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- Adobe Enterprise & Teams: administrācijas ceļvedis
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- K-12 uzņemšanas vednis
- Vienkārša iestatīšana
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- Roster Sync K-12 (ASV)
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- Pievienojiet lietotājus, izmantojot programmu Roster Sync
- Kivuto BUJ
- Galvenās un sekundārās izglītības iestāžu atbilstības vadlīnijas
- Iestatīt savu organizāciju
- Identitātes veidi | Pārskats
- Iestatīt identitāti | Pārskats
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- Viena lietotne | Creative Cloud uzņēmumam
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- Krātuve
- Līdzekļu migrācija
- Atprasīt līdzekļus no lietotāja
- Studentu līdzekļu migrācija | Tikai EDU
- Pārvaldīt pakalpojumus
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- Creative Cloud uzņēmumiem — bezmaksas abonements
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- Izvietot pakotnes
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- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
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- Saņemiet palīdzību
Adobe may have special offers available to primary and secondary schools. See if your institution is considered a qualified primary or secondary institution.
Qualified Educational Institutions
The following is a non-exhaustive list of qualified primary and secondary institutions:
- Accredited (by official accrediting entities) public or private primary or secondary school providing full-time instruction.
- Named educational institutions approved by Adobe, only if individual named entities are approved by Adobe in writing.
Non-Qualified Educational Institutions
The following is a non-exhaustive list of entities that are not qualified primary and secondary institutions:
- Non-accredited schools
- Museums or libraries
- Hospitals wholly owned and operated by an otherwise qualified educational institution
- Churches or religious organizations that are not accredited schools
- Vocational training centers or schools granting certificates for courses such as computer software training or job training that are not accredited schools or that grant degrees requiring less than the equivalent of two years of full-time study
- Military schools that do not grant academic degrees
- Research laboratories
- Public or private university or college (including community, junior, or vocational college)
- Cooperative associations composed of multiple qualifying and unaffiliated educational institutions that join the cooperative association by enrolling; executing a written, legal agreement; or otherwise being qualified by the cooperative association as a member (each a consortium member) with the primary purpose of creating and/or managing volume-driven procurement/licensing agreements on behalf of its consortium members
Asia Pacific countries excluding Southeast Asia countries
The following list includes Asia Pacific countries excluding Southeast Asia countries as defined in the Southeast Asia Countries section on this page:
- Australia, the Independent State of Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands; Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka; Mongolia, the People's Republic of China (including Hong Kong SAR of China and Macau SAR of China), Taiwan region; Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; Northern Mariana Islands; New Zealand; Pakistan; South Korea
- "Educational Institution" means a pre-tertiary academic institution, public or private, located in the territory that meets one of the criteria below:
- elementary school, primary school, secondary school, high school, special needs school, correspondence school, religious school, which offer academic courses of study that lead to a certification, that is nationally recognized and acknowledged as part of the territory's mainstream educational progression or that is recognized and endorsed by a government agency/branch ministry in the territory;
- an early childhood center or kindergarten that:
- is incorporated primarily for the purpose of providing educational services to children;
- offers an early childhood program; and
- is lawfully established, authorized, created, licensed, chartered, registered and/or accredited with/by the Ministry/Department of Education in the territory, or accredited by a government agency/branch/ministry or an accreditation agency recognized by a government agency/branch/ministry within the territory; or
- is incorporated primarily for the purpose of providing educational services to children;
- Educational establishment specifically named and approved by Adobe's Legal Department in writing
- Notwithstanding that an educational organization may have met with the criteria above, Adobe may determine, in its sole discretion, not to approve any such educational establishment as an "Qualified Educational Institution"
- Examples of non‐qualified Educational Institution (a non‐exhaustive list) include:
- Tuition centers, and schools that grant certificates or provide courses on computer training, tuition on school subjects, language, arts, music classes, or other subjects or topics, where such entities or certification are not recognized and acknowledged as the territory's mainstream education progression;
- Commercial training centers, skills centers, review centers and enrichment centers that are not otherwise Educational Institutions; and
- Military school that does not grant academic degree
- Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam
- "Educational Institution" means:
- pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, primary school, secondary school or high school (a "Pre-Tertiary School"), or academic institution which offer courses of study or certification equivalent to a Pre-Tertiary School such as special needs school, international or foreign school and religious school, within the respective territory's definition designated by Adobe on www.adobe.com/go/education_entity_seasia_eden (or its successor website thereto), as updated by Adobe from time to time; or
- Educational establishment specifically named and approved by Adobe's Legal Department in writing
- Notwithstanding that an educational organization may have met with the criteria above, Adobe may determine, in its sole discretion, not to approve any such educational establishment as an "Qualified Educational Institution"
- Examples of non‐qualified Educational Institution (a non‐exhaustive list) include:
- Childcare centers (unless such childcare centers also offer kindergarten programs);
- skills centers, enrichment centers, tuition centers, education centers, correspondence schools, or other schools, granting certificates or providing courses on computer training, job training, tuition on school subjects, language, arts, music classes, or other subjects or topics;
- Military school that does not grant academic degree
- Educational institution as provided under the School Education Act
- Schools (including elementary school, junior high school, high school, school for the blind, school for the deaf, school for the handicapped and kindergarten
- Other educational institutions
- Education Board and Education Institution as provided under the Law Regarding the Local Education Administration's Organization and Management. (Specifically, this is the Education Board provided under Article 2 of the Law Regarding Local Education Administration's Organization and Management and Education Center, Education Research Institute and other Education Institution(s) provided under Article 30 of the same law)
- Independent Administration Institution(s) overseen by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and which purpose is education, such as, Education Training Center
- Any other institution that Adobe Ireland separately approves as an Educational Entity
- Notwithstanding the forgoing, an entity shall no longer be deemed an Educational Entity under this Agreement from the date of Adobe's written notice, given in Adobe's sole discretion, that the entity is not approved as an Educational Entity
Education customers eligible for K-12 licenses in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa:
- The US K-12 standards comply with ISCED* 3 classification, as such, ISCED 3 qualified educational institutions are K-12 eligible as these are requirements for entering higher education, that is, ISCED 5.
- Therefore, EMEA-qualified educational institutions classified as ISCED 3 are considered K-12 eligible, whereas, educational institutions classified as ISCED 4 and above are considered by Adobe as higher education (HED) eligible.
- In the United Kingdom, Adobe considers that Sixth Form Colleges are K-12 eligible based on ISCED 3 classification for those educational institutions offering ISCED 3 curricular programs, as participation in Sixth Form Colleges forms a requirement for higher education, among other qualifications.
- In the Netherlands, organizations of vocational upper secondary education (MBO) are classified as ISCED 4 and are considered by Adobe as higher education (HED) eligible.
ISCED - International Standard Classification of Education
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