Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps while offline


The Creative Cloud desktop app provides a means to remove Creative Cloud app as explained at https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/uninstall-remove-app.html. However, when your machine is offline, you are not able to access Creative Cloud desktop app, and therefore, have no access to these features. 



  1. Open the Windows menu and select Settings.
  2. Select System and click the Apps and features option.
  3. In the list of installed applications that appears, select the application(s) to be removed and click "Uninstall".


  1. Locate the application's folder in the Applications folder.
  2. Double-click the alias for the uninstaller application located in this location and follow the onscreen instructions.

The uninstallers are also located in /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers.

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