Adobe Acrobat Licensing: To use Acrobat, start by choosing your license program.
Learn more >
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- Adobe Acrobat Sign
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- Pielāgot paketes
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- Izvietot pakotnes
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot Microsoft Intune
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot SCCM
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot ARD
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- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
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- Iestatīt identitāti | Pārskats
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- Studentu līdzekļu migrācija | Tikai EDU
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- Adobe Acrobat Sign
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- Pielāgot paketes
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- Izvietot pakotnes
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot Microsoft Intune
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot SCCM
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot ARD
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- Atinstalējiet Creative Cloud produktus
- Izmantojiet Adobe nodrošināšanas rīku komplekta uzņēmuma izdevumu
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- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
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- Saņemiet palīdzību
Learn how to deploy Adobe Acrobat if you are using Adobe Creative Cloud for teams or enterprise. It applies to both Acrobat Pro and Acrobat Standard.
On macOS and Windows OS, Acrobat is included in the package file that is created using the create package workflows in Admin Console.
You can deploy Acrobat using the package Setup file through the command line or by double-clicking it (and not through the Exception deployer tool).
You can also use the Enterprise Toolkit (ETK) to deploy customized products across your organization, set up virtualized installs, and create enterprise PDF workflows. Acrobat ETK provides wide range of IT details about Adobe Acrobat Document Cloud configuration and deployment, also, about the earlier product versions.
Download and deploy Acrobat
Download Acrobat installer: Once you have chosen a licensing program, download the Acrobat installer. Learn more >
Deploy Acrobat: Deploy Acrobat for teams using the downloaded Acrobat installer. Learn more >
Setup Security Notification Service: Setup Adobe Security Notification Service to send email notifications to users. Learn more >
Adobe Acrobat Licensing
Based on your business or organization requirement, you can choose one of the licensing programs:
- Adobe subscription license
- Adobe term license
- Adobe Acrobat perpetual license
To find best licensing program for your organization, see Compare licensing Programs.
Continuous Track
In Acrobat, there are two tracks - Continuous and Classic. Download Continuous track builds. For more information on tracks, see Document Cloud Product Tracks. Once you have chosen a licensing program and the required product track, download the installer to proceed further in the deployment process.
Download Acrobat installer
Before you download Acrobat, ensure that your system meets the requirements:
Download the installer based on your OS and product version.
Windows |
Mac |
Acrobat Pro |
Acrobat Standard |
n/a |
- This installer is multilingual; it can install Acrobat in any of the languages Acrobat supports. See the installation section below for more details.
- Windows installers are self extracting exe files. Run the downloaded .exe once to extract the installer in the Acrobat folder on your desktop.
Deploy Acrobat
To deploy Acrobat as Creative Cloud for teams, perform the following steps in sequence:
Customize packages
Use the Customization Wizard (Windows and macOS) available in ETK to customize packages. The wizard streamlines the task of configuring (customizing) the installer before organization-wide deployment. For example, if you have a volume license, you do not need to register and personalize each copy of the product you install. You can customize the installer to skip the standard registration questions, accept the End User License Agreement, and fill in your organization name automatically.
The wizard can only be used to tune Acrobat products.
For more information, see the Adobe Customization Wizard documentation (Windows / Mac) and and MSI and Cmd-line examples. You can download the wizard from here.
Want to learn more about Acrobat Enterprise Toolkit (ETK)? See Enterprise Toolkit for Acrobat users.
Create customized package
Use the Customization Wizard to further customize your package, using the one of the following workflows (based on end user machine OS).
Deploy the customized package
Windows: Deploy the modified installer with the Customization Wizard to your clients as described in the Customization Wizard documentation.
macOS: Deploy the package created with the Customization Wizard output.
Proceed to deploy the package created MSI (Windows) or PKG (macOS) file to the client.
For a Windows package, once the MST file (also known as the transformations file) is saved to the Acrobat subdirectory within the package, you can begin to deploy the software to the target systems. It is possible to install Acrobat using its own MSI (Windows) or PKG (macOS) file, but it does not install the licensing information and any dependencies with the package. It is recommended to use the "setup.exe" in the "Build" directory to install a package created with the create package workflows in Admin Console which contains Acrobat, to ensure these dependencies (such as Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributables) are also installed. See below for further information in installation.
The MSI installer does not handle dependencies such as the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables relevant to the version of Acrobat (like PDFMaker) being installed.
Install Acrobat on Windows
If you are using hard disk cloning or a similar technology, the software should be installed after the operating system is imaged.
Windows installers are self extracting exe files. Run the downloaded exe once to extract the installer files. By default, the installer files are extracted in an "Acrobat" folder on your desktop. To install Acrobat on Windows, use any one of the following methods:
- Method 1: Install in Command Line mode on the user's machine
- Method 2: Install through GUI Mode on the user's machine.
- Method 3: Install through deployment methods like SCCM.
Method 1: Install in command line mode on a user's machine
To install a package containing Acrobat, you can either run the setup.exe (in the "Build" directory) using the command line or by double-clicking it.
Language of the installed package
The language in which the package is installed depends on three factors:
- If Match OS Language option is selected while creating the package.
- The language you specify in the command while deploying the package.
- The language in which you have created the package.
The following table details how each of these factors affects the language in which the package is installed.
Match OS language |
Language explicitly specified while deploying a package using command line |
The package is installed in... |
Selected |
No |
OS Language |
Selected |
Yes |
Language explicitly specified in command line while deploying a package |
Not Selected |
Not Selected |
No |
Language in which the package is created |
Selected |
Yes, but the specified language is unavailable |
Language in which the package is created |
Not Selected |
When the installer is run, it checks for the locale that is set at the system level and not at the user level. For more details on this setting, see Install Creative Cloud package with Match OS Language option.
Command line has additional required parameters, for which default values are taken if you run package Setup.exe by double-clicking.
In the command:
- [INSTALLDIR] is the installation directory where Acrobat is to be installed on the client machine.
- [installLanguage] is the locale in which Acrobat is to be installed. Acrobat might not be available in all languages, so you can only provide a locale that is supported by the Acrobat for that particular media. For example, to install Acrobat in the English (US) locale, specify en_US as the locale in the command. For a list of available locales for Acrobat in a particular suite, see Locales for different Acrobat configurations.
Syntax example: setup.exe --silent --ADOBEINSTALLDIR="C:\InstallDir" --INSTALLLANGUAGE=fr_CA Location of setup.exe: [Package]\Build
Navigate to Acrobat folder in command prompt and run the following command:
Syntax example:
Setup.exe /sl "[LangCode]" /sALL
In the command above:
- [LangCode] is the numerical Acrobat Launch language code based on the following language codes. For example, if you pass “1033” in [LangCode], Acrobat launches in English.
Method 2: Installation through GUI mode on a user's machine
In this method, you can simply copy the "Acrobat" installer folder you extracted from the downloaded exe (and optionally customized) to a user's machine and run Setup.exe to start the installation.
Method 3: Installation through deployment practices for Acrobat
You can also follow usual deployment practices for Acrobat as mentioned in Acrobat ETK –
The following example shows Acrobat deployment through SCCM:
Run the downloaded exe to extract the installer in "Acrobat" folder. By default, files are extracted to your desktop. Once extraction is completed, do not proceed with install yet. You will have the extracted installer files, which you will use to deploy Acrobat using SCCM. Follow the usual processes for creating a package for deployment in SCCM Configuration manager. Give the path of Setup.exe in the Create Program wizard in SCCM (see below).
Use it to deploy Acrobat using SCCM. Follow the usual processes for creating a package for deployment in SCCM Configuration manager. Give the path of Setup.exe in the "Create Program wizard" in SCCM (see below).
Deploy Adobe Acrobat in a virtualized environment? For information on deploying Acrobat in a virtualized environment, see Virtualized deployments.
Install Acrobat on macOS
To install Acrobat on macOS, simply install the downloaded installer package (or the customized package if you have to use the Customization Wizard).
macOS installers are .pkg type installers that provide the necessary user interface prompts to run.
You can use deployment practices on macOS like ARD to deploy the chained package. More information is available in Acrobat ETK:
Security Notification Service
The Adobe Security Notification Service is a free email notification service that Adobe uses to send information to customers about the security of Adobe products. For more information, see Adobe Security Notifications Registration.
Uninstall Acrobat
Uninstall Acrobat on Windows
Once you have deployed Acrobat using the package, you can uninstall it using the usual process for uninstalling msi packages. It can be done individually using Add and Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel.
The Acrobat Pro MSI package is at the following path for Acrobat:
It is recommended to run the package MSI in uninstall mode to remove the Acrobat license. However, if you have installed other apps on the machine that you still require, do not run the package MSI to uninstall Acrobat, as it removes the license for other apps as well.
Also it can be done using command line. Here is the command line syntax for uninstalling the Adobe Acrobat:
Syntax Example:
msiexec.exe /x <path to Acrobat msi file> /qn
Acrobat updates
You can deploy Acrobat Updates using deployment practices used in your organization. For more information about updates, see Patch release notes.