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- Apstiprināt Adobe lietotnes pakalpojumā Google Admin Console
- Iespējot Adobe Express Google klasē
- Integrācija ar Canvas LMS
- Integrācija ar Blackboard Learn
- SSO konfigurēšana rajona portāliem un LMS
- Pievienojiet lietotājus, izmantojot programmu Roster Sync
- Kivuto BUJ
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- Iestatīt savu organizāciju
- Identitātes veidi | Pārskats
- Iestatīt identitāti | Pārskats
- Iestatīt organizāciju, izmantojot uzņēmuma ID
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- Iestatīt Google federāciju un sinhronizāciju
- Iestatīt organizāciju, izmantojot Microsoft ADFS
- Izveidot organizāciju rajona portāliem un LMS
- Izveidot organizāciju kopā ar citiem identitātes nodrošinātājiem
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- Pārvaldiet savas organizācijas iestatījumus
- Pārvaldiet esošos domēnus un direktorijus
- Iespējot automātisku konta izveidi
- Izveidot organizāciju, izmantojot direktoriju uzticību
- Migrējiet uz jaunu autentifikācijas nodrošinātāju
- Līdzekļu iestatījumi
- Autentifikācijas iestatījumi
- Konfidencialitātes un drošības kontakti
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- Migrējiet esošos lietotājus uz Adobe Admin Console
- Migrējiet lietotāju pārvaldību uz Adobe Admin Console
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- Viena lietotne | Creative Cloud uzņēmumam
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- Krātuve
- Līdzekļu migrācija
- Atprasīt līdzekļus no lietotāja
- Studentu līdzekļu migrācija | Tikai EDU
- Pārvaldīt pakalpojumus
- Adobe Stock
- Pielāgotie fonti
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud uzņēmumiem — bezmaksas abonements
- Izvietojiet lietotnes un atjauninājumus
- Pārskats
- Izveidot paketes
- Pielāgot paketes
- Izvietot pakotnes
- Izvietot pakotnes
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot Microsoft Intune
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot SCCM
- Izvietojiet Adobe pakotnes, izmantojot ARD
- Instalējiet produktus izņēmumu mapē
- Atinstalējiet Creative Cloud produktus
- Izmantojiet Adobe nodrošināšanas rīku komplekta uzņēmuma izdevumu
- Adobe Creative Cloud licencēšanas identifikatori
- Izvietot pakotnes
- Pārvaldiet atjauninājumus
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Problēmu novēršana
- Pārvaldiet savu Teams kontu
- Atjaunojumi
- Pārvaldīt līgumus
- Pārskati un žurnāli
- Saņemiet palīdzību
Use Adobe Student File Transfer to automatically transfer your creative assets from your assigned school account to a personal account.
Adobe Student File Transfer replaces the old Student Asset Migration service, which was introduced in 2020. For a limited time, users who need to access the older tool to transfer Adobe Portfolio files can do so at https://graduation.adobe.com/sam.
For IT admins: if you have offered Student Asset Migration to your student body in the past, you should familiarize yourself with the changes between the old service and Student File Transfer and ensure those changes are incorporated into any instructions you prepare for your users. For more information about student file transfer, see Student File Transfer resources for IT admins.
Before you begin
School account
Keep your school account credentials handy. You'll be asked to sign in.
Managing Account Storage: Personal Adobe accounts typically provide 5GB of file storage. If you have more than 5GB of files in your school account, you can either remove any non-essential files before starting the transfer or upgrade your personal account to an Adobe plan with higher storage capacity.
If you start the process without taking these steps, you may run out of space during the transfer. In that case, you'll be notified by email that not all of your files were copied. You can then take one of the steps described above to free up additional storage and simply restart the transfer process. Any files remaining in your account that were not already transferred will be copied over.
Personal account
You require a functional email ID to sign up for a new personal account. If you don’t already have a personal Adobe account, you'll be prompted to sign up for one. Once you have signed in to either your existing personal Adobe account or a new one, you are guided through a series of steps to transfer your files to the new personal account.
- Ensure that the personal email account isn't already linked to an Adobe ID.
- If your email account is linked to an Adobe ID, change the email address.
Still have questions? See Student File Transfer Frequently Asked Questions.
Student File Transfer actually copies the files selected for transfer and then moves the copies into your personal account. You will still be able to initiate additional transfers as long as you have access to your school account.
Transfer files
When you sign in to Student File Transfer and start the transfer process, you are prompted to sign up for a new personal account. Once your account is verified, you can automatically transfer your assets into this account.
Avoid performing the migration on lab machines on any shared device. If you have no other option, clear cache, and use a private browsing window. Once you start the migration, ensure that you complete it at one go on the same device.
Sign in to your school account or verify the school account if already signed in.
Sign in to your personal account or create one if you don’t have it.
Verify all information and choose Select transfer.
Enter your personal email address where you need Adobe to send a notification when the asset transfer is complete. Select Confirm.
After you migrate
While most assets migrate automatically, you may have to migrate some of them manually.
Creative Cloud Assets |
Services |
Personalization |
Behance |
Migrates automatically |
Does not migrate automatically |
If you still have questions, see Frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, Adobe Student File Transfer is available to all students, faculty, and staff of an educational institution as long as they have an active, federated-identity school account used to access Adobe products on their school domain.
Generally, if your school provided you with an account to use Adobe software, it should be supported by Student File Transfer. Typically, federated accounts will have user names like studentname@schoolname.edu. In contrast, free or paid student/teacher plans you acquired on your own (not issued by your school) are not federated accounts and will not be supported by the service.
Adobe Student File Transfer works by copying all of the files it finds in your school account to your personal Adobe account. You'll be asked to log in to both accounts prior to starting the transfer, and when complete, you'll receive an email providing a summary of the transfer operation.
Users can use their existing Adobe personal account. If they don't already have an Adobe personal account, the Student File Transfer service will help the user create one as part of the process.
No, the service can be used any number of times to copy files from your school account to your personal account.
No. The service copies files, rather than moves them, so the original files will still be in your school account even after completing the transfer.
Student File Transfer keeps track of the files you previously copied from your school account to your personal account. If any files are added or updated, they will be copied over when you re-run the transfer process.
No, Student File Transfer works only from a federated school account to a personal account.
Migrating assets from one geographical region to another is not supported. Your school and personal account must be located in the same geographical region. For example, if your school account is in the United States, you cannot transfer assets to a personal account in Japan. International students returning to their home countries may have to migrate assets manually.
A free Adobe account does come with a number of free entitlements, including Adobe Express, Firefly, Acrobat Web, and more, in addition to 5GB of free storage. Students can go to www.adobe.com, select Sign in, and then select Create an account to get a free account. Once they have sgned in, they can see a full list of all the free services provided. A free account does not include access to a number of other Adobe applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc. It also does not include access to premium services and content. If a user wants access to these products, they must obtain a paid personal plan that includes them. The same goes for any premium content or services they used with their school projects.
If your school project files include any premium content, that content typically will not be supported once the files are transferred to a free personal account. The premium content may still be viewable from your personal account, but you will not be able to save or export the project until all premium content is removed or you switch to an Adobe account plan that includes premium entitlements.
Adobe Portfolio is not currently supported by Student File Transfer. While we are exploring options to add support in the future, for now, students with Adobe Portfolio accounts can use Portfolio’s standalone asset migration service to move those files as a separate transfer operation. Instructions about how to use the Portfolio transfer service are documented here. Alternatively, for a limited time, students can continue to access the old Student Asset Migration service at https://graduation.adobe.com/sam. You must use the old service if the only files you need to transfer are Portfolio files.
Adobe XD prototypes and design links on published pages do not work after you migrate to a personal account. The files are moved to the files directory. However, the links on the published page will not resolve. Remove shares from the published files, and unpublish prototypes and designs before the migration.
Adobe Stock photos already downloaded from Adobe Stock and saved to the Creative Cloud Files directory migrate just like other assets. You cannot download more photos from Adobe Stock in the new account.
Adobe Fonts are removed from your local machine after you migrate assets. Any website created with Adobe Fonts will revert to non-paid fonts after migration.
This is a partial list of the Adobe products that Student File Transfer supports as of May 1, 2024 (check back for product updates frequently).
Supported products (as of May 2024) |
Unsupported products (as of May 2024) |
Adobe Express | Adobe InDesign |
Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Lightroom |
Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Portfolio (offers its own standalone transfer service) |
Adobe XD | Adobe Behance |
Adobe Acrobat / DC | Adobe Rush |
Adobe Fresco | Adobe Frame.io |
As a rule, any content added to project files by anyone other than yourself will not be transferred when copying files to your personal account. This includes features like sharing links and comments added by other users as part of group projects, as well as files that were shared with you that you do not own. Files that you created and shared with others are copied over, but sharing links are not preserved.