Speech to Text in Premiere Pro

Automatically generate transcripts and add captions to your videos to improve accessibility with Speech to Text in Premiere Pro.


Starting with Premiere Pro version 25.0, the Essential Graphics panel is no longer included. You can now edit titles, captions, audio, video, and graphics more efficiently using the new Properties panel and browse Motion Graphics and Stock Audio using the Graphics Templates panel.

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Why Speech to Text?

Caption all videos.

Make your videos even more accessible and increase viewer engagement easily and efficiently.

Automated, integrated.

Included with your subscription at no extra cost, it automates captioning while giving you full creative control.

Accuracy in many languages.

Available around the world, it empowers you to reach your audiences wherever they are. 

Supported languages

  • English
  • English (UK)
  • Simplified Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Traditional Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Traditional Cantonese
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese (European)
  • Korean
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Hindi
  • Norwegian
  • Swedish
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Netherlands)

Overview of the workspace

The Captions and Graphics workspace is open and the Transcript section is displayed.
Use Speech to Text to create a transcription of your sequence and add captions, using the power of Adobe Sensei machine learning to match the pacing of the spoken dialog.

The Captions and Graphics workspace consists of the Text panel, including the Transcript and Captions tabs. 

You can auto-transcribe your video in the Transcript tab and then generate your captions, and edit them in the Captions tab and the Program Monitor

Captions have their own track on the Timeline panel. You can stylize your captions with the design tools in the Essential Graphics panel.

Auto-transcribe your video

Try it in the app

Follow along with a sample file to learn how to work with Speech to Text.

The easiest and fastest way to create captions is to start with a transcript of your video. While importing your media, you can enable Automatic transcription under Import settings. To further access the transcription settings, do the following:

  1. Launch Adobe Premiere Pro and create a new project.

  2. Select Window > Workspaces > Captions and Graphics

  3. In the Project panel, double-click the clips you want to transcribe.

  4. Select Transcribe in the Text panel.

Edit transcripts within Premiere Pro

  1. After transcribing the source clip using the Text panel, double-click the text you want to correct.

  2. Make the required corrections in the source text.

  3. Click away from the Text panel to save your changes.

Edit speaker names in your transcription

  1. In the source transcript, select the ... icon next to the speaker.

  2. Select Edit speaker name.

  3. In the Edit speakers dialog box, add the name of the speakers to the transcript.

Edit speakers dialog is open where you can edit the names of the speakers for your transcript.
Use the Edit speakers feature to update the names of speakers in your transcripts.

Find and replace text in your transcription

  1. Type in the term in the Search text field and all the instances will be highlighted in the transcription.

  2. Use the Up and Down arrows to navigate through all instances of the search term.

  3. Select the Replace icon and type in a replacement text.

  4. To replace only a selected instance of the search term, select Replace. To replace all instances of the search term, select Replace All.

The transcript section is displayed and is highlighting the word that is searched for with an option to mention the word to replace.
Spell check and replace any word in the transcribed text.

Other transcription options

You have other options to work with transcripts. Click the ... icon in the Transcript tab of the Text panel.

  • Re-transcribe sequence: Use this option to change your edit.
  • Export: Use this option to create a .prtranscript file, a .txt file, or a CSV file.
  • Import: Use this option in collaborative workflows where you must import a static or corrected transcript from another user.
  • Show speakers: Use this option to display speaker names in the transcript.
  • Show untranscribed sources: Use this option to show scenes that still need to be transcribed.
  • Enable auto-scrolling: Use this option to auto-scroll the transcript while playing the sequence in the Timeline.
  • Pauses: Use this option to display pauses as ellipses in the dialog or set the pause length.
  • Spell check: Use this option to check spellings or access spell check settings.
Transcript section is showcasing available actions and preferences after transcribing a video.
Explore different actions and preferences after transcribing your video.

Generate captions

Once you're happy with your transcript, you can turn it into captions on your Timeline.

  1. Select Create Captions.

  2. The Create Captions dialog box presents options for how captions can be arranged on the Timeline.

    • Caption preset: Choose amongst the given options or opt for Subtitle Default which is suitable for most use cases.
    • Format: Select the type of caption format you want for your video.
    • Stream: You can specify the broadcast streams for some caption formats (such as Teletext).
    • Style: You can select from your saved caption styles.
    • Length, duration, and gap between captions: You can set the length of characters, fix the duration for each line of caption text, and specify gaps between captions.
    • Lines: You can choose to keep your caption in a single line or wrap it into two lines.
    Create captions dialog box is open with options for as to how captions can be arranged on the Timeline.
    Modify the caption settings before you turn the transcript into captions.

  3. Select Create, and Premiere Pro will create and add the captions aligned with the video's dialogs.

    You can continue to edit the captions, find and replace text, and navigate to specific portions of your video by selecting the words in the Captions tab or directly through your Program Monitor.

Stylize your captions

After adding the captions, you can make updates to the caption design through the Essential Graphics panel.

Do more with captions

Captions have their own track on the Timeline, where you can make small edits to caption items. Additionally, you can modify the display of the caption track and export captions as .txt. or a .SRT file.

Watch a quick video tutorial

Viewing time: 1:22 mins

Learn how to turn audio into text in Premiere Pro.

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