Once you get access to Admin Console and your licenses are added, navigate to Users > Users.
- „Adobe“ įmonių ir komandų administravimo vadovas
- Įdiegimo planavimas
- Pagrindinės sąvokos
- Įdiegimo vadovai
- „Creative Cloud“ švietimo įstaigoms įdiegimas
- Diegimo pagrindinis puslapis
- K-12 priėmimo vedlys
- Paprasta sąranka
- Vartotojų sinchronizavimas
- „Roster Sync K-12“ (JAV)
- Pagrindinės licencijavimo sąvokos
- Diegimo parinktys
- Spartieji patarimai
- „Adobe“ programų patvirtinimas „Google Admin Console“
- „Adobe Express“ įjungimas „Google Classroom“
- Integravimas su „Canvas LMS“
- Integravimas su „Blackboard Learn“
- SSO konfigūravimas, skirtas rajono portalams ir LMS
- Vartotojų įtraukimas naudojantis „Roster Sync“
- „Kivuto“ DUK
- Tinkamumo gairės pagrindinėms ir antrinėms įstaigoms
- Organizacijos nustatymas
- Identiteto tipai | apžvalga
- Identiteto nustatymas | apžvalga
- Organizacijos nustatymas naudojant „Enterprise ID“
- „Azure AD“ federacijos ir sinchronizavimo nustatymas
- „Google Federation“ ir sinchronizavimo nustatymas
- Organizacijos nustatymas naudojant „Microsoft ADFS“
- Organizacijos nustatymas rajono portalams ir LMS
- Organizacijos nustatymas kartu su kitais identiteto teikėjais
- Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai apie SSO ir trikčių šalinimas
- Savo organizacijos sąrankos tvarkymas
- Vartotojų valdymas
- Apžvalga
- Administraciniai vaidmenys
- Vartotojų valdymo strategijos
- Licencijų priskyrimas komandų vartotojui
- Vartotojų tvarkymas programoje komandoms
- Vartotojų su atitinkančiais el. pašto domenais pridėjimas
- Vartotojo identiteto tipo keitimas
- Vartotojų grupių valdymas
- Katalogo vartotojų valdymas
- Kūrėjų valdymas
- Esamų vartotojų perkėlimas į „Adobe Admin Console“
- Vartotojų valdymo perkėlimas į „Adobe Admin Console“
- Apžvalga
- Produktų ir leidimų valdymas
- Produktų ir produktų profilių valdymas
- Produktų valdymas
- Produktų ir licencijų pirkimas
- Produktų profilių valdymas įmonių vartotojams
- Automatinio priskyrimo taisyklių valdymas
- Suteikite vartotojams teisę mokyti pritinkintus „Firefly“ modelius
- Produktų prašymų peržiūra
- Savitarnos politikos valdymas
- Programų integravimo valdymas
- Produkto leidimų valdymas „Admin Console“
- Produkto profilio paslaugų įjungimas / išjungimas
- Viena programa | „Creative Cloud“ įmonėms
- Pasirinktinės paslaugos
- Bendrinamo įrenginio licencijų valdymas
- Produktų ir produktų profilių valdymas
- Darbo pradžia su „Global Admin Console“
- Visuotinio administravimo priėmimas
- Organizacijos pasirinkimas
- Organizacijos hierarchijos tvarkymas
- Produktų profilių tvarkymas
- Administratorių tvarkymas
- Vartotojų grupių tvarkymas
- Organizacijos politikos naujinimas
- Politikos šablonų tvarkymas
- Produktų priskyrimas vaikų organizacijoms
- Laukiančių darbų atlikimas
- Įžvalgų naršymas
- Organizacijos struktūros eksportas arba importas
- Saugyklos ir išteklių valdymas
- Saugykla
- Išteklių perkėlimas
- Išteklių susigrąžinimas iš vartotojo
- Studentų išteklių perkėlimas | tik EDU
- Paslaugų valdymas
- „Adobe Stock“
- Tinkinti šriftai
- „Adobe Asset Link“
- „Adobe Acrobat Sign“
- „Creative Cloud“ įmonėms – nemokama narystė
- Programų ir naujinimų įdiegimas
- Apžvalga
- Paketų kūrimas
- Paketų tinkinimas
- Paketų įdiegimas
- Naujinimų valdymas
- „Adobe Update Server Setup Tool“ (AUSST)
- „Adobe Remote Update Manager“ (RUM)
- Trikčių šalinimas
- Jūsų komandų paskyros valdymas
- Atnaujinimai
- Sutarčių tvarkymas
- Ataskaitos ir žurnalai
- Gaukite pagalbos
This document is targeted at organizations with existing Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, and Acrobat licenses through an Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) or Value Incentive Plan (VIP) subscription that are migrating to a different Buying Program or license type.
If the license type of your organization changes, to continue working your end users will need to sign out of any Adobe product or service and then sign back in with the same credentials.
For desktop products such as Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, use the Sign out and Sign in options in the Help menu. On Adobe.com, use the icon in the upper-right corner to sign out and then sign back.
- For ETLA customers, please allow at least 30 days of product overlap.
To ensure continued access to Adobe apps and services, complete the migration prior to Anniversary date. For details on ETLA contract expiry, read this article. - For VIP customers, please purchase licenses prior to your Anniversary date, and assign licenses before the renewal window closes on your current VIP subscription term.
- CLP or TLP customers can migrate from serialized Acrobat or Creative Suite to named-user licenses by following migration instructions here.
Current VIP members that have purchased Creative Cloud for enterprise or Acrobat (for enterprise) through VIP may quickly assign licenses during their renewal window using Quick License Assignment. Eligible Quick License Assignment customers meet the following criteria:
- Products are the same
- The customer's renewal window is open (30 days before or after the VIP agreement anniversary date).
- The enterprise products on the order are new SKUs and are equivalent to the team versions of the products in the current term.
- The enterprise license order quantity is greater than or equal to the existing team license quantity.
- Products are higher value
- The customer's renewal window is open.
- The enterprise products on the order are new SKUs that are "higher value" products than the team products in the current term.
- The enterprise license order quantity is greater than or equal to the existing team license quantity.
- The customer's renewal window is open.
- Quick License Assignment will not be available when
- The quantity of enterprise licenses on the order is fewer than the number of existing team licenses.
- The order is placed for "higher value" enterprise products than the team products in place, but the quantity of ordered enterprise licenses is fewer than the quantity of existing team licenses.
- If the order is placed with mixed products—team and enterprise—regardless of the quantity.
- If the customer already purchased team and enterprise products prior to the renewal period.
- If enterprise renewal SKUs are used for the new enterprise order.
- If the enterprise product order is for a different VIP agreement number.
- If the current team products include products that do not have enterprise versions.
- The quantity of enterprise licenses on the order is fewer than the number of existing team licenses.
Once your organization’s enterprise purchase order has processed with Adobe, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions.
The email indicates the day you must transfer users from team licenses to enterprise licenses in the Admin Console before they lose access.
Within the Admin Console, you will be prompted to assign licenses using Quick License Assignment:
Confirm the number of licenses for assignment.
Confirm that the team product licenses that are being un-assigned match the enterprise licenses that are being assigned.
You will receive an email confirmation when it’s complete.
Download the results report within the Admin Console to validate all licenses were assigned.
Your end-users will not experience a lapse in product service if complete before the specified date within your confirmation email.
Next, schedule your 1:1 onboarding call with and Adobe Onboarding Specialist (if you haven’t already) to learn about everything the Admin Console has to offer, like Administrative Roles and Identity.
Quick License Assignment does not migrate users with pending invitations in the Team Admin Console.
Assign licenses to users via bulk operation using a CSV template you download from the Admin Console. This scenario is for:
- VIP customers that fall outside of the requirements for the Quick License Assignment
- VIP customers that need to assign licenses to users outside of their renewal window
in the upper-right corner of the Users page, and choose Edit User Details by CSV from the drop-down list.
In the Edit Users by CSV dialog box, click Download CSV template and choose Current user list.
For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see CSV File format.
Add license assignments to the downloaded CSV file. Then, drag the updated CSV file to the Edit Users by CSV dialog box and click Upload.
You will receive an email confirmation when it’s complete.
Download the results report within the Admin Console to validate all licenses were assigned.
Next, schedule your 1:1 onboarding call with and Adobe Onboarding Specialist (if you haven’t already) to learn about everything the Admin Console has to offer, like Administrative Roles and Identity.
If you currently have a VIP subscription and are migrating your users to ETLA, use the following bulk procedure to quickly migrate your users:
Log into the Admin Console and navigate to the organization to which your VIP users belong.
Navigate to Users > Users.
in the upper-right corner of the Users page, and choose Export users list to CSV.
Navigate to the ETLA organization to which you want to migrate your VIP users.
Navigate to Users > Users.
Click Add Users by CSV.
Click Download CSV template.
To the downloaded CSV file, add the VIP users from the CSV file that you downloaded in Step 3, above.
Upload the updated CSV file.
You will receive an email confirmation when your users are added to the ETLA organization.
Download the results report within the Console to validate all licenses were assigned.
Next, schedule your 1:1 onboarding call with and Adobe Onboarding Specialist (if you haven’t already) to learn about everything the Admin Console has to offer, like Administrative Roles and Identity.
For troubleshooting tips for bulk uploading to the Admin Console, see Troubleshoot bulk user upload.
If you currently have a ETLA subscription and are migrating your users to VIP, use the following bulk procedure to quickly migrate your users:
Log into the Admin Console and navigate to the organization to which your ETLA users belong.
Navigate to Users > Users.
in the upper-right corner of the Users page, and choose Export users list to CSV.
Navigate to the VIP organization to which you want to migrate your ETLA users.
Navigate to Users > Users.
Click Add Users by CSV.
Click Download CSV template.
To the downloaded CSV file, add ETLA VIP users from the CSV file that you downloaded in Step 3, above.
Upload the updated CSV file.
You will receive an email confirmation when your users are added to the VIP organization.
Download the results report within the Console to validate all licenses were assigned.
Next, schedule your 1:1 onboarding call with and Adobe Onboarding Specialist (if you haven’t already) to learn about everything the Admin Console has to offer, like Administrative Roles and Identity.
For troubleshooting tips for bulk uploading to the Admin Console, see Troubleshoot bulk user upload.