Last updated on
May 24, 2023
- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmtools
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- General topics
- Examples
API Content
- API Content overview
Substance definitions
- Common interfaces
- compnode
- context projectmgr
- graph
- mdl
- modelannotationnames
- modelgraph
- modelgraphgenerator
- modelgraphimplementation
- modelnodenames
- modeloperand
- moduleannotation
- moduleconnection
- modulegraph
- modulegraphgenerator
- modulegraphimplementation
- modulegraphlibrary
- modulegraphregister
- modulenode
- modulenodeimplementation
- modulenodeinstance
- moduleoperand
- moduleoutputbridging
- moduleparaminput
- params
- projectmgrdoc
- sbsarchive
- sbscommon
- sbspreset
- sbsproject
- substance
- sbsenum
- sbslibrary
- sbsbakerslibrary
- Helpers
- Execution context
- API Change log
- Substance Maya toolset
- Substance 3D home
- Home
Pysbs - Python API
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- General topics
- Examples
API Content
- API Content overview
Substance definitions
- Common interfaces
- compnode
- context projectmgr
- graph
- mdl
- modelannotationnames
- modelgraph
- modelgraphgenerator
- modelgraphimplementation
- modelnodenames
- modeloperand
- moduleannotation
- moduleconnection
- modulegraph
- modulegraphgenerator
- modulegraphimplementation
- modulegraphlibrary
- modulegraphregister
- modulenode
- modulenodeimplementation
- modulenodeinstance
- moduleoperand
- moduleoutputbridging
- moduleparaminput
- params
- projectmgrdoc
- sbsarchive
- sbscommon
- sbspreset
- sbsproject
- substance
- sbsenum
- sbslibrary
- sbsbakerslibrary
- Helpers
- Execution context
- API Change log
- Samples
- Setup and Getting Started
- Substance Maya toolset
- Changelog overview
sbsmutator command line options
- sbsmutator [...] edit [...]
- sbsmutator [...] export [...]
- sbsmutator [...] graph-parameters-editor [...]
- sbsmutator [...] info [...]
- sbsmutator [...] instantiate [...]
- sbsmutator [...] specialization [...]
- sbsmutator [...] update [...]
Global options
- --doc-html, --doc
- Generate basic documentation html from the option's help.
- --help, -h, -?
- Display help about given subcommand. If no subcommand is provided, this help about global options is printed.
- --opt-descr
- Create json description of all available options
- --quiet, -q
- Disable warning messages.
- --verbose, -v
- Enable info and debug messages.
- --version, -V
- Display version of the program.
Subcommand edit
Edit or instantiate the inputs, outputs or parameters of a graph in a substance file.
Input file options
- --alias
- Define a custom alias path (e.g. 'myproject:⁄⁄path⁄to⁄myproject⁄library'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency with some custom alias.
- --inputs, --input
- Specify a substance file to mutate with sbsmutator. Can be given multiple times
- --no-dependency
- Disable loading of dependencies.
- --presets-path
- Path to presets library (shorthand for '--alias sbs:⁄⁄'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency to the presets library.
Output file options
- --output-merge
- Merge generated content with output if a file is present, otherwise the file is overwritten.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_edited"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName} : replaced by the input filename.
- --output-path
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the path is empty, i.e. the files will be saved in the current directory. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath} : replaced by the input filepath.
Options for graph input⁄output
- --input-graph
- Select a specific graph from the loaded files. If you are editing multiple files, this options will apply to them all. If no graph are selected, the first graph found will be used.
- --output-graph-author
- Set the author name of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-author-url
- Set the author's URL of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-category
- Set the category of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-description
- Set the description text of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-icon
- Set the icon of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-label
- Set the label of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-name [default: "{inputGraph}"]
- Name of the edited or generated graph to give in the output substance file. Default='{inputGraph}'. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: -{inputGraph} replaced by the input graph name.
- --output-graph-physical-size ,,
- Set the physical size of the graph in the output substance file, in cm. Vector components must be separated by comma. Example: --output-graph-physical-size 10.5,10.5,8
- --output-graph-tags
- Set the tags of the graph in the output substance file.
- --output-graph-user-data
- Set user data of the graph in the output substance file.
Specific options
- --connect-image
- Import image as resource in the new file, create a bitmap node and connect it to filter's input named. format of : [@@]... Available key-value parameters are: - "path" path of the image file - "format" cooked format of image (RAW⁄JPEG) - "level" cooking compression level of image (0 to 1) - "tiling" tiling of image activation (0 or 1) - "absolute-size" adapt image resolution relative to the parent or keep the absolute image size (0 or 1). - "bit-depth" set the bit depth of the created image node.Can be set to "auto", "8", "16", "16f", "32f". You must provide the "path" parameter, so must look at least like @path@
- --connect-input
- Create an input node and connect it to the input of the same identifier in the created instance filter. Only valid together with option --instantiate.
- --hide-parameter
- Specifically hide parameter with identifier of the filter. Only valid together with option --instantiate.
- --hide-parameters
- Hide all specific parameters of the filter. Implies --remove-all-presets. Only valid together with option --instantiate.
- --insert-sbsprs
- Inject the presets contained in a *.sbsprs file into the output sbs.
- --instantiate
- Switch to instantiation mode. In instantiation mode, the graph is not edited in-place; rather another graph is created with a instance node pointing to the input graph. Some operations can only work when using this option. Warning: The input of the instance are not exposed to the new graph by default.You need to use option --connect-input to expose them.
- --remove-all-presets
- Remove all presets from the output graph.
- --remove-output
- Remove the output node connected to filter's output those identifier is .
- --remove-preset
- Remove a preset from from an sbs file. is the name of the preset to remove.
- --set-bit-depth
- Change the bit depth of the graph. can be set to "8" (or "int8"), "16" (or "int16"), "16f" (or "float16") or "32f" (or "float32").
- --set-default-value
- Set default value of input. Format of : @ Please note that the value is clamped between min and max.
- --switch-to-constant
- Remove input and switch all places using this input to a constant value. format of '': or @
Subcommand export
Export substance files with their dependencies.
Input file options
- --alias
- Define a custom alias path (e.g. 'myproject:⁄⁄path⁄to⁄myproject⁄library'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency with some custom alias.
- --inputs, --input
- Specify a substance file to mutate with sbsmutator. Can be given multiple times
- --no-dependency
- Disable loading of dependencies.
- --presets-path
- Path to presets library (shorthand for '--alias sbs:⁄⁄'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency to the presets library.
Output file options
- --output-path
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the path is empty, i.e. the files will be saved in the current directory. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath} : replaced by the input filepath.
Specific options
- --build-archive
- Compress the result in a 7z archive.
- --preserve-alias
- Do not automatically convert alias with name into this computer's corresponding absolute path.
Subcommand graph-parameters-editor
Alias to `edit`
Subcommand info
Return description of a substance file.
Input file options
- --inputs, --input
- Specify a substance file to mutate with sbsmutator. Can be given multiple times
Specific options
- --hide-details
- Hide additional details about the inputs and outputs of the graph.
- --print-attributes
- Print the attributes of the graph.
- --print-input-parameters
- Print the non-image input parameters of the graph.
- --print-inputs
- Print the image inputs of the graph.
- --print-outputs
- Print the image outputs of the graph.
- --print-presets
- Print the presets of the graph.
Subcommand instantiate
Alias to `edit --instantiate`
Subcommand specialization
Alias to `edit --instantiate`. Default output name is "{inputName}_specialized".
Subcommand update
Update substance files to the lastest format.
Input file options
- --alias
- Define a custom alias path (e.g. 'myproject:⁄⁄path⁄to⁄myproject⁄library'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency with some custom alias.
- --inputs, --input
- Specify a substance file to mutate with sbsmutator. Can be given multiple times
- --no-dependency
- Disable loading of dependencies.
- --presets-path
- Path to presets library (shorthand for '--alias sbs:⁄⁄'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency to the presets library.
- --recursive, -r
- recurse into directories to find input files
Output file options
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_updated"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName} : replaced by the input filename.
- --output-path
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the path is empty, i.e. the files will be saved in the current directory. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath} : replaced by the input filepath.