.ComponentsEnum.RGB}}) 
    # - Blend filter 
    aBlendNode = aSubGraph.createCompFilterNode(aFilter = sbsenum.FilterEnum.BLEND, 
                        aGUIPos      = aUniformColor.getOffsetPosition(xyOffset), 
                        aParameters  = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.BLENDING_MODE: sbsenum.BlendBlendingModeEnum.MULTIPLY, 
                                        sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OPACITY: 0.67}, 
                        aInheritance = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_SIZE: sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.PARENT}) 
    # - Output node 
    aOutputNode = aSubGraph.createOutputNode(aIdentifier = 'MyOutput', 
                        aGUIPos       = aBlendNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset), 
                        aOutputFormat = sbsenum.TextureFormatEnum.DEFAULT_FORMAT, 
                        aAttributes   = {sbsenum.AttributesEnum.Description: 'SubGraph Output'}, 
                        aUsages       = {sbsenum.UsageEnum.BASECOLOR: {sbsenum.UsageDataEnum.COMPONENTS:sbsenum.ComponentsEnum.RGBA}}) 
    # Connect the nodes 
    aSubGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode  = aInputNode, aRightNode = aBlendNode, 
                        aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.InputEnum.DESTINATION) 
    aSubGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode  = aUniformColor, aRightNode = aBlendNode, 
                        aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.InputEnum.SOURCE) 
    aSubGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode  = aBlendNode, aRightNode = aOutputNode, 
                        aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.InputEnum.INPUT_NODE_OUTPUT) 
    # Define some dynamic parameters, handled by the input parameters defined in SubGraph: 
    aDynFunction = aUniformColor.setDynamicParameter(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_COLOR) 
    aDynFunction.setToInputParam(aParentGraph = aSubGraph, aInputParamIdentifier = 'InputColor') 
    aDynFunction = aBlendNode.setDynamicParameter(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.BLENDING_MODE) 
    aDynFunction.setToInputParam(aParentGraph = aSubGraph, aInputParamIdentifier = 'Blending') 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # Create the function 'MyFunction' 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # - Definition of the function input parameter: BlurIntensity 
    aParamBlur = 'BlurIntensity' 
    aFunction.addInputParameter(aIdentifier = aParamBlur, 
                        aWidget = sbsenum.WidgetEnum.SLIDER_FLOAT1) 
    # - Function node Get_Float(BlurIntensity) 
    aNodeGet = aFunction.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.GET_FLOAT1, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.FunctionEnum.GET_FLOAT1: aParamBlur}, 
    # - Function node Pi (instance included in package sbs:// 
    aNodePi = aFunction.createFunctionInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, 
                        aPath = 'sbs://', 
                        aGUIPos = aNodeGet.getOffsetPosition(yOffset)) 
    # - Function node Mul 
    aNodeMult = aFunction.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.MUL, 
                        aGUIPos = aNodeGet.getOffsetPosition(xyOffset)) 
    # Connect the nodes 
    aFunction.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aNodeGet, aRightNode= aNodeMult, aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.A) 
    aFunction.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aNodePi, aRightNode = aNodeMult, aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.B) 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # Create the graph 'MyGraph' 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    # Create Input parameters for MyGraph 
    aParam = aGraph.addInputParameter(aIdentifier = aParamBlur, 
                        aWidget = sbsenum.WidgetEnum.SLIDER_FLOAT1, 
                        aLabel  = 'Blur Intensity') 
    # Create the content of MyGraph 
    # - FxMap Node 
    aFxMapNode = aGraph.createCompFilterNode(aFilter=sbsenum.FilterEnum.FXMAPS, 
                        aParameters={sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.COLOR_MODE: sbsenum.ColorModeEnum.GRAYSCALE, 
                                     sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.RANDOM_SEED: 5}, 
    #  - Creation of the FxMap graph: 
    aFxMapGraph = aFxMapNode.getFxMapGraph() 
    #   - First Quadrant node (root) 
    aQuadrant1 = aFxMapGraph.createFxMapNode(aFxMapNode = sbsenum.FxMapNodeEnum.QUADRANT) 
    #   - Second Quadrant node 
    aQuadrant2 = aFxMapGraph.createFxMapNode(aFxMapNode = sbsenum.FxMapNodeEnum.QUADRANT, 
                        aGUIPos = aQuadrant1.getOffsetPosition(yOffset)) 
    #   - Third Quadrant node 
    aQuadrant3 = aFxMapGraph.createFxMapNode(aFxMapNode = sbsenum.FxMapNodeEnum.QUADRANT, 
                        aGUIPos = aQuadrant2.getOffsetPosition(yOffset), 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.FX_PATTERN_TYPE: sbsenum.FX_PatternType.PYRAMID}) 
    #   - Define several functions for the third quadrant node 
    #    => Random luminosity (Float1 between 0 and 1) 
    aFuncLum = aQuadrant3.setDynamicParameter(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.FX_COLOR_LUM) 
    aFloatNode = aFuncLum.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT: 1}) 
    aRandNode = aFuncLum.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.RAND, 
                        aGUIPos = aFloatNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset)) 
    aFuncLum.connectNodes(aLeftNode=aFloatNode, aRightNode=aRandNode) 
    #    => Random pattern rotation (Float1 between 0 and 1) 
    aFuncRotation = aFuncLum.copy() 
    aQuadrant3.setParameterValue(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.FX_PATTERN_ROTATION, aFuncRotation) 
    #    => Random pattern offset (Float2 between -1 and 1) 
    aFuncOffset = aQuadrant3.setDynamicParameter(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.FX_PATTERN_OFFSET) 
    aRandNode = aFuncOffset.createFunctionInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument=sbsDoc, 
                        aPath   = 'sbs://[-1,1[') 
    aRandNode2 = aFuncOffset.createFunctionInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument=sbsDoc, 
                        aPath   = 'sbs://[-1,1[', 
                        aGUIPos = aRandNode.getOffsetPosition(yOffset)) 
    aVec2Node = aFuncOffset.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.VECTOR2, 
                        aGUIPos = aRandNode.getOffsetPosition(xyOffset)) 
    aFuncOffset.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aRandNode, aRightNode = aVec2Node, 
                        aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.COMPONENTS_IN) 
    aFuncOffset.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aRandNode2, aRightNode = aVec2Node, 
                        aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.COMPONENTS_LAST) 
    #    => Random pattern size (Float2 between 0.5 and 2) 
    aFuncSize = aQuadrant3.setDynamicParameter(sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.FX_PATTERN_SIZE) 
    aFloatNode1 = aFuncSize.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT: 0.5}) 
    aFloatNode2 = aFuncSize.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.FunctionEnum.CONST_FLOAT: 2}, 
                        aGUIPos = aFloatNode1.getOffsetPosition(yOffset)) 
    aRandNode = aFuncSize.createFunctionInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument=sbsDoc, 
                        aPath   = 'sbs://[A,B[', 
                        aGUIPos = aFloatNode1.getOffsetPosition(xyOffset)) 
    aVec2Node = aFuncSize.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.VECTOR2, 
                        aGUIPos = aRandNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset)) 
    aFuncSize.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aFloatNode1, aRightNode = aRandNode, aRightNodeInput = 'A') 
    aFuncSize.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aFloatNode2, aRightNode = aRandNode, aRightNodeInput = 'B') 
    aFuncSize.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aRandNode, aRightNode = aVec2Node, aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.COMPONENTS_IN) 
    aFuncSize.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aRandNode, aRightNode = aVec2Node, aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.COMPONENTS_LAST) 
    #   - Fourth and Fifth Quadrant nodes, copies of the third one 
    aQuadrant4 = aFxMapGraph.duplicateNode(aQuadrant3, aGUIOffset = yOffset) 
    aQuadrant5 = aFxMapGraph.duplicateNode(aQuadrant4, aGUIOffset = yOffset) 
    #   - Connections of the quadrant nodes 
    aFxMapGraph.connectNodes(aTopNode = aQuadrant1, aBottomNode = aQuadrant2) 
    aFxMapGraph.connectNodes(aTopNode = aQuadrant2, aBottomNode = aQuadrant3) 
    aFxMapGraph.connectNodes(aTopNode = aQuadrant3, aBottomNode = aQuadrant4) 
    aFxMapGraph.connectNodes(aTopNode = aQuadrant4, aBottomNode = aQuadrant5) 
    # - Gradient Filter with key values 
    gradientKeyValues = [sbslibrary.GradientKey(aPosition = 0,     aValue = [0,0,0,1]), 
                         sbslibrary.GradientKey(aPosition = 0.330, aValue = [1,1,1,1])] 
    aGradientNode = aGraph.createGradientMapNode(aGUIPos = aFxMapNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset), 
                                                 aKeyValues = gradientKeyValues, 
                                                 aParameters= {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.GRADIENT_ADDRESSING: sbsenum.GradientAddressingEnum.REPEAT}) 
    # - Instance of graph SubGraph created previously 
    aInstanceNode = aGraph.createCompInstanceNode(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, 
                        aGraph  = aSubGraph, 
                        aGUIPos = aGradientNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset)) 
    # - Instance of substance Blur_Hq included in the default package sbs:// 
    aBlurHQNode = aGraph.createCompInstanceNodeFromPath(aSBSDocument= sbsDoc, 
                        aPath       = 'sbs://', 
                        aGUIPos     = aInstanceNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset), 
                        aParameters = {'Intensity':2.8}) 
    #   - Definition of a dynamic parameter for the Blur_Hq Intensity parameter: 
    aBlurFunction = aBlurHQNode.setDynamicParameter(aParameter = 'Intensity') 
    aGetFloatNode = aBlurFunction.createFunctionNode(aFunction = sbsenum.FunctionEnum.GET_FLOAT1, 
                        aParameters = {sbsenum.FunctionEnum.GET_FLOAT1: aParamBlur}) 
    #   - Creation of an instance of function MyFunction defined previously: 
    aFctInstanceNode = aBlurFunction.createFunctionInstanceNode(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, 
                        aFunction = aFunction, 
                        aGUIPos   = aGetFloatNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset)) 
    #   - Connect the nodes 
    aBlurFunction.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aGetFloatNode, aRightNode = aFctInstanceNode) 
    # - SVG node 
    aSvgPath = sbsDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath('Bitmaps/SD_Icon_Color.svg' ) 
    aSVGNode = aGraph.createSvgNode(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, 
                        aResourcePath  = aSvgPath, 
                        aResourceGroup = aResourceGroup, 
                        aGUIPos        = aBlurHQNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset), 
                        aParameters    = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.COLOR_MODE:sbsenum.ColorModeEnum.COLOR, 
                        aInheritance   = {sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_SIZE:sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE, 
                        aCookedQuality = 0.5) 
    # - Output node 
    aOutputNode = aGraph.createOutputNode(aIdentifier = 'MainOutput', 
                        aGUIPos       = aSVGNode.getOffsetPosition(xOffset), 
                        aOutputFormat = sbsenum.TextureFormatEnum.DEFAULT_FORMAT, 
                        aAttributes   = {sbsenum.AttributesEnum.Description: 'Main Output'}, 
                        aMipmaps      = sbsenum.MipmapEnum.LEVELS_12, 
                        aUsages       = {sbsenum.UsageEnum.BASECOLOR: {sbsenum.UsageDataEnum.COMPONENTS:sbsenum.ComponentsEnum.RGBA}}) 
    # Connect the nodes 
    aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aFxMapNode,    aRightNode = aGradientNode) 
    aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aGradientNode, aRightNode = aInstanceNode, aRightNodeInput = 'MyInput') 
    aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aInstanceNode, aRightNode = aBlurHQNode) 
    aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aBlurHQNode,   aRightNode = aSVGNode) 
    aGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode = aSVGNode,      aRightNode = aOutputNode) 
    # Tweak parameters 
    aInstanceNode.setParameterValue('InputColor', [1, 0, 0, 1]) 
    aInstanceNode.setParameterValue('Blending', sbsenum.BlendBlendingModeEnum.OVERLAY) 
    # Set graph attributes and icon 
    aGraph.setAttribute(aAttributeIdentifier = sbsenum.AttributesEnum.Author, aAttributeValue = 'Substance Designer API') 
    aGraph.setIcon(aIconAbsPath = sbsDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath('Bitmaps/graphIcon.jpg')) 
    # Write the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc()"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoCreation] Failed to create the new package") 
    raise error
demos.demoCreationMDL(aContext, aDestFileAbsPath='')
Demonstrates the MDL graph creation using this API:
  • MDL Graph
  • MDL Nodes of any kind (constants, native mdl nodes, mdl graph instances, …)
  • Declaring the input of the graph
  • Setting parameters and annotations
  • Create resources dedicated to MDL graphs (light profile or bsdf measurement)
  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoCreationMDL:

if aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    startPos = [48,  48,  0] 
    xOffset  = [192,  0,  0] 
    yOffset  = [0,  192,  0] 
    xyOffset = [192, 96,  0] 
    # Create a new package and a MDL graph 
    sbsDoc = sbsgenerator.createSBSDocument(aContext, aDestFileAbsPath) 
    mdlGraph = sbsDoc.createMDLGraph(aGraphIdentifier='DemoMDLGraph', aCreateOutputNode=True) 
    # Create a new Substance graph, which will be used in the MDL graph 
    sbsGraph = sbsDoc.createGraph(aGraphIdentifier='SBSGraph') 
    aNode = sbsGraph.createCompFilterNode(aFilter=sbsenum.FilterEnum.UNIFORM, 
    aOutput = sbsGraph.createOutputNode(aIdentifier='Output', 
    sbsGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=aNode, aRightNode=aOutput) 
    # Create the microfacet ggx branch 
    inputRoughness = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeConst(aName='roughness', aConstTypePath='mdl::float', aExposed=True, 
    sbsInstance = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeSBSGraphInstance(aSBSDocument=sbsDoc, 
    mulNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::operator*(float,float)', 
    ggxNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf$1.5(float,float,color,float3,::df::scatter_mode,string)', 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=inputRoughness, aRightNode=mulNode, aRightNodeInput='x') 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=inputRoughness, aRightNode=mulNode, aRightNodeInput='y') 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=mulNode, aRightNode=ggxNode, aRightNodeInput='roughness_u') 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=mulNode, aRightNode=ggxNode, aRightNodeInput='roughness_v') 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=sbsInstance, aRightNode=ggxNode, aRightNodeInput='tint') 
    # Create a new light profile resource 
    aPath = sbsDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath('Bitmaps/Comet.IES') 
    aRes = sbsDoc.createLinkedResource(aResourcePath=aPath,aResourceTypeEnum=sbsenum.ResourceTypeEnum.LIGHT_PROFILE) 
    # Create a IES profile node that uses this resource and generate a 'material_emission' 
    iesNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::light_profile(string)', 
    iesNode.setParameterValue(aParameter='name', aParamValue=aRes.getPkgResourcePath()) 
    edfNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::df::measured_edf(light_profile,float,bool,float3x3,float3,string)', 
    matEmissionNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::material_emission(edf,color,intensity_mode)', 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=iesNode, aRightNode=edfNode) 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=edfNode, aRightNode=matEmissionNode) 
    # Handle the material_geometry 
    stateNormal = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::state::normal()', 
    inputNormal =  mdlGraph.createMDLNodeConst(aName='normal', aConstTypePath='mdl::float3', aExposed=True, 
    matGeometryNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::material_geometry(float3,float,float3)', 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=stateNormal, aRightNode=inputNormal) 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=inputNormal, aRightNode=matGeometryNode, aRightNodeInput='normal') 
    # Create the material_surface 
    matSurfaceNode = mdlGraph.createMDLNodeInstance(aPath='mdl::material_surface(bsdf,material_emission)', 
    matSurfaceNode.setPinVisibilityForParameter(aParameter='emission', aVisible=True) 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=ggxNode, aRightNode=matSurfaceNode) 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=matEmissionNode, aRightNode=matSurfaceNode) 
    # Get the output node 
    outputNode = mdlGraph.getGraphOutput() 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=matSurfaceNode, aRightNode=outputNode) 
    mdlGraph.connectNodes(aLeftNode=matGeometryNode, aRightNode=outputNode) 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    del sbsDoc"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoCreationMDL] Failed to modify package") 
    raise error
demos.demoExportWithDependencies(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFolderAbsPath='')

Export the given package into the given destination folder

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the package
  • aDestFolderAbsPath (str) – The absolute folder where to export the package


Here is the code of function demoExportWithDependencies:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFolderAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFolderAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse the document to export 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Create an exporter 
    aExporter = sbsexporter.SBSExporter() 
    # Export the package into an archived self-contained package, in the folder aDestFolderAbsPath 
    # The resources and dependencies of this package will be included in the archive, including the ones referred by the alias sbs:// 
    aResultingArchive = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, 
                                         aBuildArchive = True, aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])"=> Archive created at %s" % aResultingArchive) 
    # Same as before, without archiving the resulting folder 
    aResultingPath = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, 
                                      aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])"=> Substance exported with its dependencies at %s" % aResultingPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoExportWithDependencies] Failed to export the package") 
    raise error
demos.demoIteration(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Demonstrates the iteration creation of a single node and of a complete pattern.

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoIteration:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse the .sbs file and provide the object structure of the entire substance 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Duplicate 5 times a single node 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'DemoIterationSubGraph') 
    aGraph.createIterationOnNode(aNbIteration = 5, 
                                 aNodeUID = '1255032103') 
    # Duplicate 3 times the node (test the automatic detection of compatible inputs / outputs) 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'DemoIterationSubGraphDouble') 
    aGraph.createIterationOnNode(aNbIteration = 3, 
                                 aNodeUID = '1255523774') 
    # Duplicate 3 times the pattern of nodes (test the automatic detection of compatible inputs / outputs) 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier='DemoIterationPattern') 
                                    aNodeUIDs=['1255034408', '1255026224', '1255029181', '1255029884', 
                                                   '1255029987', '1255029994', '1255029049']) 
    # Duplicate 3 times the pattern of nodes, specifying way to connect two successive patterns 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'DemoIterationVerticalPattern') 
    aGraph.createIterationOnPattern(aNbIteration = 3, 
                                    aNodeUIDs = ['1262168894', '1262168896'], 
                                    aNodeUIDs_NextPattern = ['1262169024', '1262168960'], 
                                    aGUIOffset    = [0, 120]) 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath) 
    del sbsDoc"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoIteration] Failed to modify package") 
    raise error
demos.demoIterationFlame(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Demonstrates the iteration creation of a pattern inside a Function

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoIterationFlame:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse the .sbs file and provide the object structure of the entire substance 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Duplicate 63 times the pattern inside function RayMarch 
    aFunction = sbsDoc.getSBSFunction(aFunctionIdentifier= 'RayMarch') 
    createdNodes = aFunction.createIterationOnPattern(aNbIteration = 63, 
                        aGUIOffset            = [0, 200], 
                        aNodeUIDs             = ['1262101431', '1262101516'], 
                        aNodeUIDs_NextPattern = ['1262101533', '1262101527']) 
    # Connect the last created node with the end of the function 
    aEndNode = aFunction.getNode('1262095290') 
    aFunction.connectNodes(aLeftNode = createdNodes[-1], aRightNode = aEndNode, 
                           aRightNodeInput = sbsenum.FunctionInputEnum.SEQUENCE_IN) 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath)"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoIterationFlame] Failed to create the iterations") 
    raise error
demos.demoIterationPixProc(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Demonstrates the iteration inside a pixel processor.

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoIterationPixProc:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    # Parse the .sbs file and provide the object structure of the entire substance 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Get the graph 'TerrainMultiFractal' 
    aGraph = sbsDoc.getSBSGraph(aGraphIdentifier = 'TerrainMultiFractal') 
    # Get the pixel processor node where the iteration will be created, and its dynamic function 
    aPixProcNode = aGraph.getNode('1260898088') 
    aDynFct = aPixProcNode.getPixProcFunction() 
    # Duplicate 10 times the pattern, indicating the way to reconnect to the next pattern 
    createdNodes = aDynFct.createIterationOnPattern(aNbIteration = 10, 
                        aGUIOffset = [0, 200], 
                        aNodeUIDs = ['1263052178', '1263052114' ], 
                        aNodeUIDs_NextPattern = ['1263052279', '1263052278']) 
    # Connect the last node of the iteration to the end part of the pixel processor function 
    aDynFct.connectNodes(aLeftNode=createdNodes[-1], aRightNode='1257621570') 
    aDynFct.connectNodes(aLeftNode=createdNodes[-1], aRightNode='1257624564') 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath) 
    del sbsDoc"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoIteration] Failed to modify package") 
    raise error
demos.demoMassiveModification(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Demonstrates the massive modification of a Substance. In this sample, a substance containing 3 graph with lots of Input nodes will be modified so that all Graphs and Input nodes pixel format are set to 16 bits per channel, without inheritance from parent.

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoMassiveModification:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse the .sbs file and provide the object structure of the entire substance 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Parse all graphs 
    for aGraph in sbsDoc.getSBSGraphList(): 
        # Set pixel format and output size of the graph 
        aGraph.setBaseParameterValue(aParameter  = sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_FORMAT, 
                                     aParamValue = sbsenum.OutputFormatEnum.FORMAT_16BITS, 
                                     aRelativeTo = sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE) 
        aGraph.setBaseParameterValue(aParameter  = sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_SIZE, 
                                     aParamValue = [sbsenum.OutputSizeEnum.SIZE_1024,sbsenum.OutputSizeEnum.SIZE_1024], 
                                     aRelativeTo = sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE) 
        # Set pixel format for all input nodes 
        inputNodes = aGraph.getAllInputNodes() 
        for inputNode in inputNodes: 
            inputNode.setParameterValue(aParameter  = sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum.OUTPUT_FORMAT, 
                                        aParamValue = sbsenum.OutputFormatEnum.FORMAT_16BITS, 
                                        aRelativeTo = sbsenum.ParamInheritanceEnum.ABSOLUTE) 
    # Write back the document structure into the destination .sbs file 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath) 
    del sbsDoc"=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoMassiveModification] Failed to modify package") 
    raise error
demos.demoReadWriteSBS(aContext, aFileAbsPath='', aDestFileAbsPath='')

Allow to validate the deserialization and serialization of a .sbs without doing any modification on it.

  • aContext (context.Context) – Execution context
  • aFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the file
  • aDestFileAbsPath (str) – The absolute path of the resulting file. Can be the same as aFileAbsPath


Here is the code of function demoReadWriteSBS:

if aFileAbsPath == '' or aDestFileAbsPath == '': 
    log.error("Please provide the appropriate arguments: aFileAbsPath and aDestFileAbsPath") 
    return False 
    # Parse document 
    sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
    # Display its dependencies and resources"Dependencies: ") 
    for s in sbsDoc.getSBSDependencyList():"nResources: ") 
    for s in sbsDoc.getSBSResourceList(): 
    # Write the document 
    sbsDoc.writeDoc(aNewFileAbsPath = aDestFileAbsPath)"n=> Resulting substance saved at %s" % aDestFileAbsPath) 
    return True 
except BaseException as error: 
    log.error("!!! [demoHelloWorld] Failed to create the new package") 
    raise error

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