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Learn how to edit a recording of an Adobe Connect session.
Editing your Adobe Connect session recordings lets you improve and customize the content for your audience. This is useful if the recording contains sections of silence or unnecessary information you want to remove before making it available.
Edit a recording
Select either Meetings or Training tab and then select the session that includes the recording.
Select Recordings.
Select Edit Recording from the Actions dropdown menu.
Select Play recording.
Simply select the play button to search for places that require editing or drag the progress marker to a specific location.
Press the Tab key to navigate through all the buttons in the recording editor.
Controls to edit recording Controls to edit recording The link to your recording does not change after editing. Users given the link and rights to access the recording see the most recent version saved, including any edits.
Select Save edits when you have finished.
Important points while editing a recording
- To edit a meeting or virtual classroom recording in the Content library, you must have manage or higher permissions for the recording. You have these rights by default if you create a meeting or a virtual classroom.
- You can anonymize the recordings before starting the Chat pod, Attendees pod, Q&A pod, or Custom pod. In standard-view meeting rooms, you can also hide the names of the attendees to protect individuals' privacy.