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Add or edit audio provider details


Adding a new audio provider

  1. Select Admin > Audio providers.
  2. Select New provider.
  3. Enter a provider name.
  4. Set the provider status. You can enable the provider immediately. You can edit only enabled providers. Enabled providers appear to hosts when they set up an audio profile for an audio conference. You can enable multiple providers for an account. Note: Disabling a provider also disables all the current audio profiles set up for this provider and disassociates the audio profiles from the meetings.
  5. If there is an associated URL, enter it. This may be a link to an information page. Account administrators typically create these information pages. For example, the page could include:
    • Conference account details for hosts to use when setting up their audio profiles. 
    • A sign-up for for purchasing a conference account from an audio provider.
  6. Select Add number and enter a number. You can add multiple numbers and remove numbers
  7. Select Add step and enter the details. Repeat for each step and specify whether the steps should be displayed in the meeting. You can also remove and reorder the steps. For more information, see Defining a dialing sequence below.
  8. Select Test dial-in steps to test the process now.
  9. Select Save.

To remove a provider, highlight the provider and choose Delete. Some providers can only be deleted by the server admin.

Adding a new audio provider

Define a dialing sequence

The dialing sequence or dial-in steps are DTMF tones and pauses for dialing into an audio conference. On hosted accounts, the Adobe Connect server uses the dialing sequence to join the audio conference in the background when the host joins the conference in the meeting room. Some DTMF tones can be host-defined options, such as participant codes. You build a dialing sequence for a provider by placing these items in sequence in a table.

A well-defined dialing sequence can require small and frequent adjustments to the dial-in steps. One way to create the flow of steps is to dial into the audio conferencing service using a telephone and take notes. For example, dial in as a moderator and start the audio conference. Use a separate telephone to dial into the conference as a participant, and then write down the steps to enter the conference.

To define a dialing sequence, do the following:

  1. Go to the Dial-In Steps > New/Edit Audio Provider window
  2. Select Add step.
  3. In the Action column, select the information in the first row, and then select the Conference Number from the pop-up menu. The conference number must be the first step in the dialing sequence. Hosted accounts, where Adobe provides the server for the account, require a toll free U.S. telephone number to join an audio conference. On-premise or licensed accounts can use any number. Only one conference number is allowed.
  4. Enter the dial-in number for the meeting room and specify the remaining information for that step.
  5. If there are additional steps, select Add step. You can add the following:
    • DTMF: Buttons on a telephone keypad, such as the pound key (#).
    • Delay (ms): The delay in milliseconds between each action. These delays provide pauses before a meeting participant enters information. For example, users wait for a welcome announcement before entering a participant code. You specify the amount of delay in the Key/Number column.
  6. Select Save.

While editing the sequence, you can do the following:

  • To move a step up or down in the sequence, select the step and click the Up or Down arrows.
  • To delete a step, select it and select Remove.

Additional sequence field configuration

Admins can also customize the following optional fields for each sequence:

  • Label: An identifier for the action. For example, to program a DTMF action for a meeting ID, replace the word Label in the column with meeting ID. Only labels for Defined By Host actions appear in the program. In the meeting ID example, a text box labeled meeting ID appears when hosts create an audio profile for this provider.
  • Key/Number: Choose which steps a host has to define. Host-defined steps appear when a meeting host sets up an audio profile for an audio conference. Select one of the following:
    • Defined By Host: Account administrators choose this option when they want hosts to enter information while setting up an audio profile for an audio conference. For example, a host-defined DTMF action with the label “Meeting ID” requires the host to enter the meeting ID when setting up the audio profile.
    • (blank): The numbers or symbols on a telephone keypad required to complete the step. For example, to program a pause of 5000 milliseconds for users to wait for a welcome announcement, click the blank option and enter 5000.
  • Display In Meeting:  Available only when Defined By Host is selected in the Key/Number column. When true, the information for this action is displayed in the meeting invitation and in the upper-right corner of the meeting room window.
  • Input Type: Available only when Defined By Host is selected in the Key/Number column. The options define how information appears when hosts set up audio profiles. These options also determine how the information appears in read-only pages, such as the Audio Conference Information section in a meeting room.
    • Text: Displays a single-line text box in the audio profile, and a single line of information in read-only pages.
    • Password: Shows the information as asterisk characters (*). 

Test a dialing sequence

It is a good idea to test the dialing sequence before you use it to start an audio conference. Using this test, you can ensure that you have accounted for all the required steps and that the delays between steps are sufficient. If you have added any host-defined steps to the dialing sequence, be prepared to enter that information in the Test Dial-In Steps dialog box. For example, to have Adobe Connect dial into the audio conference as a participant, enter the participant code in the dialog box.

  1. Select Test Dial-In Steps at the bottom of the dialing sequence.
  2. Fill in the host-defined text boxes.
  3. Select Adobe Connect in the Test Dial-In Steps dialog box.
  4. When the call is answered, you can hear if audio is being broadcast.
  5. Listen to the audio, and then adjust the dialing sequence as necessary.

f the provided free phone numbers are not the type of numbers recommended above, the dial out fails.

Editing an audio provider

  1. Select Admin > Audio providers.
  2. Sort and find the provider list in the left panel.
  3. Highlight a provider. Provider details appear in the right panel.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Configure the details as described above.

More like this

Please refer to the Adobe Connect User Guide for details about host and participant actions that do not require admin privileges: 

  • Audio in meetings: Learn about VoIP, universal voice, telephony adapters, creating and managing user audio profiles, and managing audio conferences.
  • Recording: Learn about recording basics, managing recordings, and other recording features.
  • Video: Learn about supported layouts and aspect ratios, sharing video, managing cameras and speakers, changing the background, connecting to video telephony stream, and more.  


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