Reset and restore preferences

Learn how to reset or restore your Premiere Pro preferences.

Why reset preferences?

One way to troubleshoot issues in Premiere Pro is to reset preferences. Trashing preferences resets the program to its factory defaults.

Resetting preferences undoes most of your customizations, such as:

  • Length of your default transitions
  • Brightness of the user interface
  • Label colors
  • Audio hardware settings
  • Workspace changes (such as resizing and moving panels), etc.

Set preferences for scratch disks are, however, saved with your projects. Whenever you open a project, it automatically defaults to the scratch disks you selected when you set up that project.

How to reset preferences?


Don't forget to backup your preferences before resetting them manually as as some of your customized preferences, like keyboard shortcuts, workspaces, and style settings, will be affected by your actions.

Reset your preferences to fix issues that might be affecting Premiere Pro:

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and hold down any modifier key, such as Command, OptionShift (macOS), or Ctrl, Alt, or Shift (Windows). Or open it through the Preferences dialog.

  2. If you've opened the Reset options dialog by holding down any modifier key, select the relevant options, press the Continue button to perform the specified actions, and resume the launch process.

  3. Depending on the keyboard modifier (or modifiers) used, the options will be pre-selected in the dialog:

    Opt or Alt: Reset app preferences

    Shift: Reset plugin loading cache

    Opt or Alt + Shift: Reset app preferences and reset plugin loading cache

    Cmd or Ctrl + 3: Disable third-party video plugins

  4. If you've opened the Reset options through Preferences, then select your relevant options from the given dialog.

  5. After selecting the OK button, a confirmation dialog will appear, displaying the specific options selected in the previous dialog.

  6. Select OK to confirm, and the next time Premiere Pro is manually restarted, the selected options in the Reset options dialog will be processed.

  1. With Premiere Pro closed, navigate to the preferences folder and rename or move it to another location.

    The preferences folder is located here by default:

    Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\<version>\Profile-<profilename>

    macOS: /Users/<username>/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/<version>

  2. The next time you open Premiere Pro, it will create a new preferences folder with factory default settings.

How to restore preferences?


Be careful while restoring some of your customized preferences, as they might reinstall the troubled settings back to Premiere Pro. 

To restore your customized preferences like keyboard shortcuts, workspaces, and style settings, navigate to the preferences folder while keeping Premiere Pro closed.

Perform restore based on the method you used while resetting preferences:

  • If you had reset your preferences through CC Diagnostics (Beta), you’d see a backup folder with the file name Profile-<name>_bkp_<lastest time stamp>. To revive your keyboard shortcuts, select .kys file in Mac or Windows folder; for general preferences, select Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs file; and for workspaces, select the Layouts folder and replace them in the newly created preferences folder.
  • If you had renamed the folder, restore it with the default name (Profile-<name>).
  • If you had moved the folder to some other location, bring it back to its original location.

Talk to us

If you have a question about how to reset or restore your preferences, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.

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