Navodila za uporabo Prekliči

Admin Console overview

  1. Adobe za podjetja in skupine: vodnik za skrbništvo
  2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
    1. Osnovni pojmi
      1. Licenciranje
      2. Identiteta
      3. Upravljanje uporabnikov
      4. Uvedba programov
      5. Pregled konzole Admin Console
      6. Skrbniške vloge
    2. Vodniki za uvedbo
      1. Vodnik za uvedbo imenovanih uporabnikov
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo licenciranja naprave v skupni rabi
      3. Uvedba programa Adobe Acrobat 
    3. Uvedba storitve Creative Cloud za izobraževalne ustanove
      1. Začetna stran za uvajanje
      2. Čarovnik za uvajanja za osnovno- in srednješolsko izobraževanje
      3. Preprosta nastavitev
      4. Sinhronizacija uporabnikov
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (ZDA)
      6. Najpomembnejši pojmi glede licenciranja
      7. Možnosti uvajanja
      8. Hitri nasveti
      9. Odobritev programov Adobe v storitvi Admin Console v Googlu
      10. Omogočanje programa Adobe Express v Učilnici Google
      11. Integracija s storitvijo Canvas LMS
      12. Integracija s storitvijo Blackboard Learn
      13. Konfiguriranje enkratne prijave za okrožne portale in storitve LMS
      14. Dodajanje uporabnikov s storitvijo Roster Sync
      15. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Kivuto
      16. Smernice za upravičenost glavnih in pomožnih ustanov
  3. Nastavitev organizacije
    1. Vrste identitet | Pregled
    2. Nastavitev identitete | Pregled
    3. Nastavitev organizacije z Enterprise ID-jem
    4. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije storitve Azure AD
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z Microsoftom prek storitve Azure OIDC
      2. Dodajanje storitve Azure Sync v imenik
      3. Sinhronizacija vlog za izobraževanje
      4. Pogosta vprašanja o storitvi Azure Connector
    5. Nastavitev združevanja in sinhronizacije Google
      1. Nastavitev enkratne prijave z združevanjem Google
      2. Dodajanje sinhronizacije Google v imenik
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o združevanju Google
    6. Nastavitev organizacije s storitvijo Microsoft ADFS
    7. Nastavitev organizacije za okrožne portale in LMS
    8. Nastavitev organizacije z drugimi ponudniki identitet
      1. Ustvarjanje imenika
      2. Preverjanje lastništva domene
      3. Dodajanje domen v imenike
    9. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi in odpravljanju težav
      1. Pogosta vprašanja o enkratni prijavi
      2. Odpravljanje težav pri enkratni prijavi
      3. Pogosta vprašanja o izobraževanju
  4. Upravljanje nastavitve organizacije
    1. Upravljanje obstoječih domen in imenikov
    2. Omogočanje samodejnega ustvarjanja računa
    3. Nastavitev organizacije prek zaupanja imenika
    4. Selitev na novega ponudnika preverjanja pristnosti 
    5. Nastavitve sredstev
    6. Nastavitve preverjanja pristnosti
    7. Stiki za zasebnost in varnost
    8. Nastavitve konzole
    9. Upravljanje šifriranja  
  5. Upravljanje uporabnikov
    1. Pregled
    2. Skrbniške vloge
    3. Strategije upravljanja uporabnikov
      1. Upravljanje posameznih uporabnikov   
      2. Upravljanje več uporabnikov (skupinska datoteka CSV)
      3. Orodje za sinhronizacijo uporabnikov
      4. Sinhronizacija Microsoft Azure
      5. Sinhronizacija združevanja Google
    4. Dodelitev licenc uporabniku računa za skupine
    5. Upravljanje uporabnikov v programu za skupine
      1. Upravljanje skupine v programu Adobe Express
      2. Upravljanje skupin v programu Adobe Acrobat
    6. Dodajanje uporabnikov z ustreznimi e-poštnimi domenami
    7. Sprememba vrste identitete uporabnika
    8. Upravljanje uporabniških skupin
    9. Upravljanje uporabnikov imenika
    10. Upravljanje razvijalcev
    11. Selitev obstoječih uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
    12. Selitev upravljanja uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
  6. Upravljanje izdelkov in pravic
    1. Upravljanje izdelkov in profilov izdelkov
      1. Upravljanje izdelkov
      2. Nakup izdelkov in licenc
      3. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov za poslovne uporabnike
      4. Upravljanje pravil samodejnega dodeljevanja
      5. Omogočite uporabnikom učenje modelov Firefly po meri
      6. Pregled zahtev za izdelke
      7. Upravljanje samopostrežnih pravilnikov
      8. Upravljanje integracij programov
      9. Upravljanje dovoljenj za izdelke v storitvi Admin Console  
      10. Omogočanje/onemogočanje storitev za profil izdelka
      11. En program | Creative Cloud za podjetja
      12. Izbirne storitve
    2. Upravljanje licenc za naprave v skupni rabi
      1. Novosti
      2. Vodnik za uvedbo
      3. Ustvarjanje paketov
      4. Obnovitev licenc
      5. Upravljanje profilov
      6. Komplet orodij za licenciranje
      7. Pogosta vprašanja o licenciranju naprav v skupni rabi
  7. Predstavitev konzole Global Admin Console
    1. Uvedba globalnega skrbništva
    2. Izbira organizacije
    3. Upravljanje hierarhije organizacije
    4. Upravljanje profilov izdelkov
    5. Upravljanje skrbnikov
    6. Upravljanje skupin uporabnikov
    7. Posodobitev pravilnikov organizacije
    8. Upravljanje predlog pravilnikov
    9. Dodelitev izdelkov podrejenim organizacijam
    10. Izvajanje čakajočih opravil
    11. Raziskovanje vpogledov
    12. Izvoz ali uvoz strukture organizacije
  8. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje in sredstev
    1. Prostor za shranjevanje
      1. Upravljanje shrambe podjetja
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Posodobitev na shrambo
      3. Upravljanje prostora za shranjevanje Adobe
    2. Selitev sredstev
      1. Avtomatizirana selitev sredstev
      2. Pogosta vprašanja o avtomatizirani selitvi sredstev  
      3. Upravljanje prenesenih sredstev
    3. Povrnitev sredstev od uporabnika
    4. Selitev sredstev študentov | Samo za izobraževanje
      1. Samodejna selitev sredstev študentov
      2. Selitev lastnih sredstev
  9. Upravljanje storitev
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Paket kreditnih točk Adobe Stock za skupine
      2. Adobe Stock za podjetja
      3. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock za podjetja
      4. Odobritev licence za Adobe Stock
    2. Pisave po meri
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Pregled
      2. Ustvarjanje uporabniške skupine
      3. Konfiguracija storitve Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Konfiguracija in namestitev storitve Adobe Asset Link
      5. Upravljanje sredstev
      6. Adobe Asset Link za XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Nastavitev storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign za podjetja ali skupine
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign – skrbnik funkcije skupine
      3. Upravljanje storitve Adobe Acrobat Sign v storitvi Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud za podjetja – brezplačno članstvo
      1. Pregled
  10. Uvedba programov in posodobitev
    1. Pregled
      1. Uvedba in zagotavljanje programov in posodobitev
      2. Načrtovanje uvedbe
      3. Priprava na uvedbo
    2. Ustvarjanje paketov
      1. Ustvarjanje paketov programov v storitvi Admin Console
      2. Ustvarjanje licenčnih paketov imenovanih uporabnikov
      3. Upravljanje vnaprej ustvarjenih paketov
        1. Upravljanje predlog Adobe
        2. Upravljanje paketov z enim programom
      4. Upravljanje paketov
      5. Upravljanje licenc za naprave
      6. Licenciranje serijske številke
    3. Prilagoditev paketov
      1. Prilagoditev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
      2. Vključitev razširitev v paket
    4. Uvedba paketov 
      1. Uvedba paketov
      2. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo Microsoft Intune
      3. Uvedba paketov Adobe z upraviteljem SCCM
      4. Uvedba paketov Adobe s storitvijo ARD
      5. Namestitev izdelkov v mapo za izjeme
      6. Odstranitev izdelkov Creative Cloud
      7. Uporaba Adobejevega kompleta orodij za zagotavljanje (izdaja za podjetja)
    5. Upravljanje posodobitev
      1. Upravljanje sprememb za Adobejeve stranke podjetij in skupin
      2. Uvedba posodobitev
    6. Nastavitveno orodje strežnika za posodabljanje Adobe (AUSST)
      1. Pregled orodja AUSST
      2. Nastavitev notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      3. Vzdrževanje notranjega strežnika za posodabljanje
      4. Pogosti primeri uporabe orodja AUSST   
      5. Odpravljanje težav z notranjim strežnikom za posodabljanje
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Opombe ob izdaji
      2. Uporaba programa Adobe Remote Update Manager
    8. Odpravljanje težav
      1. Odpravljanje napak pri namestitvi in odstranjevanju programov Creative Cloud
      2. Poizvedba v odjemalskih računalnikih za preverjanje uvedbe paketa
  11. Upravljanje računa za skupine
    1. Pregled
    2. Posodobitev podatkov za plačilo
    3. Upravljanje izdanih računov
    4. Sprememba lastnika pogodbe
    5. Zamenjava paketa
    6. Zamenjava prodajalca
    7. Preklic paketa
    8. Skladnost zahteve za nakup
  12. Podaljšanje
    1. Članstvo za skupine: podaljšanje
    2. Podjetja v storitvi VIP: podaljšanje in skladnost
  13. Upravljanje pogodb
    1. Avtomatizirane faze izteka za pogodbe ETLA
    2. Zamenjava vrste pogodbe v obstoječi storitvi Adobe Admin Console
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) na Kitajskem
    4. Pomoč za VIP Select
  14. Poročila in dnevniki
    1. Revizijski dnevnik
    2. Poročila o dodelitvi
    3. Dnevniki vsebine
  15. Pomoč
    1. Stik z Adobejevo službo za skrb za stranke
    2. Možnosti podpore za račune za skupine
    3. Možnosti podpore za račune za podjetja
    4. Možnosti podpore za rešitev Experience Cloud

The Adobe Admin Console is a central location for managing the Adobe entitlements across your organization.

Easily manage your licenses, users, payments, and more using the Adobe Admin Console.

Each tab on the Admin Console enables you to perform various tasks. Select the titles below to know more.

Overview: View a summary of the licenses purchased and quick actions to set up your organization.

Products: Assign licenses to users and groups. As an Enterprise customer, you can manage product profiles.

Users: Create, update, and remove user accounts, which entitle the end users to Adobe products & services.

Packages: Download pre-configured packages or create them for desktop apps that you plan to deploy.

Account: As Teams administrators, edit your payment details, billing address, and manage invoices.

Storage: Manage individual user folders and shared folders, view storage quota consumed by users.

Insights: View, create, and download license assignment reports and track changes made in the Admin Console.

Settings: Claim domains, limit access to sharing features, add notes for end users, set password protection levels.

If you are unable to sign in to the Admin Console, see Solve Adobe account sign-in issues.


The Overview efficiently displays a wealth of information about product licenses. It shows the status of licenses in your plan—the number of licenses assigned out of the total available ones. There are also some quick links available to add users and admins.

Select your organization

An administrator can belong to multiple organizations. If a company has multiple subsidiaries that exist as separate organizations, or each subsidiary has a separate license agreement, the same administrator can be assigned to all.

If you're an administrator for multiple organizations, you can switch between organizations using the organization selector. The selected organization shows a green check mark next to the organization's name.

Admin Console Overview page with the organization's name selected

If the organization is a part of a Global Admin Console, a hierarchy icon appears next to the organization's name. You will also see the organization's path and can determine the organization's placement within the hierarchy. For example, in the screenshot, the admin is a member of the organization Athletic Shoe Division and this organization's Global Admin Console path is ACME HQ > Athletic Shoe Division, where Athletic Shoe Division is a child of the organization ACME HQ.

Organization selector with a hierarchy icon selected

If you have a complex organizational structure that has many Admin Consoles or if you want to break up your main Admin Console into multiple consoles, you can adopt the Global Admin Console. For example, multinational corporations, education consortiums, large school districts, and large government agencies. The Global Admin Console nests existing Admin Consoles into a hierarchical structure, like an organization chart, to provide transparency across a distributed enterprise.


Who can view this tab: System Administrators, Product Administrators, and Product Profile Administrators



The Products page in the Admin Console provides the options to manage your products and product profiles. Product profiles let you enable all or a subset of Adobe applications and services available in a plan and customize settings associated with a given product or plan. You can then assign administrators, called Product Administrators, to the product profiles. These administrators add end users to the product profiles that they manage.

For more information, see:

The Products page in the Admin Console lets you assign product licenses to users. To assign a product license to a user or group, select the desired product on the Products page, and click Add User.

Enter the name or email address of the user. You can search for existing users or add a user by specifying a valid email address and filling in the information on the screen. Click Save. An email is sent to the user or group confirming access to the application.

For more information, see:


The Users page in the Admin Console lets you create, search, update, and remove user accounts. These user accounts entitle the end users in your organization to Adobe products and services. You can also use the bulk edit workflows to add users or modify user details and license assignments. For more information, see:


Who can view this tab: System Administrators

The Account page in the Admin Console shows the details of all the contracts and agreements associated with your organization. It also displays the anniversary or end date of the contract with an indicator for expiring contracts.

If you are an Adobe teams customer, navigate to Account > Account in the Admin Console to easily manage your invoices, edit your payment details or billing address. You can renew your licenses purchased through Teams membership. You can also perform the following tasks:

  • View details of products and licenses in the current plan
  • View renewal period
  • Add products
  • Edit payment details 
  • Change the contract owner
  • View upcoming bill details
  • View, print, and download your invoices

For more information, see Manage your Teams account.


Who can view this tab: System Administrators

Audit Log

Audit log helps ensuring continued compliance, safeguarding against any inappropriate system access, and auditing suspicious behavior within your organization.

As a system administrator, you have full visibility of the changes made in the Admin Console. You can search the audit log based on the type of actions, when they occurred, and who made them. Then, view and download these reports for further analysis. Learn more.

Assignment Reports

Using the License assignment reports, you can track your organization's license assignment data and plan your users' license deployments. License assignment data only supports named user licenses for Creative Cloud and Document Cloud products purchased under the Enterprise Term License Agreement. Learn more.


Who can view this tab: System Administrators and Storage Administrators (only for customers migrated to the pooled storage model)

The Storage page in the Admin Console gives you full control and visibility of storage across your Creative Cloud applications. The storage quotas are flexible for end users up to the amount of storage purchased by the organization.

You can also view how much quota is used by individual users and the overall quota consumed by all the users. Learn more.


Who can view this tab: System Administrators and Deployment Administrators

The Packages page in the Admin Console provides the following functionality. Use them when you plan to deploy desktop applications to end users in your organization.

  • Download pre-configured packages by using Adobe Templates.
  • Create customized Named User Licensing or Shared Device Licensing (for educational institutions) packagers with the configuration and applications you want your end users to have.
  • Enable email notifications, so you get notified when new product versions become available.
  • View previous packages you or other administrators in your organization have created. Also, view details of a specific package and track available updates for the apps in the package.
  • Download the IT tools like Remote Update Manager and Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.
  • Download the Adobe Extension Manager command-line tool to install extensions and plug-ins from the ZXP file container format.

For more information, see Packaging apps via the Admin Console.


Who can view this tab: System Administrators and Storage Administrators

Storage administrators can access only the asset settings and content logs. System administrators can view or modify the following settings depending on their plan:

Privacy and security contacts

In the event of a security incident involving our software solutions, notifications are sent to the appropriate compliance officers. To help ensure prompt notification, as a System admin, you must specify who your security, data protection, and compliance officers are. For details, see Privacy and security contacts.

Console settings

Using console settings you can add custom notes for your end users to communicate with them about how to get assistance if they encounter issues or require support.

Choose a default email language for your organization, to receive emails about the account statuses, such as subscription changes or credit card expiration. If you have a teams membership purchased directly from Adobe, you can change your team name from the Console Settings.

Content logs

As an administrator, you can download detailed reports on how end users are working with corporate assets, such as folders, files, and libraries. These reports are called content logs

Identity (Enterprise only)

Identity types allow the organizations to have different levels of control over user's account and data. It impacts how your organization stores and shares assets.

Asset settings (Enterprise only)

Asset settings give an organization control over how its employees share its assets outside the organization. Asset Settings are used along with other organizational policy enforcement systems (not provided by Adobe) to ensure that assets are only shared with appropriate external individuals and organizations.

Authentication settings (Enterprise only)

Authentication settings support several password protection levels and policies to ensure safety and security. You can specify a password protection level to apply to all users across your organization.

Encryption settings (Enterprise only)

Encryption settings generate a dedicated encryption key for extra layers of control and security.


To contact Adobe Customer Care, navigate to the Support page in the Admin Console which allows to do the following:

  • Manage your support cases (Enterprise only)
  • Create cases (Enterprise only)
  • Connect with Adobe Customer Care representatives  
  • Schedule Expert Sessions
  • Browse popular Help Topics and forums

To learn more about Support options, see Support and Expert Sessions.

Join the conversation

If you have any questions or observations around the topics or concepts described in this article, join the discussion on our Enterprise and Teams Community or Adobe Experience League.

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