In the Admin Console, navigate to Settings > Privacy and Security > Authentication Settings.
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Adobe Admin Console supports several password protection levels and policies to ensure safety and security. You can specify to use a password protection level to apply to all users across your organization. Adobe Customer Care three levels of security.
Password protection levels
Password policies apply to all identity types supported on the Adobe admin console except the Federated ID type.
All accounts include a lockout mechanism. If the system detects a quick succession of multiple failed login attempts, the user account is temporarily unavailable to prevent brute force attacks.
To specify a password policy, do the following:
Choose a level of authentication for your users.
Clicking an option automatically selects and saves it.
Two-step verification
To strengthen the security in their Adobe accounts, your users can set up two-step verification. Once set up, your users require a verification code to sign in to their Adobe accounts before they enter their Adobe account passwords. This setup is done by each user in their Adobe account. Adobe users can normally turn two-step verification on and off on depending on their security preferences.
As an admin, you have the option to enforce two-step verification. This ensures that users then do not have the options to turn it off.
Adobe highly recommends that you, as the admin, enforce two-step verification in your organization, and don’t leave this as optional for your users.
Adobe recommends you to use 2-step verification for extra security. 2-step verification (or 2-factor authentication) is available for Enterprise ID and Adobe ID users only. Note: 2FA may take up to 24 hours to apply to all the users in your organization.
This method does not apply to Federated ID users. However, you can enforce 2-step verification for Federated ID users from your identity provider.
When you turn on two-step verification, the users in your organization will receive an email.
- After you've set up two-step verification, the first time a user signs in, Adobe requires the collection of their phone number. This ensures that the user can recover their account in case they've lost the password.
- Users who have already set up two-step verification, won’t be required to take any action, but will be prevented from un-enrolling from two-step verification, by this policy.
- Users who have not set up two-step verification, will be required to enroll in this service the next time they sign into their Adobe account. For details how your users must enroll for this service, see this article.
As a teams or enterprise admin, select the social login providers you want to allow for users in your organization. Existing Adobe ID users who log in with a disabled social provider will be forced to set a password on their next login. When disabled, we'll notify all your users via email.
Go to Admin Console Authentication settings and select the social options you want to allow for your users. Then Save.
If a user attempts to sign-in via a social login that you've disabled, we notify the user about its unavailability. We then prompt the user to create a password for their Adobe ID or Enterprise ID. Then, the user will sign in using these credentials.
This option is not available if you've set up Federated ID users. Federated ID users always use the configured single sign on provider.
To control how long your users remain authenticated in Adobe apps, use the following Advanced settings:
- Max session life: Users need to reauthenticate after the duration you specify. The session life is effective on all user sessions of Adobe apps across devices.
- Max idle time: Adobe will automatically sign out users who do not interact with the account for a period more than the idle time that you specify. The idle time affects the following Adobe Web Applications:
- Creative Cloud Web
- Adobe Express
- Adobe Stock
- Adobe Color
- Adobe Font
- Creative Cloud Assets
- Behance/Portofolio
If a user is a member of multiple organizations with advanced authentication policies, the most restrictive policies will apply to that user. For example, if one policy defines a Maximum session life as 12 days and another defines this setting as 9 days, the user is reauthenticated every 9 days.
We recommend that you do not set short session policies unless you require stricter security measures. Short session policies will require users to sign in more frequently. Leaving these policies at their default state is the right choice for most Adobe customers.