- Creative Cloud User Guide
- Introduction to Creative Cloud
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- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
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- Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
- Creative services
- Collaboration and storage services
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Projects
- Organize libraries
- Creative Cloud mobile apps
- Enterprise and teams
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Learn how to set this preference from your Content Credentials to indicate to supporting generative AI models that you don’t want your content to be trained on or used.
As generative AI becomes more popular, Adobe supports creators having control over how their content is used. We’re developing a standard to help you use Content Credentials to indicate that your content shouldn’t be used for AI training or creation.
Adobe Firefly, our family of generative AI models, is trained only on licensed content, including assets submitted to Adobe Stock. Not all generative AI models follow the same approach. Setting this preference lets you indicate that you don’t want your work used by generative AI, and models supporting this preference won’t train on or use your work. Applying this preference now will protect your content as more models add support for it. Currently, this preference is supported by Adobe Firefly and Spawning.
Setting your preference
Selecting this preference will let supporting products and systems know that you don't want them to train on your content or use it to create new content, such as with Style Reference or Structure Reference. The preference lives within each file it is applied to through Content Credentials.
We are working on growing adoption from industry-leading companies: this preference is currently supported by Adobe Firefly and will be supported by Spawning, an opt-out aggregator. We’ll let you know as more models sign on to respect your preferences.
Impact on Adobe Firefly and Stock workflows
Adobe is committed to protecting creators by respecting their generative AI training and usage preference indications. This means that if you apply this preference to your work, you won’t be able to upload it to Adobe Stock since Adobe Firefly is trained on Stock content.
Setting this preference prevents your work from being used in Adobe Firefly tools like Style Reference, Structure Reference, or Generate Similar. These tools use generative inference technology to influence outputs, even though they don’t train on your content. You might find these tools on the Firefly website or within Adobe products.