In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Policies tab.
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Learn how a global administrator can set and modify policies for an organization and its children.
In the Global Admin Console, select an organization from the hierarchy, and navigate to the Policies tab to allow or disallow, or lock the policies.
Policies are associated with an organization and restrict operations that can be performed on that organization. When a policy value is set, it restricts or enables actions from that point forward. For example, if Claim Domains policy is set to not allowed, no additional domains can be claimed but any domains claimed before setting the policy value are not affected. To modify the policies of an organization, do the following:
Configure policies
Select the toggle for the relevant policy to allow or disallow it.
You can also lock a policy so no one except a global administrator of the organization selected in the organization picker or its parent organization can change or unlock it.
To lock a policy, select the Lock
icon. Hovering on the lock now displays the name of the selected organization. Learn more about policy locks.
Select Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.
Policy locks
When a policy is locked, its value cannot be changed until the policy is unlocked. The Global Admin Console remembers the selected organizataion in the organization picker as being the organization from which the policy was locked. Any global administrator of that selected organization or of any organization higher in the tree has the permission to unlock the policy. Global administrators whose scope is lower than that organization do not have the permission to unlock and change policy values.
To create a locked-down environment, set desired policy values on your child organizations and then lock them. global administrators of those child organizations will not be able to edit the policy values.
For example, if Elissa, the global administrator of Acme Division creates child orgs, Marketing and Engineering. Then, adds Robert as a global admin of Marketing and Sarah as global admin of Engineering. Next, she sets several policies to Not Allowed and locks them. Elissa can later unlock and change the policy values when she chooses Acme Division as the selected organization, but Robert and Sarah cannot unlock the policies on the organizations they are global admins of because the policies are locked by the organization Acme Division.
Policy details
Policy Category |
Policy Name |
Description |
Organization Management |
Create Child Orgs |
Allows global admin(s) to create child orgs. If off, no child orgs can be created. |
Rename Org |
If allowed, a global or system admin can rename the org. It also controls changing the country/region of the org. The pathname of an organization can also be changed independently of this policy setting if a parent organization is renamed, or the organization or an ancestor of the organization is reparented. Allows global admin(s) to delete child organizations. This becomes more important when organizations with Enterprise Storage are enabled due to the risk of deleting user assets. |
Delete Orgs |
Administrator Management |
Add or Delete Admins |
Allows global admin(s) to add new admins to an organization. If off, new admins cannot be added. |
Inherit System Admins from Parent when Child Org is Created |
When global admin(s) create new child organizations, systems admins of the parent become system admins of the new organization automatically. This policy is default off. |
Manage Admins |
Allows global admin(s) to change or remove/edit admin permissions. |
User Management |
Inherit Users from Directories Managed by the Parent Org |
This policy must be toggled on and active prior to creating the new child org. When a child organization is created, users in the parent organization are made available as users in the child org. In other words, this policy automatically sets up a trust relationship between the parent and the child when the new child is created within GAC. For existing orgs, any trust relationships prior to being added to GAC will remain once brought into GAC. If there were no trust relationships in place, the usual trust request process must be followed. For this policy to be successful, the global admin who creates the new organization must also be a system admin of the parent organization with the claimed domain. If not, the domain trust relationship will not be inherited into the newly created org. |
Add Adobe ID Users |
If set, the organization cannot add Adobe ID type users via the Admin Console, User Management API (UMAPI), or sync mechanism. |
Manage User Groups |
If allowed, Global, System, and user group admins can create, edit, and delete User Groups. |
Directory and Domain Enforcement |
Claim Domains Change Identity Configuration |
If set, system admins can claim domains on the Admin Console. |
If set, system admins can change the setup of user identity configuration on the Admin Console. |
Product Allocation |
Manage Products |
Allows global admin(s) to add or remove products and change product resource grants. |
Asset Sharing |
System or Storage admin can change asset sharing settings |
If allowed, storage and system admins can change asset sharing settings, including security contacts, password policy, and storage policy. If allowed, asset sharing settings are inherited from the parent when a child organization is created. Asset sharing settings include security contacts, password policy, and storage policy. This only applies to newly created orgs at the time of creation. It is set on a parent and affects the creation of child orgs under that parent. |
Inherit sharing policy from a parent when an organization is created |