Edit shapes using the Properties panel

Learn how to quickly access and use the Pen, Rectangle, Ellipse, and Polygon tools from the Properties panel to create freeform shapes and paths in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Edit shapes using the Properties panel in a few simple steps.

Before you begin:

Create a project, import media, and assemble a sequence on the timeline.

  1. Select and hold the Rectangle tool to expose the Ellipse and Polygon shape tools. Select one of the shape tools and drag on your image to draw a shape.

  2. Use the Selection Tool (V) to move your shape or change its width, height, rotation, or anchor point.

  3. Use the options in the Properties panel to enhance and build a unique look:

    • Appearance
      • Fill: Fill your shape with any desired color.
      • Stroke: Add Outer, Inner, or Center strokes to shape, or add multiple strokes.
      • Shadow: Add shadows or multiple shadows to a shape to create numerous interesting effects.
      • Mask with Shape: Create a shape layer that acts as a mask, revealing underlying video or graphics only within the shape.
    • Align and Transform: Align objects by their top edges, vertical centers, bottom edges, left edges, horizontal centers, or right edges.
    • Responsive Design – Position: Design your graphics to automatically adapt to changes in the video frame aspect ratio, or to the position or scale properties of another graphic layer.
    Select one of the shape tools and drag on your image to draw a shape. Edit the appearance of your graphic based on the options given under the Properties panel.
    Select one of the shape tools and drag on your image to draw a shape. Edit the appearance of your graphic based on the options given under the Properties panel.

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