Choose File > Automate > Photomerge.
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- Dokumen cloud Photoshop | Pertanyaan alur kerja
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- Buat, buka, dan impor gambar
- Lihat gambar
- Kesalahan Penanda JPEG tidak valid | Membuka gambar
- Melihat banyak gambar sekaligus
- Sesuaikan pemilih warna dan contoh warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Cocokkan warna di gambar Anda
- Konversi antar-mode warna
- Mode warna
- Hapus bagian gambar
- Mode paduan
- Pilih warna
- Sesuaikan tabel warna terindeks
- Informasi gambar
- Filter distorsi tidak tersedia
- Tentang warna
- Penyesuaian warna dan monokrom menggunakan saluran
- Pilih warna di panel warna dan contoh warna
- Sampel
- Mode Warna atau mode Gambar
- Semburat warna
- Tambahkan perubahan mode bersyarat ke tindakan
- Tambahkan contoh warna dari HTML CSS dan SVG
- Kedalaman bit dan preferensi
- Lapisan
- Dasar-dasar lapisan
- Pengeditan yang tidak destruktif
- Buat dan kelola lapisan dan grup
- Pilih, kelompokkan, dan tautkan lapisan
- Tempatkan gambar ke dalam bingkai
- Opasitas lapisan dan paduan
- Lapisan mask
- Aktifkan Filter Cerdas
- Komp lapisan
- Pindahkan, tumpuk, dan kunci lapisan
- Lapisan mask dengan mask vektor
- Kelola lapisan dan grup
- Efek lapisan dan gaya
- Edit mask lapisan
- Ekstraksi aset
- Tampilkan lapisan dengan mask pemotongan
- Hasilkan aset gambar dari lapisan
- Bekerja dengan Objek Cerdas
- Mode paduan
- Gabungkan beberapa gambar ke dalam potret grup
- Gabungkan gambar dengan Lapisan Padukan Otomatis
- Sejajarkan dan distribusikan lapisan
- Salin CSS dari lapisan
- Muat seleksi dari batas lapisan atau mask lapisan
- Knockout untuk memunculkan konten dari lapisan lain
- Seleksi
- Mulai menggunakan seleksi
- Buat seleksi dalam komposit Anda
- Pilih dan Mask workspace
- Pilih dengan alat marquee
- Pilih dengan alat laso
- Sesuaikan seleksi piksel
- Pindah, salin, dan hapus piksel yang dipilih
- Buat mask cepat sementara
- Pilih rentang warna dalam gambar
- Konversi antara jalur dan batas seleksi
- Dasar-dasar saluran
- Simpan seleksi dan mask saluran alfa
- Pilih area gambar dalam fokus
- Gandakan, bagi, dan gabungkan saluran
- Penghitungan saluran
- Mulai menggunakan seleksi
- Penyesuaian gambar
- Ganti warna objek
- Warp perspektif
- Kurangi blur goyangan kamera
- Contoh kuas reparasi
- Ekspor tabel pencarian warna
- Sesuaikan ketajaman dan blur gambar
- Pahami penyesuaian warna
- Terapkan penyesuaian Kecerahan/Kontras
- Sesuaikan detail bayangan dan sorotan
- Penyesuaian level
- Sesuaikan rona dan saturasi
- Sesuaikan vibrance
- Sesuaikan saturasi warna di area gambar
- Lakukan penyesuaian tonal cepat
- Terapkan efek warna khusus ke gambar
- Sempurnakan gambar Anda dengan penyesuaian keseimbangan warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Lihat histogram dan nilai piksel
- Cocokkan warna pada gambar Anda
- Pangkas dan luruskan foto
- Ubah gambar berwarna menjadi hitam dan putih
- Penyesuaian dan lapisan isian
- Penyesuaian kurva
- Mode paduan
- Gambar target untuk ditekan
- Sesuaikan warna dan rona dengan eyedropper Level dan Kurva
- Sesuaikan eksposur HDR dan toning
- Dodge dan burn area gambar
- Buat penyesuaian warna selektif
- Adobe Camera Raw
- Persyaratan sistem Camera Raw
- Apa yang baru di Camera Raw
- Pengantar Camera Raw
- Buat panorama
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- Efek vinyet, grain, dan kabut dalam Camera Raw
- Pintasan keyboard default
- Koreksi perspektif otomatis pada Camera Raw
- Filter Radial dalam Camera Raw
- Pengaturan Camera Raw
- Buka, proses, dan simpan gambar dalam Camera Raw
- Perbaiki gambar dengan alat Penghapus Spot yang Disempurnakan dalam Camera Raw
- Putar, pangkas, dan sesuaikan gambar
- Sesuaikan rendering warna dalam Camera Raw
- Proses versi dalam Camera Raw
- Lakukan penyesuaian lokal di Camera Raw
- Perbaikan dan restorasi gambar
- Penyempurnaan dan transformasi gambar
- Menggambar dan melukis
- Lukis pola simetris
- Gambar persegi panjang dan modifikasi opsi goresan
- Tentang menggambar
- Gambar dan edit bentuk
- Alat melukis
- Buat dan modifikasi kuas
- Mode paduan
- Tambahkan warna ke jalur
- Edit jalur
- Lukis dengan Kuas Pencampur
- Preset kuas
- Gradasi
- Interpolasi gradasi
- Seleksi, lapisan, serta jalur isian dan goresan
- Gambar dengan alat Pena
- Buat pola
- Buat pola menggunakan Pembuat Pola
- Kelola jalur
- Kelola pustaka pola dan preset
- Gambar atau lukis dengan tablet grafis
- Buat kuas bertekstur
- Tambahkan elemen dinamis ke kuas
- Gradasi
- Lukis goresan bergaya dengan Kuas Riwayat Seni
- Lukis dengan pola
- Sinkronkan preset di beberapa perangkat
- Migrasikan preset, tindakan, dan pengaturan
- Teks
- Filter dan efek
- Menyimpan dan mengekspor
- Manajemen Warna
- Desain aplikasi, web, dan layar
- Video dan animasi
- Mencetak
- Otomatisasi
- Pemecahan masalah
- Masalah yang diperbaiki
- Masalah yang diketahui
- Optimalkan performa Photoshop
- Pemecahan masalah dasar
- Pecahkan masalah kerusakan atau macet
- Pecahkan masalah program
- Pecahkan masalah kesalahan gores disk penuh
- Pecahkan masalah driver grafis dan GPU
- Temukan alat yang hilang
- Photoshop 3D | Pertanyaan umum seputar fitur yang dihentikan
Penghentian fitur 3D di Photoshop
Fitur 3D di Photoshop akan dihapus pada pembaruan mendatang. Pengguna yang bekerja dengan 3D didorong untuk mengeksplorasi koleksi baru Substance 3D Adobe, yang mewakili generasi berikutnya dari alat 3D dari Adobe. Detail tambahan tentang penghentian fitur 3D Photoshop dapat ditemukan di sini: Photoshop 3D | Pertanyaan umum tentang fitur 3D yang dihentikan.
Create panoramic images with Photomerge
About Photomerge
The Photomerge™ command combines several photographs into one continuous image. For example, you can take five overlapping photographs of a city skyline, and then merge them into a panorama. The Photomerge command can assemble photos that are tiled horizontally as well as vertically.
Take pictures for Photomerge
Your source photographs play a large role in panoramic compositions. To avoid problems, follow these guidelines when taking pictures for use with Photomerge:
Overlap images sufficiently
Images should overlap by approximately 40%. If the overlap is less, Photomerge may not be able to automatically assemble the panorama. However, keep in mind that the images shouldn't overlap too much. If images overlap by 70% or more, Photomerge may not be able to blend the images. Try to keep the individual photos at least somewhat distinct from each other.
Use one focal length
If you use a zoom lens, don't change the focal length (zoom in or out) while taking your pictures.
Keep the camera level
Although Photomerge can process slight rotations between pictures, a tilt of more than a few degrees can result in errors when the panorama is assembled. Using a tripod with a rotating head helps maintain camera alignment and viewpoint.
Stay in the same position
Try not to change your position as you take a series of photographs, so that the pictures are from the same viewpoint. Using the optical viewfinder with the camera held close to the eye helps keep the viewpoint consistent. Or try using a tripod to keep the camera in the same place.
Avoid using distortion lenses
Distortion lenses can interfere with Photomerge. However, the Auto option adjusts for images taken with fish-eye lenses.
Maintain the same exposure
Avoid using the flash in some pictures and not in others. The blending features in Photomerge helps smooth out different exposures, but extreme differences make alignment difficult. Some digital cameras change exposure settings automatically as you take pictures, so you may need to check your camera settings to be sure that all the images have the same exposure.
Create a Photomerge composition
Under Source Files in the Photomerge dialog box, choose one of the following from the Use menu:
Generates the Photomerge composition using individual files.
Uses all the images stored in a folder to create the Photomerge composition.
Specify which images to use by doing one of the following:
To select image files or a folder of images, click the Browse button and navigate to the files or folder.
To use the images currently open in Photoshop, click Add Open Files.
To remove images from the Source File list, select the file and click the Remove button.
Select a Layout option:
Photoshop analyzes the source images and applies either a Perspective, Cylindrical, and Spherical layout, depending on which produces a better photomerge.
Creates a consistent composition by designating one of the source images (by default, the middle image) as the reference image. The other images are then transformed (repositioned, stretched or skewed as necessary) so that overlapping content across layers is matched.
Reduces the "bow‑tie" distortion that can occur with the Perspective layout by displaying individual images as on an unfolded cylinder. Overlapping content across files is still matched. The reference image is placed at the center. Best suited for creating wide panoramas.
Aligns and transforms the images as if they were for mapping the inside of a sphere, which simulates the experience of viewing a 360-degree panorama. If you have taken a set of images that cover 360 degrees, use this for 360 degree panoramas. You might also use Spherical to produce nice panoramic results with other file sets.
Aligns the layers and matches overlapping content and transforms (rotate or scale) any of the source layers.
Aligns the layers and matches overlapping content, but does not transform (stretch or skew) any of the source layers.
Select any of the following options:
Blend Images Together
Finds the optimal borders between the images and creates seams based on those borders, and color matches the images. With Blend Images Together turned off, a simple rectangular blend is performed. This may be preferable if you intend to retouch the blending masks by hand.
Vignette Removal
Removes and performs exposure compensation in images that have darkened edges caused by lens flaws or improper lens shading.
Geometric Distortion Correction
Compensates for barrel, pincushion, or fisheye distortion.
Content Aware Fill Transparent Areas
Seamlessly fill the transparent areas with similar image content nearby.
Click OK.
Photoshop creates one multi‑layer image from the source images, adding layer masks as needed to create optimal blending where the images overlap. You can edit the layer masks or add adjustment layers to further fine-tune the different areas of the panorama.
To replace empty areas around image borders, use a content-aware fill. (See Use Content-aware, pattern, or history fills.)
Create 360-degree panoramas
Devices such as the Ricoh Theta V and Insta360One let you capture full 360 panoramic images in a single take. Alternatively, you can combine Photomerge with 3D features to create a 360-degree panorama. First, you stitch together the images to create a panorama; then you use the Spherical Panorama command to wrap the panorama so it's continuous.
Be sure to photograph a full circle of images with sufficient overlap. Photographing with a pano head on a tripod helps produce better results.
Choose File > Automate > Photomerge.
In the Photomerge dialog box, add the images you want to use.
Do not include images that cover the top (zenith) or bottom (nadir) of the scene. You'll add these images later.
Select Spherical for the Layout.Note:
If you photographed with a fisheye lens, select the Auto layout and Geometric Distortion Correction. If Photoshop cannot automatically identify your lens, download the free Adobe Lens Profile Creator from the Adobe website.
(Optional) Select Vignette Removal or Geometric Distortion for the Lens Correction.
(Optional) Select Content Aware Fill Transparent Areas to avoid transparent pixels on the edges of the panoramic image.
Click OK.
Choose 3D > New Shape From Layer > Spherical Panorama.
(Optional) Manually add the top and bottom images into the sphere. You could also paint out any remaining transparent pixels in the 3D spherical panorama layer.
Edit panoramas
Introduced in the October 2017 release of Photoshop CC.
You can edit equirectangular spherical panoramas in Photoshop. With the panorama asset imported and its layer selected, invoke the panoramic viewer by choosing 3D > Spherical Panorama > New Panorama Layer From Selected Layer. Alternatively, directly load a spherical panorama from your system into the viewer by selecting 3D > Spherical Panorama > Import Panorama.
Once you've opened a panorama in the viewer, you can perform a variety of operations on it.
Rotate the camera view around
Photoshop lets you adjust the camera view for your panoramic image.
- Select the Move tool.
- Click and drag in the view to look around inside the panoramic image.
Adjust the field of view
The Properties Panel in Photoshop displays the camera properties. Here, you can adjust the field of view of the camera in mm (as in a 35mm camera) or degrees.
You can also click and drag the Axis widget controls available in the lower-left corner of the document window in Photoshop to rotate the camera without switching back to the Move tool.
Paint on the panorama
You can use the painting and adjustment tools available in Photoshop such as the Healing Brush and the Spot Healing Brush to edit the panorama. Filters work only on the visible portion of the panorama. Accordingly, it is recommended that you isolate the image outside the 3D view to apply the filters to your panoramic image.
The workflow given below uses the Spot Healing Brush tool as an example.
Choose File > Open and select the name of the file you want to open.
Choose 3D > Spherical Panorama > New Panorama Layer From Selected Layer.
Select the Spot Healing Brush tool. Ensure that Projection is selected as the Paint System in the Properties panel.
Click the area you want to fix, or click and drag to smooth over imperfections in a larger area. For details, see Retouch with the Spot Healing Brush tool.
- To improve the quality and performance while painting your panoramic image, create a new layer above the panoramic layer. After editing this layer, choose the Merge Down option from the Layers panel menu or press Ctrl/ Command+E.
- To apply filters to the entire panorama, double-click the layer titled Spherical Map in the Layers panel, edit as desired, and then save the file. The image automatically gets updated in the spherical layout.
To export the image, choose 3D > Spherical Panorama > Export Panorama.