From the Pen tools group, select the Content-Aware Tracing Tool.
- Photoshop di iPad | Pertanyaan umum
- Berkenalan dengan workspace
- Persyaratan sistem | Photoshop di iPad
- Membuat, membuka, dan mengekspor dokumen
- Tambahkan foto
- Bekerja dengan lapisan
- Gambar dan lukis dengan kuas
- Buat seleksi dan tambahkan mask
- Poles komposit Anda
- Bekerja dengan lapisan penyesuaian
- Sesuaikan tonalitas komposit Anda dengan kurva
- Terapkan operasi transformasi
- Pangkas dan putar komposit Anda
- Putar, geser, zoom, dan reset kanvas
- Bekerja dengan lapisan Tipe
- Bekerja dengan Photoshop dan Lightroom
- Dapatkan font yang hilang di Photoshop di iPad
- Teks Bahasa Jepang di Photoshop di iPad
- Kelola pengaturan aplikasi
- Pintasan sentuh dan gestur
- Pintasan keyboard
- Edit ukuran gambar Anda
- Livestream saat Anda berkarya di Photoshop di iPad
- Koreksi imperfeksi dengan Kuas Reparasi
- Buat kuas di Capture dan gunakan di Photoshop di iPad
- Bekerja dengan file Camera Raw
- Berkreasi dan bekerja dengan Objek Cerdas
- Sesuaikan eksposur dalam gambar Anda dengan Dodge dan Burn
- Perintah penyesuaian otomatis di Photoshop di iPad
- Coreng area dalam gambar Anda dengan Photoshop di iPad
- Tambah atau kurangi saturasi gambar Anda menggunakan alat Spons
- Isian berdasarkan konten untuk iPad
- Pertanyaan umum
- Persyaratan sistem
- Pintasan keyboard
- Tipe file yang didukung
- Pengantar workspace
- Buka dan bekerja dengan dokumen cloud
- Fitur AI generatif
- Konsep dasar pengeditan
- Tindakan Cepat
- Bekerja dengan lapisan
- Poles gambar dan hapus imperfeksi
- Buat seleksi cepat
- Peningkatan gambar dengan Lapisan Penyesuaian
- Pindahkan, transformasi, dan pangkas gambar
- Gambar dan lukis
- Bekerja dengan lapisan Tipe
- Bekerja dengan siapa saja di web
- Kelola pengaturan aplikasi
- Hasilkan Gambar
- Hasilkan Latar Belakang
- Gambar Referensi
- Dokumen cloud Photoshop | Pertanyaan umum
- Dokumen cloud Photoshop | Pertanyaan alur kerja
- Kelola dan bekerja dengan dokumen cloud di Photoshop
- Mutakhirkan penyimpanan cloud untuk Photoshop
- Tidak dapat membuat atau menyimpan dokumen cloud
- Atasi kesalahan dokumen cloud Photoshop
- Kumpulkan log sinkronisasi dokumen cloud
- Undang orang lain untuk mengedit dokumen cloud Anda
- Bagikan file dan beri komentar dalam aplikasi
- Dasar-dasar workspace
- Preferensi
- Belajar lebih cepat dengan Panel Temukan Photoshop
- Buat dokumen
- Letakkan file
- Pintasan keyboard default
- Kustomisasi pintasan keyboard
- Galeri alat
- Preferensi performa
- Gunakan alat
- Preset
- Kisi-kisi dan garis bantu
- Gestur sentuh
- Gunakan Bar Sentuh dengan Photoshop
- Kemampuan sentuh dan workspace yang dapat disesuaikan
- Pratinjau teknologi
- Metadata dan catatan
- Kemampuan sentuh dan workspace yang dapat disesuaikan
- Tempatkan gambar Photoshop di aplikasi lain
- Penggaris
- Tampilkan atau sembunyikan ekstra non-cetak
- Tentukan kolom untuk gambar
- Urungkan dan riwayat
- Panel dan menu
- Posisikan elemen dengan pengaitan
- Posisikan dengan alat Penggaris
- Cara mengubah ukuran gambar
- Bekerja dengan gambar raster dan vektor
- Ukuran dan resolusi gambar
- Dapatkan gambar dari kamera dan pemindai
- Buat, buka, dan impor gambar
- Lihat gambar
- Kesalahan Penanda JPEG tidak valid | Membuka gambar
- Melihat banyak gambar sekaligus
- Sesuaikan pemilih warna dan contoh warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Cocokkan warna di gambar Anda
- Konversi antar-mode warna
- Mode warna
- Hapus bagian gambar
- Mode paduan
- Pilih warna
- Sesuaikan tabel warna terindeks
- Informasi gambar
- Filter distorsi tidak tersedia
- Tentang warna
- Penyesuaian warna dan monokrom menggunakan saluran
- Pilih warna di panel warna dan contoh warna
- Sampel
- Mode Warna atau mode Gambar
- Semburat warna
- Tambahkan perubahan mode bersyarat ke tindakan
- Tambahkan contoh warna dari HTML CSS dan SVG
- Kedalaman bit dan preferensi
- Dasar-dasar lapisan
- Pengeditan yang tidak destruktif
- Buat dan kelola lapisan dan grup
- Pilih, kelompokkan, dan tautkan lapisan
- Tempatkan gambar ke dalam bingkai
- Opasitas lapisan dan paduan
- Lapisan mask
- Aktifkan Filter Cerdas
- Komp lapisan
- Pindahkan, tumpuk, dan kunci lapisan
- Lapisan mask dengan mask vektor
- Kelola lapisan dan grup
- Efek lapisan dan gaya
- Edit mask lapisan
- Ekstraksi aset
- Tampilkan lapisan dengan mask pemotongan
- Hasilkan aset gambar dari lapisan
- Bekerja dengan Objek Cerdas
- Mode paduan
- Gabungkan beberapa gambar ke dalam potret grup
- Gabungkan gambar dengan Lapisan Padukan Otomatis
- Sejajarkan dan distribusikan lapisan
- Salin CSS dari lapisan
- Muat seleksi dari batas lapisan atau mask lapisan
- Knockout untuk memunculkan konten dari lapisan lain
- Mulai menggunakan seleksi
- Buat seleksi dalam komposit Anda
- Pilih dan Mask workspace
- Pilih dengan alat marquee
- Pilih dengan alat laso
- Sesuaikan seleksi piksel
- Pindah, salin, dan hapus piksel yang dipilih
- Buat mask cepat sementara
- Pilih rentang warna dalam gambar
- Konversi antara jalur dan batas seleksi
- Dasar-dasar saluran
- Simpan seleksi dan mask saluran alfa
- Pilih area gambar dalam fokus
- Gandakan, bagi, dan gabungkan saluran
- Penghitungan saluran
- Ganti warna objek
- Warp perspektif
- Kurangi blur goyangan kamera
- Contoh kuas reparasi
- Ekspor tabel pencarian warna
- Sesuaikan ketajaman dan blur gambar
- Pahami penyesuaian warna
- Terapkan penyesuaian Kecerahan/Kontras
- Sesuaikan detail bayangan dan sorotan
- Penyesuaian level
- Sesuaikan rona dan saturasi
- Sesuaikan vibrance
- Sesuaikan saturasi warna di area gambar
- Lakukan penyesuaian tonal cepat
- Terapkan efek warna khusus ke gambar
- Sempurnakan gambar Anda dengan penyesuaian keseimbangan warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Lihat histogram dan nilai piksel
- Cocokkan warna pada gambar Anda
- Pangkas dan luruskan foto
- Ubah gambar berwarna menjadi hitam dan putih
- Penyesuaian dan lapisan isian
- Penyesuaian kurva
- Mode paduan
- Gambar target untuk ditekan
- Sesuaikan warna dan rona dengan eyedropper Level dan Kurva
- Sesuaikan eksposur HDR dan toning
- Dodge dan burn area gambar
- Buat penyesuaian warna selektif
- Persyaratan sistem Camera Raw
- Apa yang baru di Camera Raw
- Pengantar Camera Raw
- Buat panorama
- Lensa yang didukung
- Efek vinyet, grain, dan kabut dalam Camera Raw
- Pintasan keyboard default
- Koreksi perspektif otomatis pada Camera Raw
- Filter Radial dalam Camera Raw
- Pengaturan Camera Raw
- Buka, proses, dan simpan gambar dalam Camera Raw
- Perbaiki gambar dengan alat Penghapus Spot yang Disempurnakan dalam Camera Raw
- Putar, pangkas, dan sesuaikan gambar
- Sesuaikan rendering warna dalam Camera Raw
- Proses versi dalam Camera Raw
- Lakukan penyesuaian lokal di Camera Raw
- Lukis pola simetris
- Gambar persegi panjang dan modifikasi opsi goresan
- Tentang menggambar
- Gambar dan edit bentuk
- Alat melukis
- Buat dan modifikasi kuas
- Mode paduan
- Tambahkan warna ke jalur
- Edit jalur
- Lukis dengan Kuas Pencampur
- Preset kuas
- Gradasi
- Interpolasi gradasi
- Seleksi, lapisan, serta jalur isian dan goresan
- Gambar dengan alat Pena
- Buat pola
- Buat pola menggunakan Pembuat Pola
- Kelola jalur
- Kelola pustaka pola dan preset
- Gambar atau lukis dengan tablet grafis
- Buat kuas bertekstur
- Tambahkan elemen dinamis ke kuas
- Gradasi
- Lukis goresan bergaya dengan Kuas Riwayat Seni
- Lukis dengan pola
- Sinkronkan preset di beberapa perangkat
- Migrasikan preset, tindakan, dan pengaturan
- Masalah yang diperbaiki
- Masalah yang diketahui
- Optimalkan performa Photoshop
- Pemecahan masalah dasar
- Pecahkan masalah kerusakan atau macet
- Pecahkan masalah program
- Pecahkan masalah kesalahan gores disk penuh
- Pecahkan masalah driver grafis dan GPU
- Temukan alat yang hilang
- Photoshop 3D | Pertanyaan umum seputar fitur yang dihentikan
- Panduan Pengguna Photoshop
- Pengantar Photoshop
- Photoshop dan produk serta layanan Adobe lainnya
Photoshop di iPad (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
- Photoshop di iPad | Pertanyaan umum
- Berkenalan dengan workspace
- Persyaratan sistem | Photoshop di iPad
- Membuat, membuka, dan mengekspor dokumen
- Tambahkan foto
- Bekerja dengan lapisan
- Gambar dan lukis dengan kuas
- Buat seleksi dan tambahkan mask
- Poles komposit Anda
- Bekerja dengan lapisan penyesuaian
- Sesuaikan tonalitas komposit Anda dengan kurva
- Terapkan operasi transformasi
- Pangkas dan putar komposit Anda
- Putar, geser, zoom, dan reset kanvas
- Bekerja dengan lapisan Tipe
- Bekerja dengan Photoshop dan Lightroom
- Dapatkan font yang hilang di Photoshop di iPad
- Teks Bahasa Jepang di Photoshop di iPad
- Kelola pengaturan aplikasi
- Pintasan sentuh dan gestur
- Pintasan keyboard
- Edit ukuran gambar Anda
- Livestream saat Anda berkarya di Photoshop di iPad
- Koreksi imperfeksi dengan Kuas Reparasi
- Buat kuas di Capture dan gunakan di Photoshop di iPad
- Bekerja dengan file Camera Raw
- Berkreasi dan bekerja dengan Objek Cerdas
- Sesuaikan eksposur dalam gambar Anda dengan Dodge dan Burn
- Perintah penyesuaian otomatis di Photoshop di iPad
- Coreng area dalam gambar Anda dengan Photoshop di iPad
- Tambah atau kurangi saturasi gambar Anda menggunakan alat Spons
- Isian berdasarkan konten untuk iPad
Photoshop di web (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
- Pertanyaan umum
- Persyaratan sistem
- Pintasan keyboard
- Tipe file yang didukung
- Pengantar workspace
- Buka dan bekerja dengan dokumen cloud
- Fitur AI generatif
- Konsep dasar pengeditan
- Tindakan Cepat
- Bekerja dengan lapisan
- Poles gambar dan hapus imperfeksi
- Buat seleksi cepat
- Peningkatan gambar dengan Lapisan Penyesuaian
- Pindahkan, transformasi, dan pangkas gambar
- Gambar dan lukis
- Bekerja dengan lapisan Tipe
- Bekerja dengan siapa saja di web
- Kelola pengaturan aplikasi
- Hasilkan Gambar
- Hasilkan Latar Belakang
- Gambar Referensi
- Photoshop (beta) (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
- AI generatif (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
- Autentisitas konten (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
Dokumen Cloud (tidak tersedia di Tiongkok daratan)
- Dokumen cloud Photoshop | Pertanyaan umum
- Dokumen cloud Photoshop | Pertanyaan alur kerja
- Kelola dan bekerja dengan dokumen cloud di Photoshop
- Mutakhirkan penyimpanan cloud untuk Photoshop
- Tidak dapat membuat atau menyimpan dokumen cloud
- Atasi kesalahan dokumen cloud Photoshop
- Kumpulkan log sinkronisasi dokumen cloud
- Undang orang lain untuk mengedit dokumen cloud Anda
- Bagikan file dan beri komentar dalam aplikasi
- Dasar-dasar workspace
- Preferensi
- Belajar lebih cepat dengan Panel Temukan Photoshop
- Buat dokumen
- Letakkan file
- Pintasan keyboard default
- Kustomisasi pintasan keyboard
- Galeri alat
- Preferensi performa
- Gunakan alat
- Preset
- Kisi-kisi dan garis bantu
- Gestur sentuh
- Gunakan Bar Sentuh dengan Photoshop
- Kemampuan sentuh dan workspace yang dapat disesuaikan
- Pratinjau teknologi
- Metadata dan catatan
- Kemampuan sentuh dan workspace yang dapat disesuaikan
- Tempatkan gambar Photoshop di aplikasi lain
- Penggaris
- Tampilkan atau sembunyikan ekstra non-cetak
- Tentukan kolom untuk gambar
- Urungkan dan riwayat
- Panel dan menu
- Posisikan elemen dengan pengaitan
- Posisikan dengan alat Penggaris
- Desain aplikasi, web, dan layar
Dasar-dasar warna dan gambar
- Cara mengubah ukuran gambar
- Bekerja dengan gambar raster dan vektor
- Ukuran dan resolusi gambar
- Dapatkan gambar dari kamera dan pemindai
- Buat, buka, dan impor gambar
- Lihat gambar
- Kesalahan Penanda JPEG tidak valid | Membuka gambar
- Melihat banyak gambar sekaligus
- Sesuaikan pemilih warna dan contoh warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Cocokkan warna di gambar Anda
- Konversi antar-mode warna
- Mode warna
- Hapus bagian gambar
- Mode paduan
- Pilih warna
- Sesuaikan tabel warna terindeks
- Informasi gambar
- Filter distorsi tidak tersedia
- Tentang warna
- Penyesuaian warna dan monokrom menggunakan saluran
- Pilih warna di panel warna dan contoh warna
- Sampel
- Mode Warna atau mode Gambar
- Semburat warna
- Tambahkan perubahan mode bersyarat ke tindakan
- Tambahkan contoh warna dari HTML CSS dan SVG
- Kedalaman bit dan preferensi
- Dasar-dasar lapisan
- Pengeditan yang tidak destruktif
- Buat dan kelola lapisan dan grup
- Pilih, kelompokkan, dan tautkan lapisan
- Tempatkan gambar ke dalam bingkai
- Opasitas lapisan dan paduan
- Lapisan mask
- Aktifkan Filter Cerdas
- Komp lapisan
- Pindahkan, tumpuk, dan kunci lapisan
- Lapisan mask dengan mask vektor
- Kelola lapisan dan grup
- Efek lapisan dan gaya
- Edit mask lapisan
- Ekstraksi aset
- Tampilkan lapisan dengan mask pemotongan
- Hasilkan aset gambar dari lapisan
- Bekerja dengan Objek Cerdas
- Mode paduan
- Gabungkan beberapa gambar ke dalam potret grup
- Gabungkan gambar dengan Lapisan Padukan Otomatis
- Sejajarkan dan distribusikan lapisan
- Salin CSS dari lapisan
- Muat seleksi dari batas lapisan atau mask lapisan
- Knockout untuk memunculkan konten dari lapisan lain
- Mulai menggunakan seleksi
- Buat seleksi dalam komposit Anda
- Pilih dan Mask workspace
- Pilih dengan alat marquee
- Pilih dengan alat laso
- Sesuaikan seleksi piksel
- Pindah, salin, dan hapus piksel yang dipilih
- Buat mask cepat sementara
- Pilih rentang warna dalam gambar
- Konversi antara jalur dan batas seleksi
- Dasar-dasar saluran
- Simpan seleksi dan mask saluran alfa
- Pilih area gambar dalam fokus
- Gandakan, bagi, dan gabungkan saluran
- Penghitungan saluran
Penyesuaian gambar
- Ganti warna objek
- Warp perspektif
- Kurangi blur goyangan kamera
- Contoh kuas reparasi
- Ekspor tabel pencarian warna
- Sesuaikan ketajaman dan blur gambar
- Pahami penyesuaian warna
- Terapkan penyesuaian Kecerahan/Kontras
- Sesuaikan detail bayangan dan sorotan
- Penyesuaian level
- Sesuaikan rona dan saturasi
- Sesuaikan vibrance
- Sesuaikan saturasi warna di area gambar
- Lakukan penyesuaian tonal cepat
- Terapkan efek warna khusus ke gambar
- Sempurnakan gambar Anda dengan penyesuaian keseimbangan warna
- Gambar dengan rentang dinamis tinggi
- Lihat histogram dan nilai piksel
- Cocokkan warna pada gambar Anda
- Pangkas dan luruskan foto
- Ubah gambar berwarna menjadi hitam dan putih
- Penyesuaian dan lapisan isian
- Penyesuaian kurva
- Mode paduan
- Gambar target untuk ditekan
- Sesuaikan warna dan rona dengan eyedropper Level dan Kurva
- Sesuaikan eksposur HDR dan toning
- Dodge dan burn area gambar
- Buat penyesuaian warna selektif
Adobe Camera Raw
- Persyaratan sistem Camera Raw
- Apa yang baru di Camera Raw
- Pengantar Camera Raw
- Buat panorama
- Lensa yang didukung
- Efek vinyet, grain, dan kabut dalam Camera Raw
- Pintasan keyboard default
- Koreksi perspektif otomatis pada Camera Raw
- Filter Radial dalam Camera Raw
- Pengaturan Camera Raw
- Buka, proses, dan simpan gambar dalam Camera Raw
- Perbaiki gambar dengan alat Penghapus Spot yang Disempurnakan dalam Camera Raw
- Putar, pangkas, dan sesuaikan gambar
- Sesuaikan rendering warna dalam Camera Raw
- Proses versi dalam Camera Raw
- Lakukan penyesuaian lokal di Camera Raw
- Perbaikan dan restorasi gambar
- Penyempurnaan dan transformasi gambar
- Teks
- Filter dan efek
- Menyimpan dan mengekspor
- Manajemen Warna
- Desain aplikasi, web, dan layar
- Video dan animasi
- Mencetak
- Otomatisasi
Pemecahan masalah
- Masalah yang diperbaiki
- Masalah yang diketahui
- Optimalkan performa Photoshop
- Pemecahan masalah dasar
- Pecahkan masalah kerusakan atau macet
- Pecahkan masalah program
- Pecahkan masalah kesalahan gores disk penuh
- Pecahkan masalah driver grafis dan GPU
- Temukan alat yang hilang
- Photoshop 3D | Pertanyaan umum seputar fitur yang dihentikan
Photoshop provides multiple Pen tools to suit your use cases and creative style:
- The Curvature Pen tool lets you intuitively draw curves and straight segments.
- The standard Pen tool lets you draw straight segments and curves with great precision.
- The Freeform Pen tool lets you draw paths as if you were drawing with pencil on a piece of paper.
- The Magnetic Pen options let you draw a path that snaps to the edges of the defined areas in your image.
- The Content-Aware Tracing tool lets you automate the process for tracing images. (Technology Preview)
Use the Shift+P key combination to cycle through the tools in the Pen group.
You can use the pen tools in conjunction with the shape tools to create complex shapes. For more information about the modes in which you can draw with the Pen tools, see Drawing modes.
Before drawing with the Pen tool, you can create a new path in the Paths panel to automatically save the work path as a named path.
Content-Aware Tracing Tool
The Content-Aware Tracing Tool is being introduced as a Technology Preview in the October 2020 release of Photoshop and lets you create vector paths and selections by simply hovering over the edges of your image and clicking.
You can enable the Content-Aware Tracing Tool in Preferences > Technology Previews and then restart Photoshop.
Try out the Content-Aware Tracing Tool by following the below five simple steps:
Content-Aware Tracing Tool Content-Aware Tracing Tool -
Hover the cursor over the edge of an object to highlight it.
Highlight image edges Highlight image edges Note:Different zoom levels will affect how Photoshop sees your image and thus how the tool identifies edges.
For instance, if you're working with a lower resolution image, zooming out may help Photoshop easier identify an edge. Zooming in (100% or more) will result in the tool using the default 1-1 pixel resolution for identifying the edges.
Click on the highlighted section to create a path.
Click highlighted edges to create a path Click highlighted edges to create a path -
To add to the path, hover over an adjacent edge to highlight a new section and hold the Shift key while clicking to extended the path. The pink line that appears indicates that you're adding a new section to the existing path.
Hold Shift and click to extend your path Hold Shift and click to extend your path -
To delete an area from the path, hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) while you click. You can also click and drag in a direction to remove larger sections.
Use Alt or Option while clicking to delete part of the path Use Alt or Option while clicking to delete part of the path
While adjusting the Detail slider, Photoshop displays a preview of the edges that Photoshop sees. Moving the slider to the right increases the amount of edges Photoshop detects and moving to the left decreases the amount of detected edges.
Tracing modes (Detailed, Normal, and Simplified) adjust how detailed or textured the image is prior to processing the tracing.
Use Tracing together with the Detail slider to achieve your desired edges.
Curvature Pen tool
The Curvature Pen tool lets you draw smooth curves and straight line segments with equal ease. Create custom shapes in your designs or define precise paths to effortlessly fine-tune your images using this intuitive tool. While doing so, create, toggle, edit, add, or remove smooth or corner points without ever having to switch tools.
From the Pen tools group, select the Curvature Pen tool.
To create the first anchor point, click or tap anywhere in the document.
Click/tap again to define the second anchor point and complete the first segment of the path. Click once (default) if you want the next segment of your path to be curved. Double-click if you want to draw a straight segment next.
Note:The first segment of your path always appears as a straight line on the canvas initially. Depending on whether you draw a curved or a straight segment next, Photoshop adjusts it later. If the next segment you draw is curved, Photoshop makes the first segment curve smoothly in relation to the next segment.
(Curved path) Using a mouse or on a touch device, drag the pointer to draw the next segment of your path. While the mouse button is pressed down, optimize the curve of the segment. The previous segment is automatically adjusted to keep the curve smooth.
Optimize the curve of the segment while the mouse button is pressed down. Optimize the curve of the segment while the mouse button is pressed down. -
(Curved path) Release the mouse button to drop the anchor point and complete the second segment.
Draw additional segments and complete the path.
When you're done drawing, press the Esc key.
Tips for working with the Curvature Pen tool
- While dropping an anchor point, click once if you want the next segment of your path to be curved. Double-click if you want to draw a straight segment next. Photoshop creates smooth or corner points accordingly.
- To convert a smooth anchor point to a corner point, or vice versa, double-click the point.
- To move an anchor point, simply drag it around.
- To delete an anchor point, click it and then press the Delete key. While the anchor point is deleted, the curve is retained and suitably adjusted in relation to the remaining anchor points.
- Drag an anchor point to adjust the curve. When you adjust a path segment in this manner, the adjoining path segments are automatically modified (rubber-band effect).
- To introduce an additional anchor point, simply click in the middle of a path segment.
Pen tool
Draw straight line segments
The simplest path you can draw with the standard Pen tool is a straight line, made by clicking the Pen tool to create two anchor points. By continuing to click, you create a path made of straight line segments connected by corner points.
Select the Pen tool.
Position the Pen tool where you want the straight segment to begin, and click to define the first anchor point (do not drag).Note:
The first segment you draw will not be visible until you click a second anchor point. (Select the Rubber Band option in Photoshop to preview path segments.) Also, if direction lines appear, you’ve accidentally dragged the Pen tool; choose Edit > Undo, and click again.
Click again where you want the segment to end (Shift-click to constrain the angle of the segment to a multiple of 45°).
Continue clicking to set anchor points for additional straight segments.
The last anchor point you add always appears as a solid square, indicating that it is selected. Previously defined anchor points become hollow, and deselected, as you add more anchor points.
Complete the path by doing one of the following:
To close the path, position the Pen tool over the first (hollow) anchor point. A small circle appears next to the Pen tool pointer
when it is positioned correctly. Click or drag to close the path.
- To leave the path open, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) anywhere away from all objects.
To leave the path open, you can also select a different tool.
Draw curves with the Pen tool
You create a curve by adding an anchor point where a curve changes direction, and dragging the direction lines that shape the curve. The length and slope of the direction lines determine the shape of the curve.
Curves are easier to edit and your system can display and print them faster if you draw them using as few anchor points as possible. Using too many points can also introduce unwanted bumps in a curve. Instead, draw widely spaced anchor points, and practice shaping curves by adjusting the length and angles of the direction lines.
Select the Pen tool.
Position the Pen tool where you want the curve to begin, and hold down the mouse button.
The first anchor point appears, and the Pen tool pointer changes to an arrowhead. (In Photoshop, the pointer changes only after you’ve started dragging.)
Drag to set the slope of the curve segment you’re creating, and then release the mouse button.
In general, extend the direction line about one third of the distance to the next anchor point you plan to draw. (You can adjust one or both sides of the direction line later.)
Hold down the Shift key to constrain the tool to multiples of 45°.
Drawing the first point in a curve A. Positioning Pen tool B. Starting to drag (mouse button pressed) C. Dragging to extend direction lines
Drawing the first point in a curve -
Position the Pen tool where you want the curve segment to end, and do one of the following:
To create a C‑shaped curve, drag in a direction opposite to the previous direction line. Then release the mouse button.
Drawing the second point in a curve Drawing the second point in a curve To create an S‑shaped curve, drag in the same direction as the previous direction line. Then release the mouse button.
Drawing an S curve Drawing an S curve Note:To change the direction of the curve sharply, release the mouse button, and then Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the direction point in the direction of the curve. Release the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key and the mouse button, reposition the pointer where you want the segment to end, and drag in the opposite direction to complete the curve segment.
Continue dragging the Pen tool from different locations to create a series of smooth curves. Note that you are placing anchor points at the beginning and end of each curve, not at the tip of the curve.Note:
Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) direction lines to break out the direction lines of an anchor point.
Complete the path by doing one of the following:
To close the path, position the Pen tool over the first (hollow) anchor point. A small circle appears next to the Pen tool pointer
when it is positioned correctly. Click or drag to close the path.
- To leave the path open, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) anywhere away from all objects or select a different tool.
Draw straight lines followed by curves
Using the Pen tool, click corner points in two locations to create a straight segment.
Position the Pen tool over the selected endpoint. A small diagonal line, or slash, appears next to the Pen tool. To set the slope of the curved segment you’ll create next, click the anchor point, and drag the direction line that appears.
Drawing a straight segment followed by a curved segment (part 1) A. Straight segment completed B. Positioning Pen tool over endpoint C. Dragging direction point
Drawing a straight segment followed by a curved segment (part 1) -
Position the pen where you want the next anchor point; then click (and drag, if desired) the new anchor point to complete the curve.
Drawing a straight segment followed by a curved segment (part 2) A. Positioning Pen tool B. Dragging direction line C. New curve segment completed
Drawing a straight segment followed by a curved segment (part 2)
Draw curves followed by straight lines
Using the Pen tool, drag to create the first smooth point of the curved segment, and release the mouse button.
Reposition the Pen tool where you want the curved segment to end, drag to complete the curve, and release the mouse button.
Select the Convert Point tool from the toolbox, and then click the selected end point to convert it from a smooth point to a corner point.Note:
Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to temporarily change the Pen tool to the Convert Point tool.
Select the Pen tool from the toolbox, position the Pen tool where you want the straight segment to end, and click to complete the straight segment.
Draw two curved segments connected by a corner
Using the Pen tool, drag to create the first smooth point of a curved segment.
Reposition the Pen tool and drag to create a curve with a second smooth point; then press and hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and drag the direction line toward its opposing end to set the slope of the next curve. Release the key and the mouse button.
This process converts the smooth point to a corner point by splitting the direction lines.
Reposition the Pen tool where you want the second curved segment to end, and drag a new smooth point to complete the second curved segment.
A. Dragging a new smooth point B. Pressing Alt/Option to split direction lines while dragging, and swinging direction line up C. Result after repositioning and dragging a third time
Finish drawing a path
Complete a path in one of the following ways:
To close a path, position the Pen tool over the first (hollow) anchor point. A small circle appears next to the Pen tool pointer
when it is positioned correctly. Click or drag to close the path.
- To leave a path open, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) anywhere away from all objects.
Settings in the Options bar
When you use the standard Pen tool, the following options are available in the options bar:
- Auto Add/Delete, which lets you add an anchor point when you click a line segment or delete an anchor point when you click it.
- Rubber Band, which lets you preview path segments as you move the pointer between clicks. To access this option, click the pop-up menu to the right of the Custom Shape icon.
Freeform Pen tool
The Freeform Pen tool lets you draw as if you were drawing with a pencil on paper. Anchor points are added automatically as you draw. You do not determine where the points are positioned, but you can adjust them once the path is complete. To draw with greater precision, use the Pen tool.
Select the Freeform Pen tool
To control how sensitive the final path is to the movement of your mouse or stylus, click the inverted arrow next to the shape buttons in the options bar, and enter a value between 0.5 and 10.0 pixels for Curve Fit. A higher value creates a simpler path with fewer anchor points.
Drag the pointer in the image. As you drag, a path trails behind the pointer. When you release the mouse, a work path is created.
To continue the existing freehand path, position the pen pointer on an end point of the path, and drag.
To complete the path, release the mouse. To create a closed path, drag the line to the initial point of the path (a circle appears next to the pointer when it is aligned).
Draw using the magnetic pen options
The Magnetic Pen is an option of the Freeform Pen tool that lets you draw a path that snaps to the edges of defined areas in your image. You can define the range and sensitivity of the snapping behavior, as well as the complexity of the resulting path. The Magnetic Pen and Magnetic Lasso tools share many of the same options.
To convert the Freeform Pen tool to the Magnetic Pen tool
, select Magnetic in the options bar, or click the inverted arrow next to the shape buttons in the options bar, select Magnetic, and set the following:
For Width, enter a pixel value between 1 and 256. The Magnetic Pen detects edges only within the specified distance from the pointer.
For Contrast, enter a percentage value between 1 and 100 to specify the contrast required between pixels for that area to be considered an edge. Use a higher value for low-contrast images.
For Frequency, enter a value between 0 and 100 to specify the rate at which the Pen sets anchor points. A higher value anchors the path in place more quickly.
If you are working with a stylus tablet, select or deselect Pen Pressure. When this option is selected, an increase in pen pressure causes the width to decrease.
Click in the image to set the first fastening point.
To draw a freehand segment, move the pointer or drag along the edge you want to trace.
The most recent segment of the border remains active. As you move the pointer, the active segment snaps to the strongest edge in the image, connecting the pointer to the last fastening point. Periodically, the Magnetic Pen adds fastening points to the border to anchor previous sections.
Click to add fastening points, and continue tracing. Click to add fastening points, and continue tracing. -
If the border doesn’t snap to the desired edge, click once to add a fastening point manually and to keep the border from moving. Continue to trace the edge and add fastening points as needed. If you make a mistake, press Delete to remove the last fastening point.
To dynamically modify the properties of the Magnetic Pen, do one of the following:
Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) to draw a freehand path.
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) to draw straight segments.
Press the open square bracket key ([) to decrease the Magnetic Pen width by 1 pixel; press the close square bracket key (]) to increase the pen width by 1 pixel.
Complete the path:
Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS) to end an open path.
Double-click to close the path with a magnetic segment.
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and double-click to close the path with a straight segment.