- Introduction to Acrobat
- Workspace
- Creating PDFs
- Editing PDFs
- Scan and OCR
- Forms
- Combining files
- Sharing, reviews, and commenting
- Saving and exporting PDFs
- Security
- Electronic signatures
- Printing
- Accessibility, tags, and reflow
- Searching and indexing
- Multimedia and 3D models
- Print production tools (Acrobat Pro)
- Preflight (Acrobat Pro)
- Color management
Introduction to Acrobat
Welcome to the Acrobat User Guide! Choose a topic from the left to find answers, get step-by-step instructions, and develop your skills.
- Acrobat tutorialsBrowse the latest Adobe Acrobat tutorials, video tutorials, hands-on projects, and more. Ranging from beginner to advanced, these tutorials provide basics, new features, plus tips and techniques.
- What's new in AcrobatSummary of new features in Acrobat and links to resources offering more information about them.
- Create PDFs with AcrobatLearn how to create PDFs, convert Microsoft Office or HTML files to PDFs, or convert Clipboard content to PDF.
- Rotate, move, delete, and renumber PDF pagesLearn how to use Adobe Acrobat to rotate, move, delete, extract, or renumber pages in a PDF or split a PDF document into multiple documents.
- Edit text in PDFsLearn how to add or replace text, correct typos, change fonts and typeface, adjust alignment, and resize text in a PDF using Acrobat.
- Convert PDF to WordLearn how to easily convert PDFs to Word documents using Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat online services.
- Acrobat tutorials
Learn More
- Convert PDF to JPEG or JPEG 2000Convert PDF to JPEG or JPEG 2000Learn how to easily convert PDF to JPEG, JPEG 2000 image formats using Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Export images or selections from a PDFExport images or selections from a PDFLearn how to export or convert one or more PDFs to different file formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.Article
- Get to know AcrobatGet to know AcrobatWatch these video tutorials to use Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF business plan from multiple resources, edit and comment on it, and protect it with a password.Article
- Navigating PDF pagesNavigating PDF pagesNavigating PDF pages in Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, or browsers.Article
- Workspace basics | AcrobatWorkspace basics | AcrobatAn overview of the Adobe Acrobat user interface, tools, and other options.Article
- System Requirements | Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Acrobat StandardSystem Requirements | Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Acrobat StandardHardware and software (Windows and Mac) system requirements for Adobe Acrobat Pro, Standard, and older versions.Article
- Workspace basics | Acrobat 2017, Acrobat Classic (2015)Workspace basics | Acrobat 2017, Acrobat Classic (2015)An overview of the Adobe Acrobat user interface, tools, and other options.Article
- Workspace basics | AcrobatAn overview of the Adobe Acrobat user interface, tools, and other options.
- Workspace basics | Acrobat 2017, Acrobat Classic (2015)An overview of the Adobe Acrobat user interface, tools, and other options.
- Viewing PDFs and viewing preferencesFollow these steps to view PDFs in Read or Full Screen mode, set the Full Screen nav bar preference, read a document in Full Screen mode, change the PDF/A viewing mode, or display PDFs in Line Weights view in Adobe Acrobat.
- Navigating PDF pagesNavigating PDF pages in Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, or browsers.
- Adjusting PDF viewsAdjust page magnification of PDF documents using the Select & Zoom tools in Adobe Acrobat.
- Keyboard shortcutsList of keyboard shortcuts that you can use with Adobe Acrobat.
- Workspace basics | Acrobat
Learn More
- Connect your online storage accounts to access files in AcrobatConnect your online storage accounts to access files in AcrobatIntegrate your Dropbox, SharePoint, OneDrive, Box, and Google Drive accounts with Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.Article
- Use grids, guides, and measurements in PDFsUse grids, guides, and measurements in PDFsFollow these steps to use grids to accurately line up text and objects in a document. Guides help you to line up objects such as form fields. You can also use the measuring tool to measure distances and areas of objects in PDF documents.Article
- Flash Player | Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderFlash Player | Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat Reader and Acrobat no longer include or support Flash Player.Article
- Display PDF in browser | Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderDisplay PDF in browser | Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderFollow these steps to open a PDF in a web browser.Article
- Updating Acrobat and using Adobe Digital EditionsUpdating Acrobat and using Adobe Digital EditionsUpdating Acrobat and using Adobe Digital Editions.Article
- Opening PDFsOpening PDFsYou can open a PDF in many ways: from within the Adobe Acrobat application, from your email application, from your file system, or on a network from within a web browser.Article
- Asian, Cyrillic, and right-to-left text in PDFsAsian, Cyrillic, and right-to-left text in PDFsManaging Asian, Cyrillic, and right-to-left text in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Acrobat in macOS | Acrobat ProAcrobat in macOS | Acrobat ProGenerally, Adobe Acrobat Pro works the same for Windows and Mac OS. Some exceptions are noted throughout Help. In addition, be aware of the differences listed here.Article
- Access Box files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderAccess Box files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderIntegrate your Box accounts with Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.Article
- Access Dropbox files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderAccess Dropbox files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderIntegrate your Dropbox accounts with Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.Article
- Access OneDrive files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderAccess OneDrive files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderIntegrate your OneDrive accounts with Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.Article
- Access SharePoint files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderAccess SharePoint files in Acrobat, Acrobat ReaderIntegrate your SharePoint accounts with Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.Article
- Access Google Drive files in AcrobatAccess Google Drive files in AcrobatIntegrate your Google Drive accounts with Adobe Acrobat, and work with the files directly from within Acrobat.Article
- Enable thumbnail preview of PDFs in Windows ExplorerEnable thumbnail preview of PDFs in Windows ExplorerLearn what to do in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader to enable thumbnail preview of PDFs in Windows Explorer.Article
- Acrobat notificationsAcrobat notificationsLearn more about Acrobat notifications that alert you for any changes in the shared document for viewing, reviewing, or signing.Article
Creating PDFs
- Create PDFs with AcrobatLearn how to create PDFs, convert Microsoft Office or HTML files to PDFs, or convert Clipboard content to PDF.
- Create PDFs with PDFMaker (Windows)Follow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker to convert a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, or AutoCAD file, an email message, or a Word mail merge to PDF.
- Save a file as PDFInstead of a physical printer, you can select Adobe PDF in almost any Windows or Mac OS application. Using Print to PDF, you can create an electronic copy of your file that you can save to disk. Using the new Acrobat PDF printer that supports Windows Protected Print Mode (WPP) ensures you benefit from advanced security measures.
- Scan documents to PDFLearn to create a PDF file directly from a paper document using your scanner and Adobe Acrobat. Turn the scanned PDF into a smart, searchable PDF with selectable text.
- Overview of PDF creationYou can usually choose from several PDF creation methods in Adobe Acrobat, depending on the type of file you start with and your requirements for the PDF.
- Using the Adobe PDF printerFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to use the Print command with the Adobe PDF printer to convert your file to PDF.
- Create PDFs with Acrobat
Learn More
- Converting web pages to PDFConverting web pages to PDFFollow these steps to quickly convert a web page to PDF using the Adobe Create PDF browser plugin or Acrobat.Article
- PDF fontsPDF fontsFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to embed and substitute fonts in PDFs, and preview PDFs without local fonts.Article
- Creating PDFs with Acrobat Distiller Creating PDFs with Acrobat DistillerFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create PDFs. Customize conversion settings, security options, and font information.Article
- Adobe PDF conversion settingsAdobe PDF conversion settingsFollow these steps to choose an Adobe PDF preset for converting files or to customize Adobe Acrobat PDF settings and compatibility levels.Article
Editing PDFs
- Edit PDF using AcrobatLearn how to edit text, images, and objects in a PDF or scanned PDF. Also, learn what to do if a PDF is password protected or digitally signed.
- Edit text in PDFsLearn how to add or replace text, correct typos, change fonts and typeface, adjust alignment, and resize text in a PDF using Acrobat.
- Edit images or objects in a PDFLearn how to add, resize, move, or replace images and objects in a PDF using Acrobat.
- Rotate, move, delete, and renumber PDF pagesLearn how to use Adobe Acrobat to rotate, move, delete, extract, or renumber pages in a PDF or split a PDF document into multiple documents.
- Edit scanned PDFsLearn how to turn scanned documents into editable PDFs using Acrobat.
- Enhance scanned file or camera imageClean up document photos to remove backgrounds and adjust perspective in Adobe Acrobat.
- Edit PDF using Acrobat
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- Optimizing PDFsOptimizing PDFsFollow these steps to use PDF Optimizer to reduce the size of heavy PDF files in Adobe Acrobat. Audit the space used by the components in the PDF, and then apply optimization settings on the images, fonts, transparency, objects, and user data.Article
- PDF properties and metadataPDF properties and metadataIn Adobe Acrobat, follow these steps to view, create, edit, or add a description to document properties or to view object data and metadata.Article
- Links and attachments in PDFsLinks and attachments in PDFsFollow these steps to manage links and attachments in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat.Article
- PDF layersPDF layersFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to view, navigate, and print layered content in PDFs created from applications such as InDesign, AutoCAD, and Visio.Article
- Page thumbnails and bookmarks in PDFsPage thumbnails and bookmarks in PDFsFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to create thumbnails and bookmarks in PDFs.Article
- Use guided actions (Acrobat Pro)Use guided actions (Acrobat Pro)Follow these steps to use the Adobe Acrobat Pro Action Wizard to create actions, a series of commands with specific settings that you can run on a single document, several documents, or a collection of documents.Article
- PDFs converted to web pagesPDFs converted to web pagesGet information on web pages converted to PDFs: page's URL, title, date and time downloaded, and other information.Article
- Prepare PDFs for presentationPrepare PDFs for presentationSet up various preferences for Full Screen mode in Adobe Acrobat for PDFs for a presentation.Article
- PDF articlesPDF articlesAdobe Acrobat's article feature enables you to guide readers through material presented in multiple columns and across a series of pages.Article
- Geospatial PDFsGeospatial PDFsWhen geospatial data is imported into a PDF, Adobe Acrobat retains the geospatial coordinates. You can view and interact with the PDF to find and mark location data.Article
- Apply actions and scripts Apply actions and scriptsYou can cause an action to occur when a bookmark or link is clicked or when a page is viewed in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Change the default font for adding text and fallback font for editing PDFChange the default font for adding text and fallback font for editing PDFLearn how to change the default font for adding text and fallback font for editing PDF.Article
- Delete pages from a PDFDelete pages from a PDFLearn how to easily delete pages from a PDF using Adobe Acrobat.Article
Scan and OCR
- Scan documents to PDFLearn to create a PDF file directly from a paper document using your scanner and Adobe Acrobat. Turn the scanned PDF into a smart, searchable PDF with selectable text.
- Enhance scanned file or camera imageClean up document photos to remove backgrounds and adjust perspective in Adobe Acrobat.
- Edit scanned PDFsLearn how to turn scanned documents into editable PDFs using Acrobat.
- Troubleshoot scanner issues when scanning using AcrobatFixes for the common issues that occur when you scan from Adobe Acrobat.
- Scan documents to PDF
- PDF forms basicsYou can fill in forms using either Adobe Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader. You can create static or interactive forms in Acrobat.
- Create a form from scratch in AcrobatLearn how to create a form from scratch in Adobe Acrobat, and add required fields, options, text, and buttons.
- Create and distribute PDF formsFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to turn a scanned paper form or a simple form made in Microsoft Word, Excel, or another application into an intelligent PDF form. Distribute forms to recipients and track the status of replies.
- Fill in PDF formsFollow these steps to use Acrobat Reader or Acrobat to fill out interactive or non-interactive forms.
- Customize PDF form fieldsIn Adobe Acrobat, how a form field behaves is determined by settings in the Properties dialog box for that individual field. You can set properties that apply formatting, determine how the form field information relates to other form fields, impose limitations on what the user can enter in the form field, trigger custom scripts, and so on.
- Fill and sign PDF formsLearn how to easily fill, sign, and send forms using the Adobe Fill & Sign tool from your desktop, browser, or mobile app.
- PDF forms basics
Learn More
- Setting action buttons in PDF formsSetting action buttons in PDF formsFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to set action buttons in PDF forms to open a file, play a sound or movie clip, submit data to a web server, and much more.Article
- Publish interactive PDF web formsPublish interactive PDF web formsLearn how to use Acrobat to add interactive features to your PDF web forms - Submit button, Clear/Reset button, Import Data button, or CGI export values.Article
- PDF form field basicsPDF form field basicsFor each type of form field, follow these steps to set various options through the form field Properties dialog box in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- PDF barcode form fieldsPDF barcode form fieldsCreate, test, and edit barcode form fields in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Collect and manage PDF form dataCollect and manage PDF form dataFollow these steps to collect user data, export data from a response file, and manage form data files in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Track PDF formsTrack PDF formsUse Adobe Acrobat's Tracker to manage the forms that you have distributed or received. Tracker allows you to view and edit the location of the response file, track which recipients have responded, add more recipients, email all recipients, and view the responses for a form.Article
- PDF forms helpPDF forms helpLearn how to create, distribute, track, fill, and sign PDF forms using Acrobat.Article
- Share PDF web forms via email or an internal serverShare PDF web forms via email or an internal serverLearn how to send PDF forms to recipients using email or an internal server and track the status of replies.Article
Combining files
- Combine or merge files into single PDFFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to combine or merge Word, Excel, PowerPoint, audio, or video files, web pages, or existing PDFs. Combine files into a single PDF, insert a PDF into another PDF, insert a clipboard selection into a PDF, or place/insert a PDF as a link in another file.
- Rotate, move, delete, and renumber PDF pagesLearn how to use Adobe Acrobat to rotate, move, delete, extract, or renumber pages in a PDF or split a PDF document into multiple documents.
- Add headers, footers, and Bates numbering to PDFsFollow these steps to add headers, footers, and Bates numbering to PDFs using Acrobat. They can include a date, page numbers, title, author, or Bates stamping for legal docs.
- Crop PDF pagesFollow these steps to adjust the visible page area in a PDF page, crop a PDF page, remove a white margin, or undo cropping in Adobe Acrobat.
- Add watermarks to PDFsFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to add, replace, update, or remove watermarks in a PDF.
- Add backgrounds to PDFsBackgrounds can increase the appearance factor of your PDF document. Add background text or image to an entire document, selected pages of a document, or multiple documents in Adobe Acrobat.
- Combine or merge files into single PDF
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- Working with component files in a PDF PortfolioWorking with component files in a PDF PortfolioAdobe Acrobat allows you to sort and preview component files in a PDF Portfolio, as well as open, edit, and save component files in their native application.Article
- Publish and share PDF PortfoliosPublish and share PDF PortfoliosAdobe Acrobat allows you to share your PDF Portfolio by converting it into an SWF file. You can upload the SWF file to any web server and share the URL with others to view your PDF Portfolio.Article
- Overview of PDF PortfoliosOverview of PDF PortfoliosYou can create a PDF Portfolio consisting of files of various types such as text documents, emails, spreadsheets, CAD drawings, PowerPoint presentations. Adobe Acrobat allows you to easily create and edit PDF Portfolio. You can also view a portfolio in Details or Preview File mode.Article
- Create and customize PDF PortfoliosCreate and customize PDF PortfoliosCreating a PDF Portfolio is as simple as combining files. In Adobe Acrobat, you no longer need to have Flash Player installed on your system to create or view Portfolios.Article
Sharing, reviews, and commenting
- Share files online with Adobe AcrobatUse Adobe Acrobat to quickly share documents without emailing limitations.
- Mark up text with editsFollow these steps to use text edit comments in a PDF to indicate where text should be edited in the source file. Replace text, add a note, insert or delete text, and highlight, strikethrough, or underline text in Adobe Acrobat.
- Preparing for a PDF reviewEnable commenting for Adobe Reader users, choose a distribution option for reviews and specify a server, or select an email application for review.
- Starting a PDF reviewFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to send a PDF for review over a shared network location, SharePoint, or an email. All review comments are then merged and presented to you in a single PDF.
- Hosting shared reviews on SharePoint or Office 365 sitesLearn how to configure SharePoint 2013 or later and host shared reviews with Acrobat.
- Participating in a PDF review Learn how to participate in a PDF review using Adobe Acrobat.
- Share files online with Adobe Acrobat
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- Use annotation and drawing markup tools to add comments in PDFsUse annotation and drawing markup tools to add comments in PDFsUse the annotation and drawing markup tools, such as lines, arrows, boxes, and other shapes, to add comments to your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader. You can also customize the appearance of the commenting tools.Article
- Add a stamp to a PDFAdd a stamp to a PDFApply stamps to a PDF document in much the same way you apply a stamp on a paper document. Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to either use a series of predefined stamps or create your own stamp.Article
- Approval workflowsApproval workflowsIn Adobe Acrobat, send a PDF for approval by email and let participants approve the PDF by adding their digital identity stamps.Article
- Managing comments | view, reply, printManaging comments | view, reply, printThe Comments list in Adobe Acrobat provides an easy access to comments in your PDF document. You can sort, filter, or reply to a comment.Article
- Importing and exporting commentsImporting and exporting commentsFollow these steps to import comments from sources such as a PDF document, a Form Data Format (FDF) file, or an XML-based FDF (XFDF) file. Export all or selected comments to an FDF or XFDF file, a Word document, or an AutoCAD file.Article
- Tracking and managing PDF reviewsTracking and managing PDF reviewsUse Adobe Acrobat Tracker to manage document reviews and distributed forms.Article
- Adobe Acrobat for OutlookAdobe Acrobat for OutlookFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat for Outlook to send large files as public links through your email client.Article
Saving and exporting PDFs
- Saving PDFsFollow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat or Reader to save your changes to an Adobe PDF or PDF Portfolio in the original PDF or in a copy of the PDF. You can also save individual PDFs to other file formats, including text, XML, HTML, and Microsoft Word.
- Convert PDF to WordLearn how to easily convert PDFs to Word documents using Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat online services.
- Convert PDF to JPEG or JPEG 2000Learn how to easily convert PDF to JPEG, JPEG 2000 image formats using Adobe Acrobat.
- Export images or selections from a PDFLearn how to export or convert one or more PDFs to different file formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- File format options for PDF exportWhen you export PDFs to different file formats using the Adobe Acrobat Export PDF tool, each file format includes unique conversion settings.
- Reusing PDF contentAdobe Acrobat can help you reuse PDF content. You can convert selected content to other formats, select & copy text and images, export objects to separate PDF, or take a snapshot of a page.
- Saving PDFs
- Enhanced security setting for PDFsEnhanced security for PDFs in Adobe Acrobat lets you protect your computer against these threats by blocking or selectively permitting actions for trusted locations and files.
- Securing PDFs with passwordsFollow these steps to limit access to a PDF by setting passwords and by restricting certain features, such as printing and editing, in Adobe Acrobat.
- Manage Digital IDsLearn how to create, specify, register, delete, and protect digital IDs in PDFs in Adobe Acrobat.
- Securing PDFs with certificatesFollow these steps to secure a PDF using a certificate in Adobe Acrobat, specifying the recipients and defining the file access level for each recipient or group.
- Opening secured PDFs Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader warn you any time you try to open a URL (website) or a file attachment that uses a disallowed file type.
- Removing sensitive content from PDFsFollow these steps to use the Redact tools of Adobe Acrobat to remove sensitive images and text before you share your PDF. The Remove Hidden Information feature allows you to search and redact hidden content from the PDF.
- Enhanced security setting for PDFs
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- Setting up security policies for PDFsSetting up security policies for PDFsCreating policies for password and certificate security in Adobe Acrobat lets you reuse the same security settings for any number of PDFs.Article
- Choosing a security method for PDFsChoosing a security method for PDFsBy adding a security method to PDFs in Adobe Acrobat, you can limit viewing, editing, printing, and other options to only the specified users.Article
- Security warnings when a PDF opensSecurity warnings when a PDF opensSecurity warnings when a PDF opens in Adobe Acrobat — what does it mean and what to do.Article
- Securing PDFs with Adobe Experience Manager - Forms Server (Document Security)Securing PDFs with Adobe Experience Manager - Forms Server (Document Security)How to secure PDFs with Adobe Experience Manager - Forms Server (Document Security).Article
- Protected View feature for PDFs (Windows only)Protected View feature for PDFs (Windows only)Adobe strongly recommends that you use Acrobat in Protected View if you are concerned about security, or if you frequently interact with PDFs on the Internet.Article
- Overview of security in Acrobat and PDFsOverview of security in Acrobat and PDFsList of articles related to application security and content security in Adobe Acrobat and PDFsArticle
- JavaScripts in PDFs as a security riskJavaScripts in PDFs as a security riskAdobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader let you adjust application behavior so that JavaScript executes within your desired level of security.Article
- Attachments as security risks in Acrobat and Acrobat ReaderAttachments as security risks in Acrobat and Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader maintain a white list of file types that can be opened or saved, and a black list of file types that cannot. Learn more.Article
- Allow or block website links in PDFsAllow or block website links in PDFsFollow these steps to allow Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader to contact selected websites by adding their addresses (URLs) to your list of trusted websites.Article
Electronic signatures
- Sign PDF documentsFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to add a signature to a PDF file by typing, drawing, or inserting a signature file. Get PDFs signed by others using Adobe Sign.
- Capture your signature on mobile and use it everywhereTake a picture of your signature on your Acrobat Reader mobile app, then use it when signing across desktop, web, or mobile experiences with automatic synchronization.
- Request E-signaturesFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to get legal electronic signatures from others and send, track, and manage signed documents from anywhere using a browser or mobile device.
- Create a web form
- Request signatures in bulkFollow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to get legal electronic signatures from others in bulk.
- Collect online paymentsLearn how to use Adobe Acrobat collect payments feature to request an online payment when sending a document for e-signing.
- Sign PDF documents
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- Brand your accountBrand your accountLearn how to brand your emails and recipient experiences with your logo and customize the signing URL to reflect your domain.Article
- About certificate signatures in Adobe AcrobatAbout certificate signatures in Adobe AcrobatLearn about the electronic and digital signatures use cases in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Certificate-based signaturesCertificate-based signaturesFollow these steps to sign PDF files with certificate-based digital IDs. Adobe Acrobat helps you set up certificate-based signatures, use them to sign PDF files, and also validate PDF files you receive from others.Article
- Validating digital signaturesValidating digital signaturesFollow these steps to set up digital signature validation, certify a PDF, timestamp a document, ad validate or remove a digital signature in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Adobe Approved Trust ListAdobe Approved Trust ListLearn about what the Adobe Approved Trust List is and how it works in Acrobat.Article
- Manage trusted identitiesManage trusted identitiesFollow these steps to import or export a certificate and set certificate trust in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Basic PDF printing tasksFollow these steps to perform common printing tasks and troubleshoot common printing issues in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.
- Print Booklets and PDF PortfoliosFollow these steps to print booklets and PDFs in a PDF Portfolio with Adobe Acrobat.
- Advanced PDF print settingsAdvanced PDF print settings in Adobe Acrobat Pro for PostScript and non-PostScript printers – PostScript options, output options, halftone screen frequency, emulsion and image exposure, marks and bleeds, and color management options.
- Save a file as PDFInstead of a physical printer, you can select Adobe PDF in almost any Windows or Mac OS application. Using Print to PDF, you can create an electronic copy of your file that you can save to disk. Using the new Acrobat PDF printer that supports Windows Protected Print Mode (WPP) ensures you benefit from advanced security measures.
- Printing color PDFs (Acrobat Pro)Learn about printing color PDFs, including how colors overprint, managing color, composite printing, separations, and trapping information.
- Printing PDFs in custom sizesIn Adobe Acrobat you can print a large format document, such as a poster or banner, by splitting the page across multiple sheets of paper (called “tiling”).
- Basic PDF printing tasks
Accessibility, tags, and reflow
- Create and verify PDF accessibility (Acrobat Pro)Follow these steps to use Adobe Acrobat to create accessible PDFs, check the accessibility of an existing PDF, and fix accessibility issues in a PDF document.
- Accessibility features in PDFsAccessibility features in Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and PDF enable people with disabilities to use PDF documents, with or without screen readers, screen magnifiers, and braille printers.
- Reading Order tool for PDFs (Acrobat Pro)The Reading Order tool in Adobe Acrobat provides the easiest and quickest way to fix reading order and basic tagging problems.
- Reading PDFs with reflow and accessibility featuresAdobe Acrobat provides several preferences that help make the reading of PDFs more accessible for visually impaired and motion-impaired users.
- Edit document structure with the Content and Tags panels (Acrobat Pro)Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat Pro to view and edit tags, add alternate text to tags, create a new child tag, and add tags to comments.
- Creating accessible PDFsUse Adobe Acrobat to tag a PDF. Tagging a PDF file makes significant improvements to the accessibility of the document, providing a mechanism to indicate the reading order and improve navigation, add alternate text for graphics, and enable content reflow for large type display.
- Create and verify PDF accessibility (Acrobat Pro)
Searching and indexing
- Creating PDF indexesFollow these steps to create, manage, and revise an index, prepare a PDF for indexing, and add metadata to document properties in Adobe Acrobat.
- Searching in PDFsFollow these steps to access the search features of Adobe Acrobat and to find and replace text in a PDF, find text in multiple PDFs, review and save search results, and learn about search feature preferences.
- Creating PDF indexes
Multimedia and 3D models
Using multimedia and 3D models in PDFs
- Add audio, video, and interactive objects to PDFsFollow these steps to include audio, video, and interactive 3D objects in your PDF files. Add files directly to your PDF or link to files on the web.
- Adding 3D models to PDFs (Acrobat Pro)Use the Acrobat Pro > 3D tool to place a 3D file (in U3D 3rd Edition or PRC format) on a PDF page.
- Displaying 3D models in PDFsUse Adobe Acrobat or Reader to view and interact with 3D content embedded in PDFs.
- Interacting with 3D modelsInteracting with 3D models in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat.
- Measuring 3D objects in PDFsUse the Adobe Acrobat 3D Measurement Tool to measure 3D models. You can create measurements between combinations of points or edges of the 3D model.
- Setting 3D views in PDFsLearn how to create additional views of a 3D model in Adobe Acrobat that let you quickly navigate the 3D content as you want (such as top, bottom, left, right, inside, outside, exploded, or assembled).
- Add audio, video, and interactive objects to PDFs
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- Enable 3D content in PDFEnable 3D content in PDFEnable playing of 3D content in PDF using Adobe Acrobat or Reader.Article
- Adding multimedia to PDFsAdding multimedia to PDFsInclude audio, video, and interactive 3D objects in your Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Add files directly to your PDF or link to files on the web.Article
- Commenting on 3D designs in PDFsCommenting on 3D designs in PDFsYou can easily add comments to a 3D object by using the Adobe Acrobat 3D Comment Tool, annotations available in the Comments toolbar, or by converting 3D measurements into comments. The comments are associated with specific views that are defined when the comments are added.Article
- Playing video, audio, and multimedia formats in PDFsPlaying video, audio, and multimedia formats in PDFsFollow these steps to play video, audio, and multimedia formats in PDFs in Adobe Acrobat.Article
- Add comments to videos (Acrobat Pro)Add comments to videos (Acrobat Pro)Adobe Acrobat Pro allows you to easily add comments to individual frames of a video.Article
Print production tools (Acrobat Pro)
- Print production tools overview (Acrobat Pro)Use the Print Production tools to create high-end color output for the printed material.
- Printer marks and hairlines (Acrobat Pro)About printer marks and hairlines in PDFs, using Adobe Acrobat Pro.
- Preview output (Acrobat Pro)The Output Preview dialog box in Adobe Acrobat provides the tools and controls to help you simulate how your PDF looks in different conditions.
- Transparency flattening (Acrobat Pro)Flattening may be necessary when you print or when you save or export to other formats that don’t support transparency. Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat Pro to create or apply a flattener preset.
- Color conversion and ink management (Acrobat Pro)About color conversion and ink management of objects and images in PDFs using Adobe Acrobat Pro. Follow these steps to convert colors to a different color space.
- Trapping color (Acrobat Pro)Adobe Acrobat can automatically trap color documents with the Adobe In-RIP Trapping engine, which is available on Adobe PostScript output devices that support Adobe In-RIP Trapping.
- Print production tools overview (Acrobat Pro)
Preflight (Acrobat Pro)
- PDF/X-, PDF/A-, and PDF/E-compliant files (Acrobat Pro)Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to use the Standards wizard to create standards-compliant PDFs. You can create or convert existing PDFs to PDF/X, PDF/A, or PDF/E standards.
- Preflight profiles (Acrobat Pro)A preflight profile in Adobe Acrobat includes one or more checks, fixups, or both checks and fixups. Each check includes one or more property statements that validate the PDF content.
- Advanced preflight inspections (Acrobat Pro)Examine the internal structure of the PDF and its fonts for technical reasons for a preflight mismatch. Preflight includes three options for in-depth inspection of a PDF. Technically skilled users can use these tools to analyze the objects and fonts that caused a mismatch.
- Preflight reports (Acrobat Pro)Capture the results of a preflight inspection in Adobe Acrobat Pro in various types of reports - a text file, an XML file, or a single PDF file.
- Viewing preflight results, objects, and resources (Acrobat Pro)Viewing preflight results, objects, and resources in Adobe Acrobat Pro)
- Output intents in PDFs (Acrobat Pro)An output intent in Adobe Acrobat describes the final destination device you will use to reproduce the color in the PDF, such as the separations printing device.
- PDF/X-, PDF/A-, and PDF/E-compliant files (Acrobat Pro)
Learn More
- Correcting problem areas with the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)Correcting problem areas with the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)How to correct problem areas with the Preflight tool (Adobe Acrobat Pro)Article
- Automating document analysis with droplets or preflight actions (Acrobat Pro)Automating document analysis with droplets or preflight actions (Acrobat Pro)Automating document analysis with droplets or preflight actions (Adobe Acrobat Pro)Article
- Analyzing documents with the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)Analyzing documents with the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)To verify that your Adobe Acrobat PDF contains only the features, fonts, and formatting that you’ve specified, follow these steps to use the Preflight tool to inspect and, in certain cases, correct the document’s contents.Article
- Additional checks in the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)Additional checks in the Preflight tool (Acrobat Pro)The Preflight tool includes a collection of additional checks (called rules in previous versions of Adobe Acrobat) that you can add to a profile. These checks are available from the Custom Checks section of each profile.Article
- Preflight libraries (Acrobat Pro)Preflight libraries (Acrobat Pro)The preflight libraries in Adobe Acrobat are a customizable set of operations grouped in a single library.Article
- Preflight variables (Acrobat Pro)Preflight variables (Acrobat Pro)The preflight variables are self-contained data objects that can be used to run profiles, checks, and fixups without changing the profile itself at runtime.Article
Color management
- Keeping colors consistentAdobe color management helps you maintain the appearance of colors between Adobe applications. Learn how to synchronize color settings across Adobe applications by using Adobe Bridge CC.
- Color settingsLearn when should you configure your working space to RGB, CMYK or Grayscale color space in Adobe Acrobat. Also, the Color Conversion options to effectively control how your application handles the colors in a document as it moves from one color space to another.
- Color-managing documentsColor-managed documents in Adobe Acrobat provide greater control over the appearance of the final document. Using color profiles in a color-managed workflow allows you to soft-proof your documents directly on the monitor, which results in saving time and cost.
- Working with color profilesColor management requires ICC-compliant profiles to render the Adobe Acrobat PDF document correctly on the output device. You can use and customize color profiles for monitors, input devices, output devices, and documents.
- Understanding color managementColor management system allows you to create output based on ISO, SWOP, and Japan Color print production standards. Understand the concept of color models, know why color profiles are important, and how to set up your work environment in Adobe Acrobat without interfering with the colors and light.
- Keeping colors consistent