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Cost center basics


By default, Adobe Connect does not track costs by user, group, or session type since no cost centers exist out of the box. However, Admins can create cost centers and then customize cost allocations across users, groups, and session types. Doing so allows tracking those costs via reports.

Note the following:

  • Cost center reporting is included in the system reports under the Reports tab in the top menu bar and is available to anyone with Connect Central access.
  • High-fidelity, full-duplex audio broadcasting within Adobe Connect doesn’t incur additional costs per attendee.
  • Your role determines what you can do with cost centers:
    • Admins can associate users and groups with cost centers manually in the Users and groups UI or during the bulk import process.
    • Limited administrators may be granted cost center management permissions.
    • Hosts can be granted cost center permissions so that when they are scheduling a meeting they may bill minutes to users, their cost center, or some other cost center.
Manage cost center link

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