Navodila za uporabo Prekliči

Enterprise | Support and Expert Sessions

  1. Adobe za podjetja in skupine: vodnik za skrbništvo
  2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
    1. Osnovni pojmi
      1. Licenciranje
      2. Identiteta
      3. Upravljanje uporabnikov
      4. Uvedba programov
      5. Pregled konzole Admin Console
      6. Skrbniške vloge
    2. Vodniki za uvedbo
      1. Vodnik za uvedbo imenovanih uporabnikov
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo licenciranja naprave v skupni rabi
      3. Uvedba programa Adobe Acrobat 
    3. Uvedba storitve Creative Cloud za izobraževalne ustanove
      1. Začetna stran za uvajanje
      2. Čarovnik za uvajanja za osnovno- in srednješolsko izobraževanje
      3. Preprosta nastavitev
      4. Sinhronizacija uporabnikov
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (ZDA)
      6. Najpomembnejši pojmi glede licenciranja
      7. Možnosti uvajanja
      8. Hitri nasveti
      9. Odobritev programov Adobe v storitvi Admin Console v Googlu
      10. Omogočanje programa Adobe Express v Učilnici Google
      11. Integracija s storitvijo Canvas LMS
      12. Integracija s storitvijo Blackboard Learn
      13. Konfiguriranje enkratne prijave za okrožne portale in storitve LMS
      14. Dodajanje uporabnikov s storitvijo Roster Sync
      15. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Kivuto
      16. Smernice za upravičenost glavnih in pomožnih ustanov
  3. Nastavitev organizacije
    1. Vrste identitet | Pregled
    2. Nastavitev identitete | Pregled
    3. Nastavitev organizacije z Enterprise ID-jem
    4. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije storitve Azure AD
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z Microsoftom prek storitve Azure OIDC
      2. Dodajanje storitve Azure Sync v imenik
      3. Sinhronizacija vlog za izobraževanje
      4. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Azure Connector
    5. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije Google
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z združevanjem Google
      2. Dodajanje sinhronizacije Google v imenik
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o združevanju Google
    6. Nastavitev organizacije s storitvijo Microsoft ADFS
    7. Nastavitev organizacije za okrožne portale in LMS
    8. Nastavitev organizacije z drugimi ponudniki identitet
      1. Ustvarjanje imenika
      2. Preverjanje lastništva domene
      3. Dodajanje domen v imenike
    9. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi in odpravljanju težav
      1. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi
      2. Odpravljanje težav pri enkratni prijavi
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o izobraževanju
  4. Upravljanje nastavitve organizacije
    1. Upravljanje obstoječih domen in imenikov
    2. Omogočanje samodejnega ustvarjanja računa
    3. Nastavitev organizacije prek zaupanja imenika
    4. Selitev na novega ponudnika preverjanja pristnosti 
    5. Nastavitve sredstev
    6. Nastavitve preverjanja pristnosti
    7. Stiki za zasebnost in varnost
    8. Nastavitve konzole
    9. Upravljanje šifriranja  
  5. Upravljanje uporabnikov
    1. Pregled
    2. Skrbniške vloge
    3. Strategije upravljanja uporabnikov
      1. Upravljanje posameznih uporabnikov   
      2. Upravljanje več uporabnikov (skupinska datoteka CSV)
      3. Orodje za sinhronizacijo uporabnikov
      4. Sinhronizacija Microsoft Azure
      5. Sinhronizacija združevanja Google
    4. Dodelitev licenc uporabniku računa za skupine
    5. Upravljanje uporabnikov v programu za skupine
      1. Upravljanje skupine v programu Adobe Express
      2. Upravljanje skupin v programu Adobe Acrobat
    6. Dodajanje uporabnikov z ustreznimi e-poštnimi domenami
    7. Sprememba vrste identitete uporabnika
    8. Upravljanje uporabniških skupin
    9. Upravljanje uporabnikov imenika
    10. Upravljanje razvijalcev
    11. Selitev obstoječih uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
    12. Selitev upravljanja uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
  6. Upravljanje izdelkov in pravic
    1. Upravljanje izdelkov in profilov izdelkov
      1. Upravljanje izdelkov
      2. Nakup izdelkov in licenc
      3. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov za poslovne uporabnike
      4. Upravljanje pravil samodejnega dodeljevanja
      5. Omogočite uporabnikom učenje modelov Firefly po meri
      6. Pregled zahtev za izdelke
      7. Upravljanje samopostrežnih pravilnikov
      8. Upravljanje integracij programov
      9. Upravljanje dovoljenj za izdelke v storitvi Admin Console  
      10. Omogočanje/onemogočanje storitev za profil izdelka
      11. En program | Creative Cloud za podjetja
      12. Izbirne storitve
    2. Upravljanje licenc za naprave v skupni rabi
      1. Novosti
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo
      3. Ustvarjanje paketov
      4. Obnovitev licenc
      5. Upravljanje profilov
      6. Komplet orodij za licenciranje
      7. Pogosta vprašanja o licenciranju naprav v skupni rabi
  7. Predstavitev konzole Global Admin Console
    1. Uvedba globalnega skrbništva
    2. Izbira organizacije
    3. Upravljanje hierarhije organizacije
    4. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov
    5. Upravljanje skrbnikov
    6. Upravljanje skupin uporabnikov
    7. Posodobitev pravilnikov organizacije
    8. Upravljanje predlog pravilnikov
    9. Dodelitev izdelkov podrejenim organizacijam
    10. Izvajanje čakajočih opravil
    11. Raziskovanje vpogledov
    12. Izvoz ali uvoz strukture organizacije
  8. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje in sredstev
    1. Prostor za shranjevanje
      1. Upravljanje shrambe podjetja
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Posodobitev na shrambo
      3. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje Adobe
    2. Selitev sredstev
      1. Avtomatizirana selitev sredstev
      2. Pogosta vprašanja o avtomatizirani selitvi sredstev  
      3. Upravljanje prenesenih sredstev
    3. Povrnitev sredstev od uporabnika
    4. Selitev sredstev študentov | Samo za izobraževanje
      1. Samodejna selitev sredstev študentov
      2. Selitev lastnih sredstev
  9. Upravljanje storitev
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Paket kreditnih točk Adobe Stock za skupine
      2. Adobe Stock za podjetja
      3. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock za podjetja
      4. Odobritev licence za Adobe Stock
    2. Pisave po meri
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Pregled
      2. Ustvarjanje uporabniške skupine
      3. Konfiguracija storitve Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Konfiguracija in namestitev storitve Adobe Asset Link
      5. Upravljanje sredstev
      6. Adobe Asset Link za XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Nastavitev storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign za podjetja ali skupine
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign – skrbnik funkcije skupine
      3. Upravljanje storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign v storitvi Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud za podjetja – brezplačno članstvo
      1. Pregled
  10. Uvedba programov in posodobitev
    1. Pregled
      1. Uvedba in zagotavljanje programov in posodobitev
      2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
      3. Priprava na uvedbo
    2. Ustvarjanje paketov
      1. Ustvarjanje paketov programov v storitvi Admin Console
      2. Ustvarjanje licenčnih paketov imenovanih uporabnikov
      3. Upravljanje vnaprej ustvarjenih paketov
        1. Upravljanje predlog Adobe
        2. Upravljanje paketov z enim programom
      4. Upravljanje paketov
      5. Upravljanje licenc za naprave
      6. Licenciranje serijske številke
    3. Prilagoditev paketov
      1. Prilagoditev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
      2. Vključitev razširitev v paket
    4. Uvedba paketov 
      1. Uvedba paketov
      2. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo Microsoft Intune
      3. Uvedba paketov Adobe z upraviteljem SCCM
      4. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo ARD
      5. Namestitev izdelkov v mapo za izjeme
      6. Odstranitev izdelkov Creative Cloud
      7. Uporaba Adobejevega kompleta orodij za zagotavljanje (izdaja za podjetja)
    5. Upravljanje posodobitev
      1. Upravljanje sprememb za Adobejeve stranke podjetij in skupin
      2. Uvedba posodobitev
    6. Nastavitveno orodje strežnika za posodabljanje Adobe (AUSST)
      1. Pregled orodja AUSST
      2. Nastavitev notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      3. Vzdrževanje notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      4. Pogosti primeri uporabe orodja AUSST   
      5. Odpravljanje težav z notranjim strežnikom za posodabljanje
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Opombe ob izdaji
      2. Uporaba programa Adobe Remote Update Manager
    8. Odpravljanje težav
      1. Odpravljanje napak pri namestitvi in odstranjevanju programov Creative Cloud
      2. Poizvedba v odjemalskih računalnikih za preverjanje uvedbe paketa
  11. Upravljanje računa za skupine
    1. Pregled
    2. Posodobitev podatkov za plačilo
    3. Upravljanje izdanih računov
    4. Sprememba lastnika pogodbe
    5. Zamenjava paketa
    6. Zamenjava prodajalca
    7. Preklic paketa
    8. Skladnost zahteve za nakup
  12. Podaljšanje
    1. Članstvo za skupine: podaljšanje
    2. Podjetja v storitvi VIP: podaljšanje in skladnost
  13. Upravljanje pogodb
    1. Avtomatizirane faze izteka za pogodbe ETLA
    2. Zamenjava vrste pogodbe v obstoječi storitvi Adobe Admin Console
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) na Kitajskem
    4. Pomoč za VIP Select
  14. Poročila in dnevniki
    1. Revizijski dnevnik
    2. Poročila o dodelitvi
    3. Dnevniki vsebine
  15. Pomoč
    1. Stik z Adobejevo službo za skrb za stranke
    2. Možnosti podpore za račune za skupine
    3. Možnosti podpore za račune za podjetja
    4. Možnosti podpore za rešitev Experience Cloud

Learn how to use Adobe Admin Console for enterprises to contact Adobe Customer Care, manage your support cases, schedule sessions with experts, and more.

System administrators and Support administrators can contact Adobe Customer Care from the Support tab in the Adobe Admin Console.

Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Support. To resolve or discuss a case, you can call Adobe Customer Care using the contact number given in the upper-right corner of the page. If the country mentioned below the phone number does not match yours, select Other Regions for more contact numbers. To learn about our support terms and processes, see Enterprise Support Terms.

On the Support page, you’ll also find information about your Adobe support plans and relevant contacts (wherever applicable). If needed, you can reach out to your Named Support Engineer or Technical Account Manager for assistance with your Adobe products.

Support tab in the Admin console with a support plan and product selected to display the relevant contact details.
Select a plan and then choose a product within that plan to view the contact details.

Create and Manage Support Cases


Call Adobe Customer Care using the contact number given on the upper-right corner of the Support Summary page if the issue results in outages or serious interruptions to a production system such as the following:

  • A complete crash of the system or interruptions in main functions of the production system
  • Data integrity compromised
  • Imminent financial losses due to missing critical project deadlines or deliverables

To create a case, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Admin Console.

  2. Click Create Case. The Create Case window appears.

  3. In the form that appears, provide the details about your issue.

    Details to be filled


    Product impacted

    Select the impacted product or bundle from the drop-down list.

    If you select a bundle, you are prompted to select a specific product from that bundle.

    Issue reason

    Select a category that best describes your issue.

    Select the priority of the issue

    Help us understand the consequences of the issue on your operations. Depending on how the issue impacts your operations, classify it as follows:

    • P4 (Minor): If the issue is minimal or no interruptions to normal operations. This option can include issues related to APIs and integration, installation and configuration inquiries, enhancement requests, or documentation questions.
    • P3 (Important): If the issue interrupts normal operations. For example, malfunctioning or incorrect behavior of the software.
    • P2 (Urgent):  If the issue has serious interruptions to your business' normal operations. For example, if the issue negatively impacts an enterprise-wide installation, urgent deadlines, or causes financial risk to business.
    • P1 (Critical): If the issue results in outages or extremely serious interruptions to a production system, call us using the contact number given on the upper-right corner of the Support Summary page, so we can serve you immediately.

    Quantify the impact of the issue

    Help us understand the scale at which the issue affects your organization.  Based on the scale at which the issue affects your organization, select one from the following options:

    • Small: One or two users impacted
    • Medium: A specific group of users impacted
    • Large: Most users impacted

    Summarize the issue

     Provide a descriptive summary of your issue. Mention what the specific problem is and what you are seeing.


    Examples of descriptive summaries:

    • Error "Could not process incoming SAML response" with Federated ID
    • "Account not recognized" in the support panel
    • Error 400 or other error when attempting to validate a domain claim
    • Users, groups, or identity panel is blank
    • Change Domain Claim from Enterprise ID to Federated (or conversely)
    • Receiving the error "An invitation with this code was not found"

    Describe the issue

    Describe your issue in detail, including when it first happened, the tasks you were trying to complete or products you were using when the issue occurred, and steps to reproduce the problem.

    Attach screenshots that can help describe the issue (optional)

    You can attach relevant files under 20 MB to the case. For example, a screenshot of the error.

    Files in formats .dll and .exe are not supported.

  4. Click Next to add more details about the issue. In the window that follows, fill in the following information:

    Details to be filled


    List people you want to notify

    You can add more email addresses to which you want Adobe Customer Care to send case updates via email. You can notify up to ten people.


    We will consider your timezone if we need to call you. This field is populated by default, according to your system's information.

    Working hours

    If we need to call you, we will take into consideration your working hours and Adobe Customer Care normal business hours.

    Use the time slider to let us know the best time of day to reach you.

    Phone number

    Provide a contact number so that an Adobe Customer Care agent might contact you via phone to troubleshoot or ask for clarification.

  5. Click Submit. A support case is created, and a notification displays.

    When you submit a case, a case ID is assigned, and you can track the progress via the Admin Console. All responses are updated to the case, and are also sent by email.

    To view the details, or update a support case, click the title of the case on the Support Summary or the Support Cases page.

To view and track your organization's open and closed cases, navigate to Support > Support Cases in the Admin Console.

  • The Open tab on the Support Cases page provides details about the ongoing cases. The list is color-coded and sorted according to status, with the cases requiring action at the top.
  • Once your case is resolved, you are able to view the case history under the Closed tab on the Support Cases page.
View and track existing cases
View and track existing cases

To update a case, navigate to Support > Support Cases in the Admin Console, and click the case title. A screen with all information about the case appears.

Update a case
Case details

You can perform the following actions on this page:

View case details

Click Details under the case name on the screen that appears when you open a specific case.

Update contacts

To email case notifications to multiple people, click the three dots opposite the Contact tab. Then, select Update contacts. In the window that appears, add the relevant email addresses. You can notify up to ten people.

Add comment or attachment

To provide new information about the case or respond to Adobe Customer Care, you can add comments after the case creation.

  • To add a comment, click Add comment under the Discussion tab. Then, click Submit.
  • To add an attachment, select Add attachment under the Discussion tab. Upload your files and click Submit.

You can attach relevant files under 20 MB to the case, for example, a screenshot of the error. Executable and DLL files are not supported.

Close a case

To close a case, click Close Case under the Actions tab. In the window that appears, provide details about why you want to close the case, and click Submit.

Close a case
Close a case

Reopen a case

You can reopen a case within 14 days of closure. To reopen a case, click Reopen Case under the Actions tab. In the window that appears, provide details about why you want to reopen the case. Then, click Submit.

If you are not satisfied with the case progress or resolution, you can escalate to Adobe Support. To escalate a case, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Support > Support Cases.

  2. Select a case title. A screen with all the information about the case appears.

  3. Click Escalate Case in the Actions and provide the necessary information.

    Close a case
    Escalata a case

  4. Then, click Submit.

Chat with Adobe Customer Care

To help resolve or troubleshoot your issues, the Adobe Admin Console allows you to chat with Adobe Customer Care. To allow quicker routing and resolution of the issue, ensure that you select the most appropriate topic from the ones displayed in the live-chat window.
After the chat ends, your request and conversation are saved as a case that you can view, track, and manage later.

To chat with Adobe Customer Care, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Support > Support Summary, and click Start Chat.

  2. A live chat window appears with a set of pre-defined chat topics. Select any one from these topics.

    Start Chat Session
    Live chat window with a set of pre-defined chat topics

  3. To connect with our representatives and resolve your query, type your message in the chat window. 

Schedule Expert Sessions

An Expert Session consists of a 30-minute phone call that covers a how-to topic to assist users with a specific product feature. Each session is scheduled by appointment at a time chosen by you, with the Adobe Customer Care team. The sessions are carried out using a screen sharing software, if needed, that allows a product expert to walk you through complex or new workflows.

  1. Expert sessions are not available for Adobe Substance 3D Collection, FrameMaker, Captivate, Presenter, Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server, and RoboHelp.
  2. Expert sessions can be scheduled from Monday to Friday and are available in English, French, German, and Japanese.
  3. You must place a request at least 24 hours in advance and can choose any day within the next 15 days.
  4. The proposed session times can only be at half-hour marks (for example, 8:30 or 9:00). If on the same day, they must be two hours apart.
  5. For longer sessions or more formal training, visit the Adobe digital learning services for an overview of Adobe training options.

You can track the sessions you have with the experts. To view the details, update or cancel a requested Expert Session, click its Session ID on the Support Summary or the Expert Sessions page.

  • The Open tab on the Expert Sessions page provides details about ongoing sessions such as their status, topic, admin who requested them, and the relevant dates. The Open cases list is color-coded and sorted according to status, with the cases requiring action at the top.
  • Once your sessions are complete, you are able to view all history under the Closed tab on the Expert Sessions page.

To request an Expert Session, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Support > Support Summary.

  2. Click Request Expert Session. The Request Expert Session window opens.

    Alternatively, you can navigate to Support > Expert Sessions and click Request Expert Session.

  3. Select a topic you would like to discuss.

  4. Provide more details about your issue in the window that appears.

    Details to be filled


    Specify a product

    Specify the product that you would you like to learn more about. This option is not available if you've requested an Expert Session for administrators.

    Session topic

    Choose a session topic from the drop-down list.

    Describe the nature of your request

    Describe the issue in some detail, including the workflow that caused the issue.

    Propose session times

    Enter three preferred time slots when you're available for a call. Session times must follow the criteria here to be able to submit the request.

    Time zone

    The time zone is populated by default, according to your system's information.


    The email to which the session updates are sent is listed on the page.

    Phone number

    Enter your preferred contact number, including country and area codes.

  5. Click Submit. An Expert Session is created, and a notification displays.

    When you request an Expert Session, a case ID is assigned, and you can track its progress. All responses are updated to the case, and are also sent by email.

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