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class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CompNodeInput(aIdentifier, aType=3, aIsPrimary=True, aIsMultiInput=False)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeInput
This class contains the definition of an input of a Compositing node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
or str): identifier of the input. - mType (
): type of the input. - mIsPrimary (bool): defines if the input is the primary input of the node
- mIdentifier (
Get the input identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom input
Returns: | the input identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the input identifier as a string
Returns: | the input identifier as a string |
Check if input has a variant type.
Returns: | True if this input is variant, False otherwise. |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CompNodeOutput(aIdentifier, aType=3)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeOutput
This class contains the definition of an output of a Compositing node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
or str): identifier of the output. - mType (
): type of the output.
- mIdentifier (
Get the output identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom output
Returns: | the output identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the output identifier as a string
Returns: | the output identifier as a string |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CompNodeParam(aParameter, aType=256, aDefaultValue='', aIsConnectable=False)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeParam
This class contains the definition of a parameter of a Compositing node.
- Members:
- mParameter (
): identifier of the parameter. - mType (
): type of the parameter. - mDefaultValue (depends on the type): default value of the parameter.
- mIsConnectable boolean. decides whether the param is connectable in a graph
- mParameter (
Get the parameter identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom parameter
Returns: | the parameter identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the parameter identifier as a string
Returns: | the parameter identifier as a string |
Returns True if the input is connectable
Returns: | (bool) |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CompNodeDef(aIdentifier, aOutputs=None, aInputs=None, aParameters=None, aInheritance=None, aInputValues=None)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeDef
This class contains the definition of a Compositing node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
): identifier of the compositing node - mInputs (list of
): the input entries of the node. - mOutputs (list of
): the outputs of the node. - mParameters (list of
): the parameters available on this node. - mInheritance(list of
): the available inheritance property on this compositing node
- mIdentifier (
Add all the base parameters to the CompNode definition
Get all the input identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the inputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeInput if found |
Get all the output identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the outputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeOutput if found |
Get all the parameter identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the parameters of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeParam |
Gets the first imput of a specific type, checks both inputs and connectable parameters
Parameters: | aType (ParamTypeEnum ) – The type to look for |
Returns: | NodeInput or CompNodeParam object if found, None otherwise |
Get the first NodeOutput with the given type. This considers the variant types as compatible types.
Parameters: | aType (sbsenum.ParamTypeEnum) – The required type |
Returns: | a NodeOutput object if found, None otherwise |
Returns: | The identifier of the node definition as a string |
Get the input with the given identifier
Parameters: | aInput (InputEnum or str) – The required input |
Returns: | a NodeInput if found, None otherwise |
Get the output with the given identifier
Parameters: | aOutput (OutputEnum or str) – The required output |
Returns: | a NodeOutput if found, None otherwise |
Get the required parameter
Parameters: | aParameter (NodeParamEnum or str) – The parameter |
Returns: | a NodeParam object if found, None otherwise |
static isBaseParameter(aParam)
Check if the given parameter is one of the base parameter or not (Output size, Pixel format, …)
Parameters: | aParam (CompNodeParamEnum or NodeParam ) – The parameter to check |
Returns: | True if there is at least one variant output and no COLOR_MODE parameter, False otherwise |
Check if at least one NodeOutput has a variant type.
Returns: | True if there is at least one variant output and no COLOR_MODE parameter, False otherwise |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.FunctionInput(aIdentifier, aType=3)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeInput
This class contains the definition of an input of a Function node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
or str): identifier of the input. - mType (
): type of the output.
- mIdentifier (
Get the input identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom input
Returns: | the input identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the input identifier as a string
Returns: | the input identifier as a string |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.FunctionOutput(aIdentifier, aType=3)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeOutput
This class contains the definition of an output of a Function node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
or str): identifier of the output. - mType (
): type of the output.
- mIdentifier (
Get the output identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom output
Returns: | the output identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the output identifier as a string
Returns: | the output identifier as a string |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.FunctionParam(aParameter, aType=256, aDefaultValue='')
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeParam
This class contains the definition of a parameter of a Function node.
- Members:
- mParameter (
): identifier of the parameter. - mType (
): type of the parameter. - mDefaultValue (depends on the type): default value of the parameter.
- mParameter (
Get the parameter identifier as an enum value if possible, or as a string if it is a custom parameter
Returns: | the parameter identifier as an integer if possible, or as a string otherwise |
Get the parameter identifier as a string
Returns: | the parameter identifier as a string |
Returns True if the input is connectable
Returns: | (bool) |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.FunctionDef(aIdentifier, aOutputs=None, aInputs=None, aFunctionDatas=None, aTemplate1=None)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.BaseNodeDef
This class contains the definition of a Function node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
): identifier of the function node - mInputs (list of
): the inputs of the node. - mOutputs (list of
): the outputs of the node. - mFunctionDatas (list of
): the parameters available on this node. - mTemplate1 (
): for a function with a variant type, provide the allowed types.
- mIdentifier (
Get all the input identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the inputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeInput if found |
Get all the output identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the outputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeOutput if found |
Get all the parameter identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the parameters of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeParam |
Get the first NodeInput with the given type. This considers the variant types as compatible types.
Parameters: | aType (sbsenum.ParamTypeEnum) – The required type |
Returns: | a NodeInput object if found, None otherwise |
Get the first NodeOutput with the given type. This considers the variant types as compatible types.
Parameters: | aType (sbsenum.ParamTypeEnum) – The required type |
Returns: | a NodeOutput object if found, None otherwise |
Returns: | The identifier of the node definition as a string |
Get the input with the given identifier
Parameters: | aInput (InputEnum or str) – The required input |
Returns: | a NodeInput if found, None otherwise |
getInputType(aInput, aResolved = False)
Get the input type of the input with the given identifier
Parameters: |
Returns: | a |
Get the output with the given identifier
Parameters: | aOutput (OutputEnum or str) – The required output |
Returns: | a NodeOutput if found, None otherwise |
Get the required parameter
Parameters: | aParameter (FunctionEnum or str) – The parameter |
Returns: | a FunctionParam object if found, None otherwise |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.FxMapNodeDef(aIdentifier, aOutputs=None, aInputs=None, aParameters=None, aInheritance=None)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.NodeDef
This class contains the definition of a FxMap node.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
): identifier of the compositing node - mInputs (list of
): the input entries of the node. - mOutputs (list of
): the outputs of the node. - mParameters (list of
): the parameters available on this node. - mInheritance(list of
): the available inheritance property on this compositing node
- mIdentifier (
Get all the input identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the inputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeInput if found |
Get all the output identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the outputs of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeOutput if found |
Get all the parameter identifiers as strings of this node definition
Returns: | a list of string |
Get all the parameters of this node definition
Returns: | a list of NodeParam |
Get the first NodeInput with the given type. This considers the variant types as compatible types.
Parameters: | aType (sbsenum.ParamTypeEnum) – The required type |
Returns: | a NodeInput object if found, None otherwise |
Get the first NodeOutput with the given type. This considers the variant types as compatible types.
Parameters: | aType (sbsenum.ParamTypeEnum) – The required type |
Returns: | a NodeOutput object if found, None otherwise |
Returns: | The identifier of the node definition as a string |
Get the input with the given identifier
Parameters: | aInput (InputEnum or str) – The required input |
Returns: | a NodeInput if found, None otherwise |
Get the output with the given identifier
Parameters: | aOutput (OutputEnum or str) – The required output |
Returns: | a NodeOutput if found, None otherwise |
Get the required parameter
Parameters: | aParameter (NodeParamEnum or str) – The parameter |
Returns: | a NodeParam object if found, None otherwise |
static isBaseParameter(aParam)
Check if the given parameter is one of the base parameter or not (Output size, Pixel format, …)
Parameters: | aParam (NodeParam ) – The parameter to check |
Returns: | False, there is no base parameters on the FxMap nodes |
Check if at least one NodeOutput has a variant type.
Returns: | True if there is at least one variant output and no COLOR_MODE parameter, False otherwise |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.GradientKey(aPosition, aValue, aMidpoint=None)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.LibObject
Class that provides a description of a gradient key for the Gradient Map filter.
- Members:
- mPosition (float): the position of the key between 0 and 1
- mValue (list of 4 floats): the color value of the key.
- mMidpoint (float, optional): default is -1
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CurveKey(aPosition, aLeft, aRight, aIsLeftBroken=False, aIsRightBroken=False, aIsLocked=True)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.LibObject
Class that provides a description of a curve key for the Curve filter.
- Members:
- mPosition (list of two float) : position of the key in two dimensions between 0 and 1
- mLeft (list of two float) : position of the left handle of the key
- mRight (list of two float) : position of the right handle of the key
- mIsLeftBroken (boolean) : True to set the left handle squared instead of rounded. Default to False
- mIsRightBroken (boolean) : True to set the right handle squared instead of rounded. Default to False
- mIsLocked (boolean) : True to lock the key handle. Default to True
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.CurveDefinition(aIdentifier, aCurveKeys)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.LibObject
Class that provides a description of a curve for the Curve filter.
- Members:
- mIdentifier (
): the identifier of the curve - mCurveKeys (list of
) : the list of keys
- mIdentifier (
Add the given curve key to the curve definition
Parameters: | aCurveKey (CurveKey ) – The key to add |
static initCurve(aIdentifier)
Create the initial curve with the bottom left and top right keys.
Parameters: | aIdentifier (CurveTypeEnum ) – Identifier of the curve |
Returns: | the CurveDefinition object initialized with the default keys |
moveKeyTo(aCurveKey, aPosition)
Move the given key to the given position. The resulting position is clamped to the allowed space for this key, considering the previous and next key.
Parameters: |
Returns: | The resulting position for this key |
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.WidgetOption(aOption, aType, aValue)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.LibObject
This class provide the definition of an option of a GUI widget associated to an Input Parameter of a Graph.
- Members
- mOption (
): identifier of the option - mType (
): type of the option - mValue (str): value of the option
- mOption (
class pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.InputParamWidget(aWidget, aType, aOptions=None)
Bases: pysbs.sbslibrary.sbslibclasses.LibObject
Class providing the definition of the GUI widget associated to an Input Parameter of a Graph.
- Members:
- mWidget (
): identifier of the widget - mType (
): type of the value driven by this widget - mOptions (list of
): options of this widget (min and max values, step, clamp, …)
- mWidget (
Get the default value of this widget.
Returns: | the default value as a string if it is defined on this widget, None otherwise |
Get the given option.
Parameters: | aOption (WidgetOptionEnum ) – The option to get |
Returns: | the option as a WidgetOption if it is defined on this widget, None otherwise |
Get all the options of this widget.
Returns: | the options of this widget as a list of WidgetOption |
Check if the given option is defined on this widget
Parameters: | aOption (WidgetOptionEnum ) – The option to get |
Returns: | True if the option is defined on this widget, False otherwise |