- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmtools
- sbsmutator
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- General topics
- Examples
- Substance Maya toolset
- Substance 3D home
- Home
Command Line Tools
- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmtools
- sbsmutator
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Samples
- Setup and Getting Started
- Substance Maya toolset
- Changelog overview
API Change log
12.4.0 / 2022.4.0 (2023-03-01) ¶
- [MacOS] Support for Apple Silicon
- [Content][update] Content updated with Designer 12.4.0
12.3.0 / 2022.3.0 (2022-12-12) ¶
- [Updater] Updated and Compatible with new sbs format (need to update sbs files)
- [Updater] MDL/Model graph (mdl module) support not present for this version
- [Content][update] Content updated with Designer 12.3.0
12.1.0 / 2022.1.0 (2022-05-16) ¶
- [Features][sbsmtools] A new command line to export model graph into fbx, obj or sbsm
- [Feature][pysbs] New batchtools.sbsmtools_export wrapper
- [Feature][linux][sbsrender] The Vulkan engine is available on linux platform set –engine vk to use it. Vulkan engine can be used instead of opengl on a gpu server without display.
- [Fix][pysbs] remove deprecated collections.Sequence that causes crashes with python version > 9
- [Content][update] Content updated with Designer 12.1.0
11.3.3 / 2021.3.3 (2022-02-08) ¶
- [Fix][pysbs][graph]
doesn’t anymore fail anymore when identifier is not unique - [Content][update] Content updated with Designer 11.3.3
- [Updater] Updated and Compatible with new sbs format (need to update sbs files)
11.3.0 / 2021.3.0 (2021-12-02) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][modelgraph] New ModelGraph API
- [Feature][pysbs][graphoutput] New method
- [Feature][pysbs][thumbnail] New argument customValues for thumbnail.generate() to pass input values to the thumbnail generation
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] New method
to return the type name - [Fix][pysbs][graphoutput] Fix
, component value doesn’t make the doc.writeDoc() buggy - [Fix][pysbs][filter] Fix Blend’s alphablending value
- [Content][update] Content updated with Designer 11.3.0
- [Updater] Updated and Compatible with new sbs format (need to update sbs files)
11.2.2 / 2021.2.2 (2021-09-30) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][thumbnail] add aThumbnailCompression argument to set bit-depth compression, default to 8
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] add new graph types for Decals, Atlases, Environment lights and Light textures
- [Content][update] content updated with Designer 11.2.2
11.2.1 / 2021.2.1 (2021-08-02) ¶
- [Doc] add html-doc.zip local doc to the Adobe Admin Console SAT version
- [Fix][sbsbaker] Fix annoying qtWarnings and remove deprecated option –invert-normal
- [Content][update] content updated with Designer 11.2.1
11.2.0 / 2021.2.0 (2021-07-05) ¶
- [Feature][sbsbaker][run] Now sbsbaker run support udim / uvtiles parameter from json or Designer baker preset file
- [Feature][pysbs] New methods
to edit an input’s identifier and propagate the new value to system dependent like functions, visibleIf… - [Feature][pysbs] New attribute graph type is available with
- [Feature][pysbs] New global parameters system to set options before pysbs execution
- [Feature][pysbs] Global parameter pysbs.setRaiseAllErrors(True/False) or env SAT_RAISE_ALL_ERRORS=1/0 avoid to pysbs to catch some exceptions
- [Feature][pysbs] Global parameter pysbs.setSkipDocstringGen(True/False) or env SAT_SKIP_DOCSTRING_GEN=1/0 stop docstring auto generation, can be useful in some specific cases.
- [Fix][pysbs][template] Template name updated
- [Content][update] content updated with Designer 11.2.0
- [Updater] Updated and Compatible with new sbs format (need to update sbs files)
11.1.2 / 2021.1.2 (2021-03-22) ¶
- [Feature][sbsrender] if it’s possible, gpu engine is now used by default. Use –engine flag to precise another engine file.
- [Feature][pysbs][resource] SBSDocument has a new deleteSBSResource function to delete resource(s) by identifier.
- [Fix][pysbs][sbs/sbsar] Able to pass kwargs to generateThumbnail to set up batchtools.thumbnail.generate inside call
- [Fix][pysbs][thumbnail] Thumbnail size is not locked anymore, aThumbnailSize argument can be used to set the thumbnail resolution. aThumbnailSize=(9, 9) 512x512 by default.
- [Fix][pysbs][thumbnail] Now, thumbnail generation quiet option also quiet sbsrender’s stdout.
- [Fix][pysbs][sbs] Now, doc.writeDoc(aUpdateRelativePaths=True) doesn’t update paths if context’s sbsproject is set to use absolute paths.
- [Fix][Engine][SSE2] ‘Level in mid’ value other than 0.5 results in 1.0 output
- [Content][update] content updated with SD bugfix 11.1.2
11.1.1 / 2021.1.1 (2021-03-02) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][metadata] PySBS supports metadata for graphs, input nodes and output nodes.
- [Feature][pysbs][metadata] create a metadata common interface for sbs and sbsar objects.
- [Feature][pysbs][batchtools] add quiet option for thumbnail.generate(quiet=True) to disable warning messages.
- [Content][update] content updated with SD bugfix 11.1.1
11.1.0 / 2021.1.0 (2021-02-08) ¶
- [Feature][spotcolorinfo] spotcolorinfo is a new batchtool, useful to convert book color code (pantone…) to various data like spotcolorid, rgb… SAT and Spot colors
- [Feature][pysbs][spotcolor] PySBS fully supports spotcolor, set, get or get info from spotcolor substance parameters Spot colors with PySBS
- [Feature][pysbs][batchtools] new module and function helper to generate thumbnail easily thumbnail.generate() Generate thumbnail with pysbs.batchtools.thumbnail
- [Feature][pysbs][sbs/sbsar] generate and embed thumbnails in sbs and sbsar file sbs.generateThumbnail() sbsar.generateThumbnail() Generating and embedding thumbnail directly from a substance or substance archive
- [Feature][pysbs][sbsarmanager] sbsarmanager allows to edit sbsar, currently add/replace or remove an icon/thumbnail from a sbsar, more functions in the future Edit substance archive with SBSARManager
- [Feature][pysbs][batchtools] sbsbaker_curvature_from_mesh now uses curvature-from-mesh-v2 baker, pass arg legacy=True if you want to keep using the old curvature-from-mesh baker
- [Feature][pysbs][disable node] PySBS can read and write substances that have disable nodes but not able yet to enable or disable nodes
- [Feature][sbsrender] sbsrender render supports input images and outputs selection based on Usages with new flags : –set-entry-usage and –input-graph-output-usage
- [Feature][sbsrender] sbsrender render has a new flag –memory-budget, set the maximum amount of ram when CPU engine is used, default 2000MB
- [Feature][doc] a html Sphinx with RTD theme documentation is now available in the install directory.
- [Warning][pysbs][context] deprecated context.setSubstanceDesignerPath context.getSubstanceDesignerPath Substance Designer is not necessary for the correct functioning of SAT
- [Fix][pysbs][params] now PySBS raise error if the value type mismatch the parameter type
- [Fix][pysbs][connections] PySBS doesn’t raise connection error anymore when multi type function nodes (if..else, set, instance, sequence, passthrough) are set as output
10.2.3 / 2020.2.3 (2020-12-17) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][preset] Apply an existing preset from an instance node with node.applyPreset(aPresetLabel)
- [Feature][pysbs][preset] Apply a file preset from an instance node with node.applyPresetFromFile(aPresetFilePath, aPresetLabel)
- [Feature][pysbs][values] Ability to pass default value to graph.createInputValueNode(aDefaultValue)
- [Fix][pysbs][inputvalues] CreateInputValueNode created a corrupted node causing the SD to crash
- [Fix][pysbs][inputvalues] Connections between certain input/output values may not be possible
- [Fix][pysbs][input] Color / Grayscale inputs did not have default values
- [Fix][sbsrender] export 8k failed
10.2.2 / 2020.2.2 (2020-11-17) ¶
- [Fix][Linux][xmp] Xmp lib was not loaded correctly
10.2.1 / 2020.2.1 (2020-11-10) ¶
- [Warning][pysbs] Add warning about the end of guarantee compatibility with Python2 from mid 2021
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] Add new graph’s method to create Input Value Node graph.createInputValueNode()
- [Feature][pysbs][graph/sbsargraph] Add some methods to get output Format and Mipmaps from graph or output graph
- [Fix][sbsbaker] ‘–apply-diffusion’ argument returned an error in ‘ambient-occlusion’ baker
- [Fix][sbsrender] ICC profiles of injected bitmaps was not used
10.2.0 / 2020.2.0 (2020-10-20) ¶
- [Feature][sbsbaker][run] batch baking, sbsbaker run, now keeps low and high geometry files in memory, it become the faster way to do several bakes in a single process https://docs.substance3d.com/display/SAT/sbsbaker+Example+Command+Lines
- [Feature][sbsrender/sbscooker/sbsmutator] if the correct extension is present in the output file name, the name of the final output file will not have the double extension
- [Feature][pysbs][batchtools] batchtools.sbsbaker_run can directly use a python dict (json compliant) as argument, batchtools.sbsbaker_run(a_dict)
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] new function to expose node’s input parameter, graph.exposeParamInput(aDoc, aNode, aParamIdentifierToExposed)
- [Feature][pysbs][impactmanager] SBSImpactManager has a new method to get all substance dependencies recursively (and their status) for a given substance file or directory.
- [Feature][pysbs][metadata] sbsar’s metadata are now write and read as XMP format
- [Feature][pysbs][install] pysbs is now a python wheel package (.whl) instead of zip, the pysbs installation doesn’t change pip install Pysbs-2020.2.0-py2.py3-none-win_amd64.whl
- [Fix][pysbs][batchtools] fix deadlock in batchtools OutputHandler when stdout fills up the buffer
- [Updater] Updated and Compatible with new sbs format
- [Content] includes SD-10.2.0 content
10.1.3 / 2020.1.3 (2020-07-09) ¶
- [Content] includes SD-10.1.3 content
- [Feature][pysbs][projectmgr] allow to load several sbsprj files, like SD, values will be override by the most recently load and lists will be extended (aliases, filter paths…).
- [Fix][pysbs][projectmgr] populate aliasMgr from a sbsprj file wihtout aliases cause a crash.
- [Feature][pysbs][inputvalues] add helper function to create inputValue from node, node.createInputValue(“aIdentifier”, sbsenum.InputValueTypeEnum.FLOAT1)
- [Feature][pysbs][inputvalues] add helper function to get inputValue from node, node.getInputValue(“aIdentifier”)
10.1.1 / 2020.1.1 (2020-04-22) ¶
[Info][version] SAT, like all substance products, has adopted adobe’s version number (10.1.1)
[Info][version][pysbs] to avoid conflict, pysbs pip package still use “year” version number (2020.1.1)
- [Warning][pysbs][batchtools] As the batchtools module was getting bigger and bigger, it was moved into a pysbs.bactchtools package.
Some import statements remains valid other no:
[Feature][sbscooker] Add ACE support to commandline cooker. See sbscooker flags description https://docs.substance3d.com/sat/command-line-tools/sbscooker/sbscooker-command-line-options
[Feature][sbsbaker] Add common flag –force-dxr to force DirectX instead of Optix on Pascal(gtx) GPU.
[Update][sbsrender] sbsrender d3d11pc engine replace d3d10pc on windows (–engine d3d11pc)
[Fix][sbscooker] Deprecated flags –includes/–preset-path keep the priority if they still used.
[Fix][sbsrender] 16f RGBA images were exported as grayscale.
[Feature][pysbs][batchtools] Add argument command_only=True to return only the generated command command_only option
[Feature][pysbs][batchtools] Add argument output_handler=True to use OutputHandlers, a new way to get data from batchtool’s output. batchtool’s OutputHandlers (an alternative to Popen)
[Fix][pysbs][projectmgr] populateUrlAliases now convert alias url as absolute
[Feature][pysbs][graph] new graph’s sbsenum.BaseParamEnum, it’s more appropriate than sbsenum.CompNodeParamEnum
[Fix][pysbs][metadata] retrieve metadata doesn’t fail anymore when metadata has not both type
[Fix][pysbs][sbsar] remove use of deprecated function getOutputType
[Content] includes SD-10.1.1 content
2019.3.0 (2020-01-20) ¶
[Feature][sbsrender] Support of OpenColorIO in sbsrender. See example for more details https://docs.substance3d.com/display/SAT/sbsrender+Example+Command+Lines.
[Feature][sbsrender] New flags to override some output option, i.e: set a different bit depth by output.
[Feature][sbscooker] Built-in sbs packages is now autodetect if resources/packages directory is present next to the sbscooker executable or use sbs:// alias to precise another location.
- [Fix][sbsbaker] New default values to get better results:
- ambient-occlusion-from-mesh and bent-from-mesh:
- –ignore-backface-secondary: default to false
- –max-dist: default to 1.0
[Feature][sbsbaker] New Curvature baker: curvature-from-mesh-v2 (please note curvature-from-mesh is deprecated and it’s not remove yet for compatibility purpose.)
[Feature][sbsbaker] Add “Ground Plane” option to simulate a ground occlusion, new flags : –enable-ground-plane and –ground-offset
[Feature][sbscooker] Support OpenColorIO in sbscooker. See example for more details https://docs.substance3d.com/display/SAT/sbscooker+Example+Command+Lines.
[Fix][sbscooker] Include psdparse in SAT install dir
[Fix][pysbs] access to package by pysbs is again possible (ex: pysbs.context)
[Feature][pysbs][ocio] Setting ocio config with ProjectMgr Project Manager How To ProjectMgr documentation
[Feature][pysbs][ocio] ocio_helpers.getColorSpaces to get a list of available colorspace
[Feature][pysbs][resource] Add method to set bitmap resource colorspace and premultiplied alpha. SBSResource.setColorSpace SBSResource.setPreMultipliedAlpha
[Content] include SD-2019.3.0 content
2019.2.3 (2019-11-30) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] easy way to get and set User Data for an associated node with SBSGraph.getUserData(aNode) and SBSGraph.setUserData(aNode).
- [Feature][pysbs][autograph] Add some missing widget types in autograph.ag_functions
- [Fix][pysbs][metadata] raise error if metadata is asked when MetadataTree doesn’t exist yet now return None.
- [Content] include SD-2019.2.3 content
2019.2.2 (2019-11-5) ¶
- [Deprecated][pysbs][context] deprecate SDAPI_SATPATH instead use SAT_INSTALL_PATH
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] create method graph.getAllNodes()
- [Fix][pysbs][graph] moveConnectionsOnPinOuput allowed with node filter
- [Fix][sbscooker] Value Processor outputs wrong results when only a ‘Get’ node is used
- [Fix][sbscooker] Issue with Value outputs and passthrough nodes
- [Content] include SD-2019.2.2 content
2019.2.1 (2019-09-18) ¶
- [Feature][pysbs][sbsformat] Update sbs format, added dot node (passthrough node).
- [Feature][pysbs][package] Support Package Metadata. Package’s metadata documentation.
- [Feature][pysbs][package] Retrieve package metadata from sbsar’s json. ref-to-sbsmetadatajson documentation.
- [Feature][pysbs][resources] add resource type OTHER. Resource of type OTHER documentation.
- [Feature][batchtools][sbsbaker][run] allow to pass json SD preset to sbsbaker run command. https://docs.substance3d.com/display/SAT/sbsbaker+Example+Command+Lines.
- [Feature][batchtools][sbsbaker][run] add flag –disable-gpu –force-optix to sbsbaker run command.
- [Feature][batchtool][sbsrender] Add a command line argument for temp files location –cache-dir.
- [Feature][pysbs][preset] Preserve the “user tag” when export sbsprs.
- [Feature][pysbs][resources] sbsdoc.createLinkedResource support isUdim parameter.
- [Feature][pysbs][graph] Add a deleteGraph() function for SBSDocument.
- [Feature][pysbs][batchtools] add a function for sbsrender rendering images sequences batchtools.sbsrender_animate(…). render animation sequence example.
- [Fix][pysbs] now setParameters COLOR_MODE switch the output type.
2019.1.2 (2019-07-20) ¶
- [Fix][pysbs][batchtools][sbsbaker]: Allows using native python values such as True or 1 for parameters rather than strings such ‘true’ and ‘1’.
- [Fix][pysbs]: Connecting a non-variant input changes output type of variant node.
- [Fix][sbsmutator]: Sbsmutator instantiate now copies ColorSpace and Output attributes such as VisibleIf.
- [Feature][sbsrender]: Add flags –gpu and –gpu-list to use a specific gpu (Windows only).
- [Feature][pysbs]: Added ProjectMgr class in order manage information in sbsprj files. Project Manager How To ProjectMgr documentation
- [Feature][pysbs]: Dependency path storage method is driven by the ProjectMgr. Project Manager How To ProjectMgr documentation
2019.1.1 (2019-05-17) ¶
- [Fix]: Reverted behavior for linking resources to interpret relative paths as relative to cwd. There is an argument for linking relative to the package
- [Fix]: Fixed optix baking issue
2019.1.0 (2019-05-09) ¶
- [Feature]: Baking: Optix GPU raytracing support
- [Fix]: Baking: Obj reading speed increase
- [Feature]: Support for 2019.1 file format
- [Feature]: pysbs: Added support for reading out button labels
- [Feature]: pysbs: Added support for automatically picking the first graph when referencing an sbs
- [Feature]: pysbs: Added module version information to the python package
- [Feature]: pysbs: Changed path behavior to be consistent with 2019.1 (anything not in an alias or below the document is now absolute)
- [Feature]: pysbs: Added support for reading, writing sbsprs documents and import presets from and to sbs documents
- [Feature]: pysbs: More accurate exception handing for dependency errors
- [Feature]: linux: Batchtools are now built against glibc 2.17
2018.3.0 (2018-11-29) ¶
- [Feature]: Added support for color space in sbs and sbsar
2018.2.0 (2018-08-03) ¶
- [Feature]: Support for 2018.2 sbs format
- [Fix]: Cleaned up log handling
- [Fix]: Deprecated inconsistently named functions
- [Fix]: Added more helpful error message when loading sbs file of incompatible version
2018.1.0 (2018-04-12) ¶
- [Feature]: Support for 2018.1 sbs format
- [Feature]: Added support for setting up UDIM’s in sbs files
- [Feature]: Added autograph library for creating pixel processors/dynamic functions more conveniently (previously available as the sbsmath library among the samples)
- [Feature]: Added support for automatically laying out graphs
- [Feature]: Added API support for getting all inputs of a graph
- [Feature]: Added support for deleting ui elements such as frames, comments and navigation pins
- [Feature]: Added support for reframing a frame around nodes that has moved
- [Fix]: Added support for loading sbsar files using new compression settings
- [Fix]: Find the good dependency when its uid is not provided in the CompInstance path
- [Fix]: Added support for controlling the Alpha Channel of the normal node
2017.2.3 (2018-02-06) ¶
- [Feature] Added support for bitmap resize method parameter.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with Change SBSGraph.getNodesConnectedFrom that didn’t selected some valid nodes.
- [Fix] Corrected spelling error TGA file enum format name causing issues setting TGA as format in baking parameter.
- [Fix] Fixed bad ‘RelativeTo’ value for dynamic function on non-base parameters.
2017.2.2 (2017-10-25) ¶
- [Feature] Handle MDL graphs: allow creating and editing MDL graphs, setting parameters and generate MDL related resources.
- [Feature] MDL Documentation and sample script.
- [Feature] Allow creating a MDL Graph from a template.
- [Feature] Added wrapper for FreeImage and functionality for loading image information when creating nodes.
- [Fix] Ensure deleting a temporary folder in case of error during the process.
- [Fix] Fix sbscleaner so that it does not remove any Input nodes, even if they are not connected to an Output.
- [Fix] Optimized detection of cycles for large networks when adding nodes by changing lists to sets/maps.
- [Support SD2017.2] Added support for float 2 position, offset widget and forward transform matrix.
- [Support SD2017.2] Added support for new base parameter ‘Pixel ratio’.
- [Support SD2017.2] Update sbs format for updaters up to 201710: changes & cleanup & simplification & typos correction. No more SBSValueOrOverload, SBSVariables, SBSCompExternalLink, SBSCompExternal
- [Support SD2017.2] Declare new Substance & MDL graph templates.
2017.2.1 (2017-09-11) ¶
- Added pysbs/batchtools.py to call directly the Batchtools from Pysbs.
- Handle default Graph templates with an enumeration.
- Proper logging system.
- Remove dependency on cffi package, use ctypes instead.
- Use psdparse from SD install folder instead of SAT, as we don’t have the right to distribute psdparse in SAT for now.
- Allow creating a resource at the root of the package.
- Fix input/output type issues for a number of nodes in sbsfunctions Added log2 function.
- Fix comparing resources: accept lower/upper case for the resource Format.
- Fix encoding issues and ensure appropriate encoding for all calls to an external process (subprocess, dll loading).
- Fix Python 2.7 64bit, where struct.pack/unpack are expecting a string instead of a unicode.
- Fix faulty command line example for demoBuildSBSFromPainterBitmaps.
- Fix content list is None instead of [] when necessary.
2017.2.0 (2017-08-02) ¶
- Improve node connections: add helpers to get info on connections, allow moving connections to another pin.
- Handle graph/function creation from a template file.
- Sbscleaner: add the possibility to clean unused dependencies.
- Handle the GUI comments associated to a Node.
- Allow moving a graph/group/function/resource under another group.
- Allow setting the identifier of a graph/group/function/resource.
- Allow relocating resource - Check resource extension.
- Add a helper function to split a path containing a dependency uid into two parts.
- Change signature containing ‘RelPath’ or ‘PkgPath’ to ‘InternalPath’
- Fix computing GUI rectangle of nodes with more than 3 inputs/outputs.
2017.1.1 (2017-07-18) ¶
- Rename Substance Pipeline Tools into Substance Automation Toolkit.
- Fix deleting input/output node of a Substance graph: delete also the corresponding input parameter/graph output.
- Fix input/output named with a value known by the sbsdictionary.
- Fix setting the default value but with non-default inheritance.
- Handle dynamic multiple inputs on Pixel processor and FxMap nodes.
2017.1.0 (2017-06-30) ¶
- Rework and document getDefinition() function, add getIdentifier() function on all LibObjects.
- Handle input parameter of kind String + String function nodes.
- Split sbslibrary into sbslibrary and sbsdictionaries.
- Split sbsbakerslibrary into sbsbakerslibrary and sbsbakersdictionaries.
- SD2017.1: Update documentation: document new features + cleanup & rewording.
- SD2017.1: Handle changes in the baking parameters.
- SD2017.1: Add support for embedded presets within .sbs files. Common interface for .sbs and .sbsar
- SD2017.1: Do not pre-escape < and > characters for text area GUI fields anymore + Homogenize attributes.
1.0.3 (2017-05-22) ¶
- Remove dependency on Substance Designer. Use Substance Pipeline Tools instead.
- Rename pydesigner in pysbs.
- Allow to declare the moving of a sbs in all the sbs in a given tree.
- Rework SBSNode getters / setters.
- Declare sbsupdater batch tools.
- Display a clear exception when requesting info on an unparsed / uninitialized package.
- Unicode support - Remove unnecessary conversion to ‘str’ causing trouble in Python2.7.
- Fix issue in exception when giving invalid parameter to a SBSCompInstance.
- Fix format version issue (was string comparison).
1.0.2 (2017-05-17) ¶
- Publish documentation to Confluence.
- Handle GUIObjects: Comments/Frame/NavigationPin.
1.0.1 (2017-03-30) ¶
- Sd6 support: Handle Font resource creation.
- Reduce bitmap size & update doc.
- Handle Version Format 6.0.2.
- Updater script using SBSMutator.
1.0.0 (2017-03-30) ¶
- Support SD6 new attributes and filters.
0.1.7 (2017-03-22) ¶
- Add attribute helpers for .sbsar.
- Handle graph Icon.
- Add helpers for graph attributes.
- Add sbscleaner for cleaning graph/function/substance facilities.
- Handle creation of imported SVG resources.
- Add helpers + code & doc cleanup.
- Rewrite sbsenum with range().
0.1.6 (2017-03-14) ¶
- Handle .psd format for resource creation. Uses psdparse.exe provided by SD.
- Create SD dummy app for test, with psdparse executable and SD resource packages.
- Move demos/sample/test into pydesigner_demos.
0.1.5 (2017-03-01) ¶
- Handle SBSAR format - Create common interfaces for SBS and SBSAR.
- Check format version.
0.1.4 (2017-03-01) ¶
- Allow exporting a Substance with its dependencies.
- Allow write a SBSDocument at a different location.
0.1.3 (2017-03-01) ¶
- Fix dependency issue.
- Add helpers on input parameters and widget.
- Compatibility with Python 3.5.
0.1.2 (2017-03-01) ¶
- Add BakingParameters API - Bakers library & properties.
- Create Imported Resource.
- Add Doc Source to Git Repo.
- Check cycles before connection.
0.1.1 (2017-03-01) ¶
- Setup file + Package for Source distribution ok.