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- Selitev obstoječih uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
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- Adobe Stock
- Pisave po meri
- Adobe Asset Link
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- Creative Cloud za podjetja – brezplačno članstvo
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Quick help for users of Adobe Stock |
Adobe Stock for enterprise lets you find the perfect assets while meeting critical licensing requirements. For example, an ad agency may want their designers to create projects using previews for assets, and authorize only Creative Directors to purchase the Adobe Stock assets after necessary approval. The Adobe Admin Console provides a central location for managing Adobe entitlements across the organization and lets the system and the product administrators easily configure the different levels of access for each user.
This workflow requires Adobe Stock for enterprise and Creative Cloud for enterprise.
Configure the Admin Console
If you are a Creative Cloud for enterprise administrator, follow the steps below to configure the Admin Console to allow only Art Buyers to license Adobe Stock assets:
Assign a product profile for Adobe Stock with a quota of 0 in the Admin Console to disable the members from licensing Adobe Stock assets. This profile allows them to identify and download already licensed assets, and download previews of new assets.
The following error message appears if the members attempt to license assets:
Configure Art Buyers with an Adobe Stock product profile with available credits.
For details on how to configure the Admin Console, see Adobe Stock for enterprise.
Designer workflow
If you are a designer, follow the steps below to learn how to use Adobe Stock assets for creating a project using any Creative Cloud application.
The following example demonstrates a project created in Adobe Photoshop. However, the same workflow is applicable for other Creative Cloud applications that support Adobe Stock.
Choose Window > Libraries.
Choose Adobe Stock from the drop-down list in the Libraries panel. To search for Adobe Stock assets, enter a keyword in the search box.
Click the Download button (
) to add an asset preview to the selected library.
Drag-and-drop the asset from the library to the composition.
Opomba:In most instances, previews are watermarked. However, some Adobe Stock for enterprise profiles may have access to optional unwatermarked high-resolution comps.
After creating the project, select all layers, click the Add Content button (
) and select Graphic on the lower-left corner of the Libraries panel. The document is added as a single PSD file to your library.
Opomba:You must keep the Adobe Stock asset preview in your library.
Click the
button and choose Collaborate in the Libraries panel.
Enter the email ID of the Art Buyer to license the assets and an optional message in the browser window.
An email and a desktop notification (if Creative Cloud is running) are sent. The Art Buyer, authorized to license Adobe Stock assets, is required to accept the invitation by clicking Accept in the email or the Creative Cloud application.
Send an invite to the Art Buyer. Send an invite to the Art Buyer.
Art Buyer workflow
If you are an Art Buyer, authorized to license Adobe Stock assets by the system administrator, follow the steps below:
Click Accept in the email or the Creative Cloud application to accept the invitation sent by the designer. You can now view the designer's library using the Libraries panel.
After accepting the invitation, you can view the designer's library using the Libraries panel.
Example: Click Accept in the Creative Cloud application Example: Click Accept in the Creative Cloud application -
Double-click the document in the library to open it.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the thumbnails of Adobe Stock assets in the Libraries panel and choose License from the context menu.
An alert message to license each Adobe Stock asset appears. Click OK.
After licensing, the asset previews are automatically replaced by HD, non-watermarked files. Also, the Licensed badge appears on the thumbnails of licensed assets in the Libraries panel.
Do one of the following:
- Select all layers, click the Add Content button (
), and select Graphic in the lower-left corner of the Libraries panel to add the final document to the library. The designer can now open the document with HD, non-watermarked licensed image.
Tip: Rename the new file (for example, Licenses purchased) and delete the previous files to avoid confusion between the two versions, when the project is opened using the Libraries panel.
- If you don't add the final document to the library, (
) icon appears on the Adobe Stock asset layer in the Layers panel when the designer opens the document. The designer can perform any one of the following steps:
- Right-click the Adobe Stock asset layer and choose Relink To Graphic Library from the context menu. Then, select the corresponding asset with the licensed badge using the Libraries panel and click Relink.
- Right-click the Adobe Stock asset layer and choose Update Modified Content from the context menu.
The watermarked image is automatically replaced with the HD, non-watermarked file in the designer's document.
- Select all layers, click the Add Content button (
Share the file
Share your project with high-resolution and non-watermarked Adobe Stock assets with any member of your organization.