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Add and remove cost centers


You can add and delete cost centers as well as edit their name and description. The number next to the cost center panel title indicates the number of currently active cost centers.

Determing the number of active cost centers

Add a new cost center

To add a new cost center:

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups > Cost centers.
  2. Select the Manage cost centers link.
  3. Select Create new center.
  4. Enter a description in the Live session field.
  5. Select the check mark.
  6. Select Done.

Note: To delete a cost center, highlight the cost center, choose the delete icon, and choose OK in the confirmation dialog.

Create a new cost center

Remove a cost center

To add a new cost center:

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups > Cost centers.
  2. Select the Manage cost centers link.
  3. Highlight a cost center.
  4. Select the trash icon.
  5. Choose OK in the confirmation dialog.
  6. Select Done.
Deleting a cost center

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