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Group basics


Adobe Connect provides a number of default groups for common roles such as administrators, hosts, event managers, and so on. Groups are essentially predefined roles associated with a set of predefined permissions. Admins can control what group members can do or access. For example, the predefined limited administrator group has permissions, but an admin can edit those at any time.  

Note the following:

  • Users may or may not be assigned to a group. Admins manage group membership as needed.
  • Groups may contain other groups (subgroups).
  • Each default group has pre-defined permissions.
  • Admins can add, edit, and remove custom groups at any time.
  • There are default groups, but admins can create custom groups.
Group management user interface

Default groups

Adobe Connect provides several default groups based on your license and product version, and each of these groups is associated with a different library and permissions. Groups are identified by their origin. For example:

  • System groups: The default Adobe Connect groups
  • Admin groups: Groups created by admins
  • Training groups: Groups created by training managers

The base set of groups includes those in the table below, but this list may change across releases.


Default system group for all Connect accounts.

Limited - Administrators

Default system group for all Connect accounts.


A legacy group for past product versions.

Concurrent Hosts

If the ‘Concurrent Users’ license is purchased.

Training Managers

If a ‘Training’ license is purchased.

Event Administrators

If one of a few different options that include Webinars is purchased.


If a ‘Training’ license is purchased.

Training Pro Pack Managers

If the ‘Training Pro Pack’ is purchased as an add-on.

Webinar Pro Pack Managers

If ‘Webinar Pro Pack’ is purchased as an add-on.

Shared License Administrators

If ‘Shared Room/Event’ License(s) is purchased.

Named Upgrade 500 Hosts

If ‘Named Upgrade 500 Host’ is purchased under the Named Base Plan.

Named Upgrade 1000 Hosts

If ‘Named Upgrade 1000 Host’ is purchased under the Named Base Plan.

Named Upgrade 1500 Hosts

If ‘Named Upgrade 1500 Host’ is purchased under the Named Base Plan.

Only one of the following will appear in an account when a specific Named Based Plan is purchased:

Group name

Associated Named-Based Plan

Standard Training Hosts

Standard Training Plan

Premium Training Hosts

Premium Training Plan

Enterprise and Education Training Hosts

Enterprise Training Plan or Education Training Plan

Standard Webinar Hosts

Standard Webinar Plan

Premium Webinar Hosts

Premium Webinar Plan

Enterprise and Education Webinar Hosts

Enterprise Webinar Plan or Education Webinar Plan

Create new groups

Create any number of new groups from the new group panel:

New group panel

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups > New group.
  2. Enter a name and optional description.
  3. If you want to add group members, choose Finish; otherwise, choose Next.
  4. If you want to add group members, choose Finish; otherwise, choose Next.
    1. If the group members are not visible, search for users or groups.
    2. Highlight group members to add. Press the shift key to select multiple groups.
    3. Select Add.
  5. Select Finish.
Adding new group members

Edit group name and description

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups.
  2. Search for the desired group.
  3. Highlight the group.
  4. Select Info.
  5. Edit the name and/or description.
  6. Select Finish.
Editing group details

Edit group membership

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups.
  2. Search for the desired group.
  3. Highlight the group.
  4. Select the pencil icon.
  5. If the group members are not visible, search for users or groups.
  6. Highlight group members to add. Press the shift key to select multiple groups.
  7. Select Add.

Note: To remove members, highlight member in the right panel and choose Remove.

Adding a group to another group

Delete a group

  1. Select Admin > Users and groups.
  2. Search for the desired group.
  3. Highlight one or more group.
  4. Select the Delete icon or Delete button.

Note: You cannot delete primary (system-wide) groups.

On the confirmation screen, choose:

  • Delete: Deleting a user or group disables related information in the database and removes the labels from the UI (the users and groups no longer appear in any list. However,  the data remains available for reporting purposes.
  • Delete and de-identify: “De-identify” anonymizes the user/group data so that it can no longer be associated with any of the original people. For example, names are replaced with “zzzz-<random alpha-numeric string>”. This feature is useful for data protection and GPDR.
Deleting a group

Roles and permissions in Adobe Connect

Permission to do just about anything in Adobe Connect is based on a user's role. Both individual users and groups can have multiple roles and belong to one or more other groups. To learn more about this complex topic, refer to the Adobe Connect User Guide.

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