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World Space Direction | Substance 3D bakers

World Space Direction

The World Space Direction baker allows to compute a vector direction in world space into a texture.

Available in :

  • Substance Designer
  • Substance Automation Toolkit


Input Direction

Defines from which input the direction is computed.

Possible values:

  • From Texture: the vector direction is defined by an input texture.
  • From Uniform Vector (default): the vector direction is defined with the X, Y, Z sliders.
Normal Orientation

Defines if the normal format of the output texture. This inverts the green channel depending on the format.

Possible values:

  • OpenGL
  • DirectX (default)

Sliders to define the 3 components of the direction vector, if Input Direction is set to From Uniform Vector.

Direction FilePath to the input texture file to define the direction vector, if Input Direction is set to From Texture.

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