Known issues in Premiere Pro

Find known issues and limitations in the latest release of Adobe Premiere Pro.

Known crash issues

On macOS versions before 13 (Ventura), Premiere Pro crashes at startup

The first time Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Media Encoder are launched after installing on older macOS operating systems (earlier than macOS 13 Ventura), a message stating Display surface initialization failed is presented, and the application then crashes. This failure will not happen again in subsequent launches of each application. Apple resolved this issue in macOS 13.

On Windows

We recommend that Windows users download and use NVIDIA drivers (version 531.41 or higher). This will resolve any crashing issues that may have been present with older drivers. For more information, see the NVIDIA documentation

To avoid crash on launch issues when using Remote Desktop on Windows with an AMD GPU, install the Auto-detect-updates from AMD to update the GPU drivers.

General known issues

The Cineon Converter effect has mismatched menu labels and operators

The Cineon Converter effect (Video Effects > Utility > Cineon Converter) has an issue where the pull-down menu labels and operators are mismatched for the Conversion Type option. If you select:

  • Linear to Log: Premiere Pro actually does Log To Linear
  • Log to Linear: Premiere Pro actually does Linear To Log
  • Log to Log: Premiere Pro actually does Log To Linear but with an incorrect transformation

We are currently working on a fix for this issue.

Hardware Encoding issue on Windows systems having NVIDIA GeForce GTX 16xx GPUs

Issue: Hardware Encoding on Windows systems with GeForce GTX 1630, GeForce GTX 1650, or GeForce GTX 1650 Ti NVIDIA GPUs with driver version 551.61 may have corrupt frames.

Workaround: Update to NVIDIA Studio driver 551.86 or later to fix the issue.

ProRes RAW playback issues on Windows computers with an AMD GPU

Issue: On Windows computers using an AMD GPU (both integrated and discreet GPUs), ProRes RAW media does not play correctly. The error "ProRes RAW video could not be decoded." may appear during import and playback. The audio portion of the video may be audible, but no video appears during playback.

Workaround: Use software rendering: File > Project Settings > General. From the Renderer menu, choose Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.

Adobe and Apple are working on fixing this issue. 

Loading a large number of plug-ins takes a long time (only macOS) 

Issue: While loading a large number of plugins for the first time during startup, the application may seem to be non-responsive while initial loading is in progress. 

Workaround: Avoid aborting the application during this process because it will require those plugins to re-initialize again during launch. Clearing the plug-in cache will also require the initialization of the plugins. We are looking at ways to optimize this process in future versions.

October 2024 Release (Version 25.1)

Edit points can be difficult to see

Issue: When the video track height is set to the minimum, edit points are very difficult to see. This issue may be more noticeable when a Label Color Preset other than Default is selected.

Workaround: Increase the height of the video track above the minimum height.

This issue will be fixed in the next version of Premiere Pro.

October 2024 Release (Version 25.0)

Media does not display on the timeline on Windows systems

On Windows, if a custom scale factor is set in System > Display, media does not display on the Premiere Pro timeline. We are working to fix this issue in an updated version of Premiere Pro. Two workarounds are available:

  1. In Windows, turn off custom scaling and use one of the standard scaling options, or 
  2. In Premiere Pro, turn off GPU-accelerated UI rendering in Preferences > General.

Import Files dialog box Issue in Windows

Issue: Windows customers may see an “Import Files” dialog box that never completes in the following conditions:

  • The Learn, panel, or any panel listed in Windows > Extensions, is turned on.
  • An AAF, Final Cut Pro XML, or EDL file is being imported.

Workaround: When importing these file types, first close the above-listed panels. The panels can be turned on again after the import has been completed.

Removal of Reference Monitor

In an ongoing effort to modernize our codebase and maintain the highest possible quality in the app, the Reference Monitor is removed from Premiere Pro.

For precise frame-by-frame referencing, consider using the Source Monitor and Match Frame combination (shortcut key F), or revert to an earlier version of Premiere Pro if you need the Reference Monitor.

Export issue

  • A crash dialog appears when signing in to Vimeo from Export mode or AME. This is a background process crashing, and it can safely be ignored. Select the Log In tab and continue to sign in to Vimeo as usual. This crash will prevent you from creating a new Vimeo account from within Premiere Pro. If you wish to make an account, use your browser to create a new account on the Vimeo website.

Image scaling issue

  • Scaling a still image in the timeline via the Effects Control panel or the Properties panel may cause it to appear incorrectly scaled during playback. As a temporary workaround, either change Playback Resolution to Full or turn on High Quality Playback. Both options are in the View menu.

August 2024 Release (Version 24.6)

  • Enhance Speech causes a crash on certain Mac Intel computers with AMD Radeon GPUs, particularly with longer audio clips. We are working actively with our partners to address this issue. In the meantime, customers with a Creative Cloud All Apps subscription may use the same feature within Adobe Podcast to enhance clips before import into Premiere Pro. Follow updates on this issue on the community forum.

  • Marker start and end handles could disappear for range markers in the Text panel if the marker range starts or ends with a pause, and then pauses get turned off. 

  • Unable to Remove Collaborators from Team Projects if originally invited via the Organization or Personal Address Book (typically by selecting a Contact Name in the Suggestion dropdown).  We are working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, if encountered, the Collaborator can be removed by installing and using the previous version (Example version 24.5) for this specific workflow.

June 2024 Release (Version 24.5)

  • Marker start and end handles could disappear for range markers in the Text panel if the marker range starts with the end of a pause and then Pauses in the Transcript View Options is unchecked.
  • When saving current caption settings as a preset, exporting the preset, and then importing the same preset, the saved style may not be retained.

March 2024 Release (Version 24.3)

  • Opening a project could remove leading zeros from a project item or track item name.

February 2024 Release (Version 24.2)

  • Premiere Pro can become unresponsive for short periods of time when working in sequences using Text-Based Editing. 
  • The Essential Graphics panel shows black thumbnails when the Windows user name has special characters. 
  • ARRI ALEXA 35 LOGC4 footages experiences a green shift in preview post render in M1-based devices. 
  • Proxies created with the default Custom resolution of 1280x720 selected are instead created at half resolution. To make 1280x720 proxies, set the width and height fields to any other value and then back to 1280x720. After doing this once, all future proxy creation should work as expected.

December 2023 Release (Version 24.1)

  • When moving the playhead off of a selected clip in the Timeline panel, the bounding box of that clip will still show in the Program Monitor until the clip is deselected. 
  • Black patches can be observed in output with Turbulent Displace effect on Windows Intel machines when the value of Antialiasing for Best Quality parameter is High. Similar artifacts can also be observed with Twirl, Basic 3D, and Corner Pin effects when rendered with Software.

Premiere Pro is impacted as Adobe Media Encoder crashes while attempting to copy-ingest some camera cards

Issue: Premiere Pro is impacted as it relies on Adobe Media Encoder for ingest, and Adobe Media Encoder is crashing when using the ingest-copy setting to import certain file structure camera cards such as ARRI, AVCHD, Canon XF, Panasonic P2, Canon RAW, XDCAM EX, or XDCAM HD. 

Workaround: Copy the camera card first, then import through the media browser with Ingest settings turned off.

October 2023 Release (Version 24.0)


Issue: When the transmit overlays are enabled via the Enable overlays with Transmit and Enable overlays during playback settings (Wrench menu in Program monitor), the Transmit monitor might not display the video content correctly.

Workaround: Turn off  Enable overlays with Transmit to display the frames correctly. A partial workaround would be to use the metadata effect to display a subset of the overlay information.

August 2023 Release (Version 23.6)

The export function fails when trying to publish media directly from Premiere Pro to Twitter (X)

Issue: When a user attempts to publish media directly from Premiere Pro to Twitter (X), the export function fails, given recent changes at Twitter (X) and their APIs.

Workaround: This issue will be fixed in an upcoming release.

In older versions, you'll need to export media locally and publish through Twitter (X).

June 2023 Release (Version 23.5)

ARRIRAW files from the ALEXA 35 cannot be played in Premiere Pro

Issue: ARRIRAW files from the ALEXA 35, using Software Update Package 1.1 or later, cannot be played in any version of Premiere Pro.

Workaround: The issue is now fixed in the v23.6 beta.

an exported HEVC file can be played, but cannot be scrubbed

Issue: When an HEVC file is exported, it can be played but faces issues when scrubbed forward to any point in the video.

Workaround: We'll let you know when a fix is available. But if you're experiencing this issue, you can test the fix in the v 23.6 Beta version.

Dynamic link compatibility issues

Issue: Using Dynamic Link between app versions of 23.5 with lower versions of 23.x causes rendering issues in Windows.

Resolution: If using Dynamic Link in version 23.x, we recommend that all app versions (Premiere Pro, After Effects, or AME) have 23.5 or higher installed. Since there is no version of Character Animator 23.5, this is a special case. If you're using Dynamic Link with Character Animator 23.1, ensure the other apps are not at version 23.5. Instead, they must be at 23.0, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, or 23.4.

May 2023 Release (Version 23.4)

Clips reset to the first frame after relinking in Text-Based Editing

Issue: When transcribed clips in a timeline are taken offline and relinked, clips shift and reset to the first frame. Effects, transitions, and speed changes can also be removed or impacted.

Resolution: Update to Premiere Pro 23.5 for a fix to this issue. If an update is not possible, follow this workaround:

If you get the media relinking dialog in 23.4 and have previously used transcription, close and don't save the project. Make a backup of your project file to be safe, and use one of these options:

  • Revert to Premiere Pro 23.3.
    • Open the Creative Cloud Desktop app. Select All Apps > Premiere Pro. Click on the three dots   and select Other versions.
  • Using XML.
    • Export XML (File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML) from the original system with properly connected media.
    • Import the XML into a new project on the new system and reconnect the media (Note: Not all aspects of the sequence will be reproduced by the XML).

Certain custom keyboard shortcuts are reset to default

Issue: Certain custom keyboard shortcuts reset to their default value on the first launch after updating to 23.4 or on the next launch after customization when using 23.4.

Workaround: We'll let you know when a fix is available. But if you're experiencing this issue, use one of these options:

  • Launch with the default set, set up and save your custom keyboard, and switch back to default before quitting. After Premiere Pro is up and running, you can switch to your custom shortcut set.
  • Revert to Premiere Pro 23.3.
  • Make a backup of your keyboard shortcut file. You can do this before updating to 23.4 or when your keyboard is set up the way you like it in 23.4.

April (Version 23.3) and February (Version 23.2)

Export mode fails to load in Premiere Pro 23.2 and 23.3

Export mode fails to load and prevents exporting.  A loading spinner is shown, but the Export mode fails to load.  Selecting File > Export > Media or using the keyboard shortcut (Cmd + /Ctrl + M), there is no result; you stay in Edit mode.  In these situations, exports won’t work in Premiere Pro.  In this state, Quick Export also fails to function.  This issue is known to affect Premiere Pro versions 23.2 and 23.3 on macOS and Windows.

If you are experiencing this issue, follow the workarounds posted here to get your export completed.

February 2023 Update (Version 23.2)

Playing Apple ProRes RAW after updating to NVIDIA’s latest drivers

Issue: There is a known issue with the latest NVIDIA game-ready drivers when running Adobe applications on machines with NVIDIA cards, which can cause Apple ProRes RAW playback to show black frames.


  • With Premiere Pro, update to driver version 528.24 or higher. If that isn't possible, revert to the older version, 528.49.
  • With After Effects or Media Encoder, no NVIDIA driver fix is available yet. It's recommended to roll back to the older version, 528.49.

December 2022 Release (Version 23.1)

Export issue for H.264 and HEVC with Premiere Pro 23.1

Issue: An issue affecting H.264 and HEVC or H.265 exports on Windows with Premiere Pro 23.1.

The issue impacts H.264 and HEVC or H.265 exports to folders with names that use double-byte characters, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or extended ASCII characters, like accents and umlauts.

Affected users will see this message: “File importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of %filename.mp4%. Reading and writing this file’s metadata (XMP) has been disabled.”

Workaround: We'll let you know when a fix is available. But if you're experiencing this issue, use one of these options:

  • Choose an export destination folder that uses only single-byte ASCII English characters (no accents, umlauts, etc.).
  • Export to a different format, such as Apple ProRes.
  • For H.264 exports only: Disable hardware-accelerated encoding.

October 2022 Release (Version 23.0)

Issue with the Font Sync in Premiere Pro on macOS Ventura 13

Issue: The MOGRT gets applied, but the font never syncs because Creative Cloud login items were disabled, and Premiere Pro did not enable Core Sync items at the app launch.

Workaround: Open the Creative Cloud Desktop app, then go back into Premiere Pro and let the font sync.

For more details, see Fix login item issues for Adobe Creative Cloud on macOS Ventura.

Issue with imported AAF files with multitrack audio on Apple silicon

Result: While on Apple silicon, importing an AAF file with multi-channel audio, represented as multi-mono audio, will stutter during playback. 

Expected:  The file instance imported via AAF should play as well as the file instance that was directly imported.

Workaround: Use PPro Win or PPro on Mac Intel.

Unable to select Video Rendering and Effects options on Windows devices with Intel GPU and NVIDIA Graphic cards

Issue: You are unable to select from the Use options from the Video Rendering and Effects dropdown because it is greyed out. Or, if you open any project that uses OpenCL or CUDA, you get an error message - "Mercury Playback Engine is not available."

Workaround: When OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack is installed, it adds another implementation of OpenCL to the machine, along with one by Microsoft, and NVIDIA is by default chosen as an OpenCL device.

If OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack is installed, we recommend you remove the compatibility pack. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features > OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack > Uninstall.

The compatibility pack is a backup implementation designed for ARM devices, thus, should not impact other installed applications.

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