Navodila za uporabo Prekliči

Manage product requests

  1. Adobe za podjetja in skupine: vodnik za skrbništvo
  2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
    1. Osnovni pojmi
      1. Licenciranje
      2. Identiteta
      3. Upravljanje uporabnikov
      4. Uvedba programov
      5. Pregled konzole Admin Console
      6. Skrbniške vloge
    2. Vodniki za uvedbo
      1. Vodnik za uvedbo imenovanih uporabnikov
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo licenciranja naprave v skupni rabi
      3. Uvedba programa Adobe Acrobat 
    3. Uvedba storitve Creative Cloud za izobraževalne ustanove
      1. Začetna stran za uvajanje
      2. Čarovnik za uvajanja za osnovno- in srednješolsko izobraževanje
      3. Preprosta nastavitev
      4. Sinhronizacija uporabnikov
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (ZDA)
      6. Najpomembnejši pojmi glede licenciranja
      7. Možnosti uvajanja
      8. Hitri nasveti
      9. Odobritev programov Adobe v storitvi Admin Console v Googlu
      10. Omogočanje programa Adobe Express v Učilnici Google
      11. Integracija s storitvijo Canvas LMS
      12. Integracija s storitvijo Blackboard Learn
      13. Konfiguriranje enkratne prijave za okrožne portale in storitve LMS
      14. Dodajanje uporabnikov s storitvijo Roster Sync
      15. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Kivuto
      16. Smernice za upravičenost glavnih in pomožnih ustanov
  3. Nastavitev organizacije
    1. Vrste identitet | Pregled
    2. Nastavitev identitete | Pregled
    3. Nastavitev organizacije z Enterprise ID-jem
    4. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije storitve Azure AD
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z Microsoftom prek storitve Azure OIDC
      2. Dodajanje storitve Azure Sync v imenik
      3. Sinhronizacija vlog za izobraževanje
      4. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Azure Connector
    5. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije Google
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z združevanjem Google
      2. Dodajanje sinhronizacije Google v imenik
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o združevanju Google
    6. Nastavitev organizacije s storitvijo Microsoft ADFS
    7. Nastavitev organizacije za okrožne portale in LMS
    8. Nastavitev organizacije z drugimi ponudniki identitet
      1. Ustvarjanje imenika
      2. Preverjanje lastništva domene
      3. Dodajanje domen v imenike
    9. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi in odpravljanju težav
      1. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi
      2. Odpravljanje težav pri enkratni prijavi
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o izobraževanju
  4. Upravljanje nastavitve organizacije
    1. Upravljanje obstoječih domen in imenikov
    2. Omogočanje samodejnega ustvarjanja računa
    3. Nastavitev organizacije prek zaupanja imenika
    4. Selitev na novega ponudnika preverjanja pristnosti 
    5. Nastavitve sredstev
    6. Nastavitve preverjanja pristnosti
    7. Stiki za zasebnost in varnost
    8. Nastavitve konzole
    9. Upravljanje šifriranja  
  5. Upravljanje uporabnikov
    1. Pregled
    2. Skrbniške vloge
    3. Strategije upravljanja uporabnikov
      1. Upravljanje posameznih uporabnikov   
      2. Upravljanje več uporabnikov (skupinska datoteka CSV)
      3. Orodje za sinhronizacijo uporabnikov
      4. Sinhronizacija Microsoft Azure
      5. Sinhronizacija združevanja Google
    4. Dodelitev licenc uporabniku računa za skupine
    5. Dodajanje uporabnikov z ustreznimi e-poštnimi domenami
    6. Sprememba vrste identitete uporabnika
    7. Upravljanje uporabniških skupin
    8. Upravljanje uporabnikov imenika
    9. Upravljanje razvijalcev
    10. Selitev obstoječih uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
    11. Selitev upravljanja uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
  6. Upravljanje izdelkov in pravic
    1. Upravljanje izdelkov in profilov izdelkov
      1. Upravljanje izdelkov
      2. Nakup izdelkov in licenc
      3. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov za poslovne uporabnike
      4. Upravljanje pravil samodejnega dodeljevanja
      5. Omogočite uporabnikom učenje modelov Firefly po meri
      6. Pregled zahtev za izdelke
      7. Upravljanje samopostrežnih pravilnikov
      8. Upravljanje integracij programov
      9. Upravljanje dovoljenj za izdelke v storitvi Admin Console  
      10. Omogočanje/onemogočanje storitev za profil izdelka
      11. En program | Creative Cloud za podjetja
      12. Izbirne storitve
    2. Upravljanje licenc za naprave v skupni rabi
      1. Novosti
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo
      3. Ustvarjanje paketov
      4. Obnovitev licenc
      5. Upravljanje profilov
      6. Komplet orodij za licenciranje
      7. Pogosta vprašanja o licenciranju naprav v skupni rabi
  7. Predstavitev konzole Global Admin Console
    1. Uvedba globalnega skrbništva
    2. Izbira organizacije
    3. Upravljanje hierarhije organizacije
    4. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov
    5. Upravljanje skrbnikov
    6. Upravljanje skupin uporabnikov
    7. Posodobitev pravilnikov organizacije
    8. Upravljanje predlog pravilnikov
    9. Dodelitev izdelkov podrejenim organizacijam
    10. Izvajanje čakajočih opravil
    11. Raziskovanje vpogledov
    12. Izvoz ali uvoz strukture organizacije
  8. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje in sredstev
    1. Prostor za shranjevanje
      1. Upravljanje shrambe podjetja
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Posodobitev na shrambo
      3. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje Adobe
    2. Selitev sredstev
      1. Avtomatizirana selitev sredstev
      2. Pogosta vprašanja o avtomatizirani selitvi sredstev  
      3. Upravljanje prenesenih sredstev
    3. Povrnitev sredstev od uporabnika
    4. Selitev sredstev študentov | Samo za izobraževanje
      1. Samodejna selitev sredstev študentov
      2. Selitev lastnih sredstev
  9. Upravljanje storitev
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Paket kreditnih točk Adobe Stock za skupine
      2. Adobe Stock za podjetja
      3. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock za podjetja
      4. Odobritev licence za Adobe Stock
    2. Pisave po meri
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Pregled
      2. Ustvarjanje uporabniške skupine
      3. Konfiguracija storitve Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Konfiguracija in namestitev storitve Adobe Asset Link
      5. Upravljanje sredstev
      6. Adobe Asset Link za XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Nastavitev storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign za podjetja ali skupine
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign – skrbnik funkcije skupine
      3. Upravljanje storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign v storitvi Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud za podjetja – brezplačno članstvo
      1. Pregled
  10. Uvedba programov in posodobitev
    1. Pregled
      1. Uvedba in zagotavljanje programov in posodobitev
      2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
      3. Priprava na uvedbo
    2. Ustvarjanje paketov
      1. Ustvarjanje paketov programov v storitvi Admin Console
      2. Ustvarjanje licenčnih paketov imenovanih uporabnikov
      3. Predloge Adobe za pakete
      4. Upravljanje paketov
      5. Upravljanje licenc za naprave
      6. Licenciranje serijske številke
    3. Prilagoditev paketov
      1. Prilagoditev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
      2. Vključitev razširitev v paket
    4. Uvedba paketov 
      1. Uvedba paketov
      2. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo Microsoft Intune
      3. Uvedba paketov Adobe z upraviteljem SCCM
      4. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo ARD
      5. Namestitev izdelkov v mapo za izjeme
      6. Odstranitev izdelkov Creative Cloud
      7. Uporaba Adobejevega kompleta orodij za zagotavljanje (izdaja za podjetja)
      8. Identifikatorji licenciranja za Adobe Creative Cloud
    5. Upravljanje posodobitev
      1. Upravljanje sprememb za Adobejeve stranke podjetij in skupin
      2. Uvedba posodobitev
    6. Nastavitveno orodje strežnika za posodabljanje Adobe (AUSST)
      1. Pregled orodja AUSST
      2. Nastavitev notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      3. Vzdrževanje notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      4. Pogosti primeri uporabe orodja AUSST   
      5. Odpravljanje težav z notranjim strežnikom za posodabljanje
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Uporaba programa Adobe Remote Update Manager
      2. Odpravljanje napak v programu RUM
    8. Odpravljanje težav
      1. Odpravljanje napak pri namestitvi in odstranjevanju programov Creative Cloud
      2. Poizvedba v odjemalskih računalnikih za preverjanje uvedbe paketa
      3. Sporočilo o napaki »Namestitev ni uspela« za paket Creative Cloud
  11. Upravljanje računa za skupine
    1. Pregled
    2. Posodobitev podatkov za plačilo
    3. Upravljanje izdanih računov
    4. Sprememba lastnika pogodbe
    5. Zamenjava paketa
    6. Zamenjava prodajalca
    7. Preklic paketa
    8. Skladnost zahteve za nakup
    9. Upravljanje skupine v programu Adobe Express
  12. Podaljšanje
    1. Članstvo za skupine: podaljšanje
    2. Podjetja v storitvi VIP: podaljšanje in skladnost
  13. Upravljanje pogodb
    1. Avtomatizirane faze izteka za pogodbe ETLA
    2. Zamenjava vrste pogodbe v obstoječi storitvi Adobe Admin Console
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) na Kitajskem
    4. Pomoč za VIP Select
  14. Poročila in dnevniki
    1. Revizijski dnevnik
    2. Poročila o dodelitvi
    3. Dnevniki vsebine
  15. Pomoč
    1. Stik z Adobejevo službo za skrb za stranke
    2. Možnosti podpore za račune za skupine
    3. Možnosti podpore za račune za podjetja
    4. Možnosti podpore za rešitev Experience Cloud

As a system administrator, let users request access to the products they need and then approve or deny their requests.

To review pending requests, sign in to the Adobe Admin Console and navigate to Products > Product access automation > Product requests.


This feature is only available if your organization uses Adobe storage for business, which is being rolled out globally in a phased manner.


Product requests allow users in your organization to request access to Adobe products and services. Users can also request products and services that your organization has not yet purchased. System Administrators can then choose to approve or deny these requests. By default, product requests are enabled for all eligible organizations in the Admin Console. The feature can be disabled by a System Administrator at any time.

Currently, users can request access to Adobe apps and services from the following surfaces:

  • Creative Cloud desktop app
  • Creative Cloud on the web (desktop only)
  • Adobe Stock
  • Adobe Sign
  • Adobe Express
  • Adobe Firefly
  • Developer Console
  • Adobe Acrobat (AI Assistant only)

Adobe will continue to add more applications to this list.

For products that don't support in-app requests and are not available on the Creative Cloud desktop app or Creative Cloud on the web (like Adobe Sign and Adobe Analytics), you can use automatic assignment rules to generate a Product Access URL. Users can follow this URL to get immediate access to a specific product. Automatic assignment rules can also allow selected users to be granted immediate access to a product when they send a request. Learn more about the end-user request access experience.

Respond to requests

When a user requests an Adobe product or service, you receive an email notification to review the request. If necessary, you can change the frequency of these email notifications.

  1. Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Products > Product access automation > Product requests.

  2. The list displays product requests received in the last 60 days, after which the requests automatically expire and are removed from the list.

    To view product requests that were responded to or have expired in the last 90 days, see the Audit Log.

    Product requests page displaying the requests received in the last 60 days
    The list displays product requests received in the last 60 days.

  3. Select Review for the relevant request.

    Review the product request and the business reason entered by the user. Using the drop-down list under Product assigned, view products available in your organization that can fulfill the request. If the selection is for an enterprise product, a Product Profile must also be selected.

    Review product request screen with a product and product profile selected to be assigned to the request
    Choose to approve or deny a product request.

    There can be multiple product requests from one user and there can be requests for products or licenses that your organization doesn't have yet.

    When there are multiple requests by the same user, all requests are bundled into one item in the request queue. Upon review, you can select the checkboxes for the requests you want to respond to.

    Any request not approved or denied remains in the request queue.

    Review product request screen with multiple requests where one is selected to be approved
    Select a request to respond to.

    An error appears on the Product requests page when a user requests access to a product that your organization has not purchased yet or when there are no available licenses to fulfill a user's request.

    • If a user requests a Creative Cloud product that is not available as a stand-alone application in your Admin Console, you can choose to grant a license to the Creative Cloud All Apps plan, if available.
    • If you have a Teams or VIP membership, you can choose to purchase more products or licenses by selecting Buy more and placing an order.
    • If you have an enterprise plan, requests can be approved for any products available beyond the total number of licenses purchased in your plan, allowing you to pay for additional licenses later. If a product is unavailable in your plan for a requested product, contact your Adobe Account Manager to understand your options.
    Review product request screen where the request for an unavailable product can't be approved
    Purchase licenses to the requested product to be able to approve the request.


    Some products will require that the user have the proper role and level of access. Product requests that also require a role will be included in the list for Admins to review. The Review Product Request workflow will clearly indicate when a role is needed and will be included in an approval.

    For example, API products require the user to have the developer role. In this case, by approving the request, the user is assigned access to the API product as well as the developer user role.

  4. You can approve or deny the request or cancel out of the review window to come back at a later time.

    • If you approve the request, the selected product is provisioned to the user's Adobe account and the user receives an email notification confirming the approval and app availability.
    • If you deny the request, you must select a reason. The user receives an email notifying them that their request has been denied, along with the selected reason. Once a request is denied, a user can resubmit a request for the same product with a new business reason for consideration.

To save time and give users faster access to apps, you can set up automatic assignment rules.

Set frequency for product request notifications

As a System Administrator, you can choose how frequently you and other System Administrators want to receive product request email notifications. All System Administrators are notified about requests expiring within 30 days regardless of the frequency set.

  1. Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Products > Product access automation > Product requests.

  2. Select Edit settings.

  3. Select how frequently you want all System Administrators of your organization to receive product request notifications.

    The default frequency is set to Daily.

    Edit product request settings screen where the frequency for new request notifications is set to Daily
    Set frequency for new product request notifications.

  4. Select Save.

    System Administrators can view changes made to the product request settings in the Audit Log.

Enable or disable product requests

By default, product requests are enabled for organizations that use Adobe storage for business.

If you disable product requests:

  • Users won't be able to request Adobe products and services. You'll need to assign products to users manually.
  • You won't receive any new requests. However, you can still review and respond to the ones previously received.
  1. Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Products > Product access automation > Product requests.

  2. Select Edit settings.

  3. To enable or disable product requests, use the Allow users to request Adobe products and services toggle.

    Edit product request settings screen with the toggle enabled to allow users to request Adobe products and services
    Use the toggle to enable or disable product requests.

  4. Select Save.

    System Administrators can view changes made to the product request settings in the Audit Log.

Frequently asked questions

Why are product requests automatically enabled for my organization?

Product requests are automatically enabled for all organizations that use Business profiles and storage. A System Administrator can choose to disable product requests at any time by selecting Edit Settings on the Product request page.

Can I choose which specific products are available for request with this feature enabled?

Product requests are enabled at an organizational level. Specific products can't be chosen to be displayed to users for product requests. If a specific product is required, administrators can create an automatic assignment rule and choose the users eligible to gain automated access to the identified product. 

From which applications can users request access?

Users can request access to various Adobe products through specific applications. The availability of this option depends on the configurations set by the organization’s administrators. Here's a complete list of applications where users will see an option to request access.

How is a user notified if a request is approved, denied, or pending?

Users receive an email notification when an administrator approves or denies their request. Separate notifications are sent at 30 days to confirm that the request is still pending and again at 60 days if the request has expired.

Will any pending requests be automatically denied if I disable the product requests for my organization?

Disabling the product requests does not automatically deny any pending requests in the queue. An administrator can choose to allow or deny pending requests or let the requests expire.

Why do products other than the one requested by the user appear as an option while approving a request?

Products available to fulfill a user’s request are based on which products an organization has purchased and whether one or more of those products can provide access to the license that the user needs. For example, if a user requests access to Photoshop but the organization only has Creative Cloud All Apps licenses, Creative Cloud All Apps will be presented to the administrator as an option to fulfill the request as it contains a license to Photoshop.

Why am I receiving requests for products that my organization has not purchased? 

Enabling product requests provides users of the organization to request access to any Adobe product listed in the Adobe app where the request is made regardless of whether the organization has purchased that product.

What if I don’t have any licenses available for a product to fulfill a user’s request? 

A System Administrator can choose to approve a user’s request with a different product license than the one originally requested based on what is available in their organization and the user’s business needs. System Administrators can also choose to purchase more licenses or new products to fulfill a request if not available in their current contract. 

How do I purchase more licenses or a new product to fulfill a user’s request?

A System Administrator can choose to purchase more licenses or new products to fulfill a request if not available in their current contract by choosing Buy More from either the Review product request page, Admin Console Overview page, or the Account page.

How long does a pending request remain in the queue for review? 

A pending request remains in the product request queue for a total of 60 days, after which it automatically expires and is removed from the queue if no action is taken by a System Administrator. A user can re-request the same product after the request has expired.

What if I want to automate request approval for certain products instead of manually reviewing them? 

You can create an automatic assignment rule to automatically grant access to specific products for users deemed eligible. 

Can I have automatic assignment rules and product requests enabled simultaneously? 

Automatic assignment rules for specific products can be set while product requests are also enabled for an organization. The auto-assignment rule takes precedence if a user qualifies for a rule.


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