Add Adobe Creative Cloud extension for Google Chrome

Learn how to add the Adobe Creative Cloud extension in Google Chrome.

Adobe Creative Cloud extension for Chrome enables you to quickly convert your photos or pictures from the web into patterns, vector shapes, and more. 

Add Adobe Creative Cloud extension to Chrome

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search and click the  Adobe Creative Cloud extension ().
  3. Click Add to Chrome.

Once you've installed the extension, you can create a shortcut for it in Chrome for quick access. Click the Extensions menu () to the right of the address bar and click the pin icon on your extension to pin it to the browser UI.

To launch the extension, click  , and sign in to Creative Cloud with your Adobe ID

Use Adobe Creative Cloud extension

Don't have an Adobe ID? It's free and easy to create one. Click here to quickly create your Adobe ID.

  1. After signing in, from the Adobe Creative Cloud window, click Create New. The extension creates tiles of all images present in the active window in Chrome. 

    From the tiles window, select an image you want to base your design, and click the + button on it.

  2. Experiment with various kaleidoscopic effects from your picture. From the Patterns tab, choose a shape pattern as a base to build your pattern. Use the Scale and Rotation options to adjust the pattern. To save the image, see Step 6.

    Patterns tab in the Adobe Creative Cloud extension for Chrome

    A. Your Adobe user account B. Create a shape-based pattern C. Create a color or a grayscale pattern D. Adjust pattern E. Save your pattern to Creative Cloud Libraries F. Live preview panel 

  3. Go out to the Shapes tab to convert your original photo into black and white vector art, and save it to your Creative Cloud Library (see Step 6).

  4. Liked the colors from a photo?  Use the Color Themes tab to easily extract the colors from the photo. Select a color mood you want, and copy hex values from Swatchesand save (see Step 6).

  5. Go the Gradients tab to capture the gradients from an image and save them as color gradients to your Creative Cloud library.

  6. To save the design elements to your Creative Cloud Libraries, create a New Library folder, or select an existing library folder, and click Save.

    You can then access your designs across other Adobe Creative Cloud apps like Illustrator, Photoshop and more. You can also share your libraries with anyone with a Creative Cloud account. For more information, see Support for Adobe Creative Cloud extension (Capture) assets in other Adobe apps.

Manage Adobe Creative Cloud extension settings

Want to disable Adobe Creative Cloud? You can turn off the extension by clicking the three vertical dots () at the upper right of the Chrome browser, and More Tools > Extensions. From the Extensions dashboard, search and find Adobe Creative Cloud, and slide the toggle button to the left to disable.

See this Chrome Web Store documentation page to learn more on how to manage the extension settings, uninstall extensions from Chrome and more.

Troubleshoot issues with Adobe Creative Cloud extension

Do you have a trouble adding Adobe Creative Cloud extension to Chrome? Quickly find solutions to some common errors that you might encounter during installation.

Creative Cloud extension won't install in incognito mode

In Chrome, you cannot install extensions in incognito or guest windows. Ensure to sign in to your Google account before installing. Once you've installed the Adobe Creative Cloud extension, you can enable it to work in incognito mode.

To enable in incognito mode, from the Extensions dashboard (chrome://extensions), click the Details tab in Adobe Creative Cloud, and slide on the Allow in incognito toggle. Then, navigate to the Cookies settings page (chrome://settings/cookies), and choose Allow all cookies.

I want to enable the extension only on specific sites

You can limit Adobe Creative Cloud extension's permission to access the sites only you approve. If you have set the Creative Cloud extension to run and see data only on specific sites, make sure you also add the following three domains to make the Adobe Creative Cloud extension work:

For example, if you have set the extension to only access data on Behance site, you must also allow the three domains listed above from the extension's Details page.

Limitations in extension's permissions
Add these Adobe domains to run the Creative Cloud extension on your list of allowed websites

Got a question or an idea?

question or idea

If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in the Adobe Capture Community. We'd love to hear from you.

