Trimming clips

Once you have built a “rough cut” sequence on the timeline, you can trim clips to refine the edits and timing. 

  1. Select the clip you want to trim.

    Select a clip

  2. Hover your mouse over the edge of the clip until the trim icon   appears.

    Hover your mouse over the clip

  3. Select and drag the edge of the clip to the desired length for clipping.

    Drag to trim the clip

Adobe Premiere Pro deeplink
Adobe Premiere Pro deeplink
Adobe Premiere Pro deeplink

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Practice and learn how to edit and trim clips easily in Premiere Pro.

Other trimming tools

Ripple Edit Tool

Use Ripple Edit Tool   to trim the edge of a clip and automatically close the gap with the clip next to it. 

  1. Select the clip you want to edit in the timeline.

  2. Press B on your keyboard to activate Ripple Edit Tool.

  3. Click and drag the end of the clip to the left or right to shorten or lengthen the clip respectively.

Rolling Edit Tool

Use Rolling Edit Tool   to move the cut point between two clips. 

Rolling Edit Tool lets you adjust the cut position between two clips without changing the combined duration of the two clips. Clicking the edit point with the Rolling Edit Tool selects both sides of the edit point.

  1. Select the clip you want to edit in the timeline.

  2. Press N on your keyboard to activate Rolling Edit Tool.

  3. Select and drag the edge of the clip left or right to adjust the timing.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (macOS) on the edit point with Ripple Edit Tool to bring up Rolling Edit Tool. To trim only one track of a linked clip, press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) as you perform a split edit (L-cut or J-cut). 

Slip Tool

Use Slip Tool   to adjust a clip's In and Out points without changing its position in the timeline. This kind of edit is a great way to adjust the timing of footage within a clip without affecting its overall length or the position of surrounding clips in the timeline.

A slip edit shifts a clip’s In and Out points forward or backward by the same number of frames in a single action. By dragging with Slip Tool, you can change a clip’s starting and ending frames without changing its duration or affecting adjacent clips.

In this slip edit, a clip is dragged left, moving its source In and Out points later in time.
In this slip edit, a clip is dragged left, moving its source In and Out points later in time.

  1. Select the clip you want to edit in the timeline.

  2. Press Y on your keyboard to activate Slip Tool.
  3. Drag left or right over the clip to change its in and out points. The overall duration of the clip will remain the same.

Keyboard shortcuts

When performing a slip edit with keyboard shortcuts, place the playhead on the clip you're slipping so you can see the slip edit being performed. You can use this method to align a video action with an audio cue.


Keyboard shortcut

Slip clip selection left five frames

Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left

macOS: Opt + Shift + Cmd + Left

Slip clip selection left one frame

Windows: Alt + Shift + Left

macOS: Opt + Cmd + Left

Slip clip selection right five frames

Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Right

macOS: Opt + Shift + Cmd + Right

Slip clip selection right one frame

Windows: Alt + Shift + Right

macOS: Opt + Cmd + Right

Slide Tool

Use Slide Tool   to adjust the position of a clip in the timeline without changing its in and out points.

A slide edit shifts a clip in time while trimming adjacent clips to compensate for the move. As you drag a clip left or right with Slide Tool, the Out point of the preceding clip and the In point of the following clip are trimmed by the number of frames you move the clip. The clip’s In and Out points (and hence, its duration) remain unchanged.

In this slide edit, a clip is dragged left to start earlier in the sequence, shortening the preceding clip and lengthening the following clip.
In this slide edit, a clip is dragged left to start earlier in the sequence, shortening the preceding clip and lengthening the following clip.

  1. Select the clip you want to edit in the timeline.

  2. Press U on the keyboard to activate Slide Tool.

  3. Click and drag the clip left or right to slide it to a new position in the timeline.

Keyboard shortcuts


Keyboard shortcut

Slide clip selection left five frames

Windows: Alt + Shift + , 

macOS: Option + Shift + ,

Slide clip selection left one frame

Windows: Alt + ,

macOS: Option + ,

Slide clip selection right five frames

Windows: Alt + Shift + . 

macOS: Option + Shift + .

Slide clip selection right one frame

Windows: Alt + .

macOS: Option + .

Learn more

Watch this 60-second video to learn more about editing clips in Premiere Pro.

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