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thumbnail | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit


class batchtools.thumbnail.ThumbnailRenderSbsarUsages
class batchtools.thumbnail.ThumbnailRenderSbsarUsages
 class batchtools.thumbnail.ThumbnailRenderSbsarUsages  

Bases: object

AMBIENTOCCLUSION = ('ambientOcclusion',)
AMBIENTOCCLUSION = ('ambientOcclusion',)
 AMBIENTOCCLUSION = ('ambientOcclusion',)  
ANISOTROPYANGLE = ('anisotropyAngle',)
ANISOTROPYANGLE = ('anisotropyAngle',)
 ANISOTROPYANGLE = ('anisotropyAngle',)  
ANISOTROPYLEVEL = ('anisotropyLevel',)
ANISOTROPYLEVEL = ('anisotropyLevel',)
 ANISOTROPYLEVEL = ('anisotropyLevel',)  
BASECOLOR = ('baseColor',)
BASECOLOR = ('baseColor',)
 BASECOLOR = ('baseColor',)  
EMISSIVE = ('emissive',)
EMISSIVE = ('emissive',)
 EMISSIVE = ('emissive',)  
HEIGHT = ('height',)
HEIGHT = ('height',)
 HEIGHT = ('height',)  
METALLIC = ('metallic',)
METALLIC = ('metallic',)
 METALLIC = ('metallic',)  
NORMAL = ('normal',)
NORMAL = ('normal',)
 NORMAL = ('normal',)  
OPACITY = ('opacity',)
OPACITY = ('opacity',)
 OPACITY = ('opacity',)  
PHYSICALSIZE = ('physicalSize',)
PHYSICALSIZE = ('physicalSize',)
 PHYSICALSIZE = ('physicalSize',)  
ROUGHNESS = ('roughness',)
ROUGHNESS = ('roughness',)
 ROUGHNESS = ('roughness',)  
SPECULARLEVEL = ('specularLevel',)
SPECULARLEVEL = ('specularLevel',)
 SPECULARLEVEL = ('specularLevel',)  
batchtools.thumbnail.generate(aInput, aSize=(10, 10), aOutputPath=None, aThumbnailTemplate=None, aContext=None, aOutputInputMapping=None)
batchtools.thumbnail.generate(aInput, aSize=(10, 10), aOutputPath=None, aThumbnailTemplate=None, aContext=None, aOutputInputMapping=None)
 batchtools.thumbnail.generate(aInput, aSize=(10, 10), aOutputPath=None, aThumbnailTemplate=None, aContext=None, aOutputInputMapping=None)  

Generate a thumbnail for the given sbsar input. By default the connection between the input file and the thumbnail render sbsar is based on the usage names

  • aInput (str) – the sbs or sbsar to render
  • aSize (tuple(int, int), list(int, int)) – the output size for the rendering textures, 10x10 (1024x1024) by default.
  • aThumbnailSize (tuple(int, int), list(int, int)) – the output size for the thumbnail image, 9x9 (512x512) by default.
  • aOutputPath (str) – the thumbnail output path
  • aThumbnailTemplate (str) – a sbsar use to generate thumbnail, use the internal one by default.
  • aContext (class:.Context) – use a context different that the default one. Useful if some aliases are set.
  • engine (str) – the engine to use, by default use gpu with ogl3 or d3d11pc.
  • aGraphIdentifier (str) – the graph identifier for the thumbnail generation, if None the first graph will be used.
  • aPreset (str) – render graph thumbnail for the given preset label.
  • aCachePath (str) – the cache files directory path, by default cache files needs by thumbnail generator are saved in a TEMP folder.
  • quiet (bool) – disable warning messages
  • customValues (list(str)) – pass a list of custom param input values, the values must look a str “inputparam@value,value,value”. customValues overwrite the default values.

generated thumbnail output path

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