Make sure you’ve set the Target setting in the Publish Settings dialog box to AIR for Android.
- Animation basics in Animate
- How to use frames and keyframes in Animate
- Frame-by-frame animation in Animate
- How to work with classic tween animation in Animate
- Brush Tool
- Motion Guide
- Motion tween and ActionScript 3.0
- About Motion Tween Animation
- Motion tween animations
- Creating a Motion tween animation
- Using property keyframes
- Animate position with a tween
- How to edit motion tweens using Motion Editor
- Editing the motion path of a tween animation
- Manipulating motion tweens
- Adding custom eases
- Creating and applying Motion presets
- Setting up animation tween spans
- Working with Motion tweens saved as XML files
- Motion tweens vs Classic tweens
- Shape tweening
- Using Bone tool animation in Animate
- Work with character rigging in Animate
- How to use mask layers in Adobe Animate
- How to work with scenes in Animate
- How to create buttons with Animate
- Convert Animate projects to other document type formats
- Create and publish HTML5 Canvas documents in Animate
- Add interactivity with code snippets in Animate
- Creating custom HTML5 Components
- Using Components in HTML5 Canvas
- Creating custom Components: Examples
- Code Snippets for custom Components
- Best practices - Advertising with Animate
- Virtual Reality authoring and publishing
- Creating and managing Paint brushes
- Using Google fonts in HTML5 Canvas documents
- Using Creative Cloud Libraries and Adobe Animate
- Use the Stage and Tools panel for Animate
- Animate workflow and workspace
- Using web fonts in HTML5 Canvas documents
- Timelines and ActionScript
- Working with multiple timelines
- Set preferences
- Using Animate authoring panels
- Create timeline layers with Animate
- Export animations for mobile apps and game engines
- Moving and copying objects
- Templates
- Find and Replace in Animate
- Undo, redo, and the History panel
- Keyboard shortcuts
- How to use the timeline in Animate
- Creating HTML extensions
- Optimization options for Images and Animated GIFs
- Export settings for Images and GIFs
- Assets Panel in Animate
- Transforming and combining graphic objects in Animate
- Creating and working with symbol instances in Animate
- Image Trace
- How to use sound in Adobe Animate
- Exporting SVG files
- Create video files for use in Animate
- How to add a video in Animate
- Draw and create objects with Animate
- Reshape lines and shapes
- Strokes, fills, and gradients with Animate CC
- Working with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
- Color Panels in Animate CC
- Opening Flash CS6 files with Animate
- Work with classic text in Animate
- Placing artwork into Animate
- Imported bitmaps in Animate
- 3D graphics
- Working with symbols in Animate
- Draw lines & shapes with Adobe Animate
- Work with the libraries in Animate
- Exporting Sounds
- Selecting objects in Animate CC
- Working with Illustrator AI files in Animate
- Applying blend modes
- Arranging objects
- Automating tasks with the Commands menu
- Multilanguage text
- Using camera in Animate
- Graphic filters
- Sound and ActionScript
- Drawing preferences
- Drawing with the Pen tool
- Convert Animate projects to other document type formats
- Custom Platform Support
- Create and publish HTML5 Canvas documents in Animate
- Creating and publishing a WebGL document
- How to package applications for AIR for iOS
- Publishing AIR for Android applications
- Publishing for Adobe AIR for desktop
- ActionScript publish settings
- Best practices - Organizing ActionScript in an application
- How to use ActionScript with Animate
- Accessibility in the Animate workspace
- Writing and managing scripts
- Enabling Support for Custom Platforms
- Custom Platform Support Overview
- Working with Custom Platform Support Plug-in
- Debugging ActionScript 3.0
- Enabling Support for Custom Platforms
- How to export files from Animate CC
- OAM publishing
- Exporting SVG files
- Export graphics and videos with Animate
- Publishing AS3 documents
- Export animations for mobile apps and game engines
- Exporting Sounds
- Best practices - Tips for creating content for mobile devices
- Best practices - Video conventions
- Best practices - SWF application authoring guidelines
- Best practices - Structuring FLA files
- Best Practices to optimize FLA files for Animate
- ActionScript publish settings
- Specify publish settings for Animate
- Exporting projector files
- Export Images and Animated GIFs
- HTML publishing templates
- Working with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
- Quick share and publish your animations
- Adobe Animate User Guide
- Introduction to Animate
- Animation basics in Animate
- How to use frames and keyframes in Animate
- Frame-by-frame animation in Animate
- How to work with classic tween animation in Animate
- Brush Tool
- Motion Guide
- Motion tween and ActionScript 3.0
- About Motion Tween Animation
- Motion tween animations
- Creating a Motion tween animation
- Using property keyframes
- Animate position with a tween
- How to edit motion tweens using Motion Editor
- Editing the motion path of a tween animation
- Manipulating motion tweens
- Adding custom eases
- Creating and applying Motion presets
- Setting up animation tween spans
- Working with Motion tweens saved as XML files
- Motion tweens vs Classic tweens
- Shape tweening
- Using Bone tool animation in Animate
- Work with character rigging in Animate
- How to use mask layers in Adobe Animate
- How to work with scenes in Animate
- How to create buttons with Animate
- Convert Animate projects to other document type formats
- Create and publish HTML5 Canvas documents in Animate
- Add interactivity with code snippets in Animate
- Creating custom HTML5 Components
- Using Components in HTML5 Canvas
- Creating custom Components: Examples
- Code Snippets for custom Components
- Best practices - Advertising with Animate
- Virtual Reality authoring and publishing
Workspace and workflow
- Creating and managing Paint brushes
- Using Google fonts in HTML5 Canvas documents
- Using Creative Cloud Libraries and Adobe Animate
- Use the Stage and Tools panel for Animate
- Animate workflow and workspace
- Using web fonts in HTML5 Canvas documents
- Timelines and ActionScript
- Working with multiple timelines
- Set preferences
- Using Animate authoring panels
- Create timeline layers with Animate
- Export animations for mobile apps and game engines
- Moving and copying objects
- Templates
- Find and Replace in Animate
- Undo, redo, and the History panel
- Keyboard shortcuts
- How to use the timeline in Animate
- Creating HTML extensions
- Optimization options for Images and Animated GIFs
- Export settings for Images and GIFs
- Assets Panel in Animate
Multimedia and Video
- Transforming and combining graphic objects in Animate
- Creating and working with symbol instances in Animate
- Image Trace
- How to use sound in Adobe Animate
- Exporting SVG files
- Create video files for use in Animate
- How to add a video in Animate
- Draw and create objects with Animate
- Reshape lines and shapes
- Strokes, fills, and gradients with Animate CC
- Working with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
- Color Panels in Animate CC
- Opening Flash CS6 files with Animate
- Work with classic text in Animate
- Placing artwork into Animate
- Imported bitmaps in Animate
- 3D graphics
- Working with symbols in Animate
- Draw lines & shapes with Adobe Animate
- Work with the libraries in Animate
- Exporting Sounds
- Selecting objects in Animate CC
- Working with Illustrator AI files in Animate
- Applying blend modes
- Arranging objects
- Automating tasks with the Commands menu
- Multilanguage text
- Using camera in Animate
- Graphic filters
- Sound and ActionScript
- Drawing preferences
- Drawing with the Pen tool
Exporting and Publishing
- How to export files from Animate CC
- OAM publishing
- Exporting SVG files
- Export graphics and videos with Animate
- Publishing AS3 documents
- Export animations for mobile apps and game engines
- Exporting Sounds
- Best practices - Tips for creating content for mobile devices
- Best practices - Video conventions
- Best practices - SWF application authoring guidelines
- Best practices - Structuring FLA files
- Best Practices to optimize FLA files for Animate
- ActionScript publish settings
- Specify publish settings for Animate
- Exporting projector files
- Export Images and Animated GIFs
- HTML publishing templates
- Working with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
- Quick share and publish your animations
- Troubleshooting
Animate allows you to publish content for Adobe® AIR™ for Android.
This article describes configuring the AIR for Android publish settings in Animate. For complete information about developing Adobe AIR™ applications, see Building Adobe AIR Applications.
For information about hardware and software requirements for desktop and mobile AIR applications, see AIR system requirements.
For complete AIR developer documentation see the Adobe AIR Reference.
(AIR 3.7 only) Packaging applications with only captive runtime (Android)
With AIR 3.7, packaging of AIR applications for Android in any target will embed the AIR runtime. This would help in improving the user-experience as there would be no need to download the AIR runtime separately. A side-effect would however be that there would be an increase in app size of around 9MB.
Animate displays warnings if an AIR for Android application was packaged using the Shared Runtime option.
Create an Adobe AIR for Android file
You can create Adobe AIR for Android documents in Animate using the File > New command. You can also create an ActionScript® 3.0 FLA file and convert it to an AIR for Android file through the Publish Settings dialog box.
To create an AIR for Android file, do one of the following:
Choose AIR for Android from the Welcome screen or the New Document dialog box (File > New).
Open an existing FLA file and convert it to an AIR for Android file. Select AIR for Android from the Target menu in the Publish Settings dialog box (File > Publish Settings).
Preview or publish an AIR for Android application
You can preview a Animate AIR for Android SWF file as it would appear in the AIR application window. Previewing is useful when you want to see what the visible aspects of the application look like without packaging and installing the application.
Select Control > Test Movie > Test or press Control+Enter.
If you have not set application settings through the Application & Installer Settings dialog box, Animate enerates a default application descriptor file (swfname-app.xml) for you. Animate creates the file in the same folder where the SWF file is written. If you have set application settings using the Application & Installer Settings dialog box, the application descriptor file reflects those settings.
To publish an AIR for Android file, do one of the following:
Click the Publish button in the Publish Settings dialog box.
Click the Publish button in the AIR for Android Settings dialog box.
Choose File > Publish.
Choose File >Publish Preview.
When you Publish an AIR file, Animate creates a SWF file and XML application descriptor file. Then Animate packages copies of both, along with any other files you have added to your application, into an AIR installer file (swfname.apk).
Creating AIR for Android applications
After you’ve finished developing your application, specify the settings for the AIR for Android application descriptor and installer files required to deploy it. Animate creates the descriptor and installer files along with the SWF file when you publish an AIR for Android file.
You specify the settings for these files in the AIR for Android - Application & Installer Settings dialog box. Once you have created an AIR for Android file, this dialog box can be opened from the document Property inspector. You can also access it from the Player menu Settings button in the Animate tab of the Publish Settings dialog box.
Create the Adobe AIR application file
In Animate, open the FLA file or set of files that make up your Adobe AIR application.
Save the AIR for Android FLA file before you open the AIR Application & Installer Settings dialog box.
Select File > AIR for Android Settings.
Complete the AIR for Android Application & Installer Settings dialog box, and then click Publish.
When you click the Publish button, the following files are packaged:
The SWF file
The application descriptor file
The application icon files
The files listed in the Included Files text box
Publishing an AIR for Android application fails if the file name specified for the FLA or the SWF contain double-byte characters.
The AIR for Android Application and Installer Settings dialog box is divided into four tabs: General, Deployment, Icons, and Permissions.
General settings
The General tab of the AIR for Android Application and Installer Settings dialog box contains the following options:
Output file
The name and location of the AIR file to create when using the Publish command. The output filename extension is APK.
App Name
The name used by the AIR application installer to generate the application filename and the application folder. The name must contain only valid characters for filenames or folder names. Defaults to the name of the SWF file.
App ID
Identifies your application with a unique ID. You can change the default ID if you prefer. Do not use spaces or special characters in the ID. The only valid characters are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and . (dot), from 1 to 212 characters in length. Defaults to com.adobe.example.applicationName.
Optional. Specifies a version number for your application. Defaults to 1.0.
Version label
Optional. A string to describe the version.
Aspect Ratio
Allows you to select Portrait, Landscape, or Auto orientation for the application. When Auto is selected along with Auto orientation, the application launches on the device depending on its current orientation.
Full Screen
Sets the application to run in full screen mode. This setting is deselected by default.
Auto orientation
Allows the application to switch from portrait to landscape mode, depending on the current orientation of the device. This setting is deselected by default.
Render mode
Allows you to specify which method the AIR runtime uses to render graphic content. The options include:
- Auto - automatically detect and use the fastest rendering method available on the host device.
- CPU - Use the CPU.
- GPU - Use the GPU. If no GPU is available, the CPU is used.
- Direct - Render using Stage3D. This is the fastest available rendering method.
For a list of processors that do not support Direct mode, see Stage3D unsupported chipsets, drivers | Flash Player 11, AIR 3.
Processor: Allows you to select the processor type of the devices that you are publishing the application for. The supported processor types are ARM and Intel x86. Support for x86 processors is available since the Animate 2014.1 release.
Included Files
Specifies which additional files and folders to include in your application package. Click the Plus (+) button to add files, and the folder button to add folders. To delete a file or folder from your list, select the file or folder and click the Minus (-) button.
By default, the application descriptor file and the main SWF file are automatically added to the package list. The package list shows these files even if you have not yet published the Adobe AIR FLA file. The package list displays the files and folders in a flat structure. Files in a folder are not listed, and full paths to files are shown but are truncated if necessary.
If you have added any AIR native extension files to the ActionScript library path, those files will appear in this list as well.
Icon files are not included in the list. When Animate packages the files, it copies the icon files to a temporary folder that is relative to the location of the SWF file. Animate deletes the folder after packaging is complete.
Deployment settings
The Deployment tab of the AIR for Android Application and Installer Settings dialog box lets you specify the following settings.
The digital certificate for the application. You can browse to a certificate or create a new one. Note certificates for Android applications must have a validity period set to at least 25 years.
The password for the selected digital certificate.
Deployment type
Specifies which type of package to create.
- The Device Release setting allows you to create packages for the marketplace or any other distribution medium such as a website.
- The Emulator Release setting allows you to create packages for debugging in the Mobile Device Simulator.
- The Debug setting allows you to do on-device debugging, including setting breakpoints in Animate and remote debugging the application running on the Android device. You can also choose which netwirk interface and IP address to use for debugging sessions.
AIR runtime
Specifies how the application should behave on devices that do not already have the AIR runtime installed.
- Embed AIR runtime with application adds the runtime to the application installer package so that no additional download will be required. This increases the size of your application package significantly.
- Get AIR runtime from makes the installer to download the runtime from Google Playstore or Amazon Appstore.
After publish
Allows you to specify whether to install the application on a currently connected Android device, and whether to immediately launch the application after the installation.
Icons settings
The Icons tab of the AIR for Android Application And Installer Settings dialog box lets you specify an icon for the Android application. The icon is shown after you install the application and run it in the AIR for Android runtime. You can specify different sizes for the icon for different views in which the icon appears. The icons you choose for Android do not have to strictly adhere to these sizes.
To specify an icon, click an icon size in the Icons tab and then navigate to the file you want to use for that size. The files must be in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format.
If you do not supply an image for a particular icon size, Adobe AIR scales one of the supplied images to create the missing icon image.
Permissions settings
The Permissions tab allows you to specify which services and data the application has access to on the device.
To apply a permission, select its checkbox.
To see a description of a permission, click the permission name. The description appears below the permission list.
To manually manage permissions instead of using the dialog box, select “Manually manage permissions and manifest additions in the application descriptor file”.
Languages settings
The Languages pane alllows you to select the languages that you want your application to be associated with in the application store or marketplace. By selecting a language, you enable users of the Android operating system in that language to download your application. Note that these language settings do not do anything else to localize your application user interface.
If no languages are selected, the application is published with all languages supported. This prevents you from needing to select every language. The languages listed are those supported by Adobe AIR. Android may support additional languages.
Air for android supports three new languages: Danish, Hebrew, and Norwegian.