Download language packs for transcription

Premiere Pro comes pre-installed with the English language pack installed for transcribing speech to text.

Download language packs: Individual users

You can download language packs from within Premiere Pro (if you are already editing), or from the Creative Cloud desktop application. 

To install language packs:

Download language packs from within Premiere Pro

  1. Click Window > Text.

  2. In the Transcript tab, click Create transcript and select your transcription options.

  3. In the Language drop-down menu, scroll down to the language you want and click the Download icon to download the language pack to your system.

    English is included with your Premiere Pro installation, and additional language packs can be installed as required.

    Speech to Text language packs available for download from the Create transcript dialog box
    Speech to Text language packs available for download from the Create transcript dialog box

Download language packs from Creative Cloud app

  1. In the Creative Cloud app, select All Apps on the left navigation.

  2. Select More actions corresponding to Premiere Pro. Then, select Add-ons.

  3. In the Add-ons section, choose your language, and select Add.

Deploy language packs: Teams and enterprise users

To deploy language packs to your users, you need to:

  • Create a package that includes Premiere Pro.
  • Include the language pack add-on in the Create package workflow.
  • Deploy the package to your users.
  1. To create a package, sign into the Adobe Admin Console and navigate to Packages.

  2. Click Create a package and follow the steps in the Create package wizard.

    For details, see how to create a package.

  3. In the Choose apps screen of the Create package wizard, select Premiere Pro and select a language pack from the Add-ons drop-down menu.

    Download language packs from the Premiere Pro section in Admin Console
    Download language packs from the Premiere Pro section in Admin Console

  4. Click Next to continue the create package workflow.

  5. Deploy the package to your user machines.

    For details, see how to deploy packages.

Next steps

Now that you have downloaded the language pack, you can start transcribing your speech to text, and then edit your captions.

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