Sign in to Adobe Admin Console and click Settings. On the Identity page, click Create Directory.
- „Adobe“ įmonių ir komandų administravimo vadovas
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- „Roster Sync K-12“ (JAV)
- Pagrindinės licencijavimo sąvokos
- Diegimo parinktys
- Spartieji patarimai
- „Adobe“ programų patvirtinimas „Google Admin Console“
- „Adobe Express“ įjungimas „Google Classroom“
- Integravimas su „Canvas LMS“
- Integravimas su „Blackboard Learn“
- SSO konfigūravimas, skirtas rajono portalams ir LMS
- Vartotojų įtraukimas naudojantis „Roster Sync“
- „Kivuto“ DUK
- Tinkamumo gairės pagrindinėms ir antrinėms įstaigoms
- Organizacijos nustatymas
- Identiteto tipai | apžvalga
- Identiteto nustatymas | apžvalga
- Organizacijos nustatymas naudojant „Enterprise ID“
- „Azure AD“ federacijos ir sinchronizavimo nustatymas
- „Google Federation“ ir sinchronizavimo nustatymas
- Organizacijos nustatymas naudojant „Microsoft ADFS“
- Organizacijos nustatymas rajono portalams ir LMS
- Organizacijos nustatymas kartu su kitais identiteto teikėjais
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- Esamų vartotojų perkėlimas į „Adobe Admin Console“
- Vartotojų valdymo perkėlimas į „Adobe Admin Console“
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- Produkto leidimų valdymas „Admin Console“
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- Viena programa | „Creative Cloud“ įmonėms
- Pasirinktinės paslaugos
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- Produktų ir produktų profilių valdymas
- Darbo pradžia su „Global Admin Console“
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- Studentų išteklių perkėlimas | tik EDU
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- „Adobe Asset Link“
- „Adobe Acrobat Sign“
- „Creative Cloud“ įmonėms – nemokama narystė
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- „Adobe Update Server Setup Tool“ (AUSST)
- „Adobe Remote Update Manager“ (RUM)
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- Gaukite pagalbos
Authenticate your users quickly using Open ID Connect (OIDC). You can also add Microsoft Azure AD Sync (Azure Sync) to the directories set up with Microsoft Azure to automate user management.
- Azure AD as the identity provider (IdP).
- One or more of the following products: Creative Cloud for enterprise, Document Cloud for enterprise, or Experience Cloud.
- Domains associated with Azure AD are unclaimed in the Adobe Admin Console, or you can easily withdraw pending domain claims.
- If your identity provider is Azure AD and you do not have a federated directory in the Adobe Admin Console: you can set up federation using the following ways:
- OpenID Connect (OIDC): Create a federated directory in seconds via OIDC. The process to set up lies mostly within the Adobe Admin Console.
- SSO with Azure AD via SAML: Create a federated directory using Azure AD with SAML setup. The process to set up lies mostly within the Microsoft Azure Portal.
Create a directory
If you meet the criteria mentioned in the prerequisites section, it's time to set up the integration and get your users up and running with their entitlements.
Once the Azure portal is set up and ready, do the following:
On the Create a Directory screen, do the following and click Next.
- Enter a name for the directory
- Select the Federated ID card
Select Microsoft Azure Active Directory and then select Login to Azure AD.
You are redirected to Microsoft Account sign-in page. Enter admin credentials with the appropriate permissions and sign in. Review the permissions, then click Accept.
Return to Adobe Admin Console, review your Azure AD information and, click Next.
Set up auto-account creation.
Automatic account creation is enabled by default. It allows users without a federated account to automatically create one with their organization based on a verified email domain. When enabled for a federated directory, new users with a valid email domain in that directory will be able to create a federated account.
If you disable automatic account creation, new users in your organization who have valid accounts with domains of this identity provider will no longer be able to create a federated account automatically.
Select a default country from the dropdown menu in the Attribute mappings section. Learn more about attribute mappings.
You can also choose to update user information in Admin Console when users log in. Then, select Done.
Once you have linked your Adobe Admin Console directory with Azure AD, it's time to add domains. To pull verified domains directly from the Azure Portal, do the following:
In the Adobe Admin Console, navigate to Settings > Identity. Select a directory, go to the Domains tab and select Add domain.
Select an IdP (Microsoft Azure in this case). Then, select Login to Azure AD.
Sign in to the Azure account containing the verified domains to be added to the Admin Console.
Select one or more from the list of available domains and click Confirm.
On confirming, you're sent to the directory details view where the domains are listed under the Domains tab.
Next steps
After you’ve created a directory and added domains, you can start managing single sign-on operations by adding the user and user group assignments to corresponding product profiles.
If you administer user accounts in the Adobe Admin Console using Azure AD, you can add Azure Sync to the directory from the Sync tab in the directory details. Once configured, Azure AD becomes the direct source of truth for Federated ID users' account management, keeping user data in sync with the Adobe Admin Console.
Ensure that there are no domain trusts established to the domains being removed.
If you want to retain these trust relationships, break it temporarily while completing the remaining steps. You can associate domain trusts once the domains are re-established in the Adobe Admin Console. Learn more about directory trust.