Audio effects and transitions

Learn about the wide array of audio effects and transitions available in Premiere Pro, what they do, and how and when to use them.

For video effects, see Effects and transitions reference.

Audio effects

Amplitude and Compression

Delay and Echo

Filter and EQ


Noise Reduction/Restoration



Stereo Imagery

Time and Pitch

Obsolete Audio Effects

If your project has an obsolete effect applied, you are prompted to replace the effect when you open the project. To apply the new version of the effect, select Yes.

Audio crossfade transitions

Constant Gain

The Constant Gain crossfade changes audio at a constant rate in and out as it transitions between clips. This crossfade can sometimes sound abrupt.

Constant Power

The Constant Power crossfade creates a smooth, gradual transition, analogous to the dissolve transition between video clips. This crossfade decreases audio for the first clip slowly at first and then quickly toward the end of the transition. For the second clip, this crossfade increases audio quickly at first and then more slowly toward the end of the transition.

Exponential Fade

Exponential Fade fades out the first clip over a smooth logarithmic curve while fading up the second clip, also over a smooth logarithmic curve. Selecting an option from the Alignment control menu, you can specify the positioning of the transition.


Though the Exponential Fade transition is similar to the Constant Power transition, it is more gradual.

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