Start a new project

Import mode provides a starting point in Premiere Pro for creating new projects or editing existing projects, browsing and selecting media, and creating video sequences for editing. 

Select the media (video, audio, and images) from multiple locations for new projects or to add to the existing projects. As media is selected, it's collected in a tray at the bottom of the window, visually representing the emerging story. 

Start a new project

  1. On the home screen, select New Project

    The image shows the New Project creation dialog with visible 'Project name,' 'Location,' Template' options.
    Add a name and set a location for your new project. If you are using a project template, you can select it here.

  2. Enter a name for the project, choose the location to save your file, and select a project template of your choice. You can also add a project template saved on your system.

  3. (Optional) If you want to skip Import mode and add media directly from the Project panel, select Skip Import mode. It will remain selected for future projects unless unchecked. 

  4. Select the Settings icon   to access the Project Settings, including General, Color, Scratch Disks, and Ingest Settings.

  5. Select video clips and other media assets to add to your project.

    As you choose your media, the assets are collected in the Selection Tray at the bottom of the window. You can right-click an asset in the tray to remove them or clear the whole tray if needed. 

    • Hover scrub over individual clips to review them.
    • Switch to list view to see more information about your media.
    • For locations you use frequently, click the star next to a storage location to add it to your favorites.
  6. In the Import Settings section of the Import desktop, select the following options to organize your files:

    Organize Media Use to organize your project media before you start editing. Create a new bin, name it, and the media is displayed and not copied to the new location.

    Copy media
     Toggle to copy media files from a temporary location, like a camera card or removable drive. You can begin editing while Premiere Pro copies the media in the background. Use MD5 checksum verification to ensure no files are corrupted while copying.

    Create new sequence
     Toggle to reduce the number of clicks. Premiere Pro assigns the sequence settings, such as resolution and frame rate, based on the first asset selected.
    If Create new sequence is toggled on, the new media is added as a new sequence in your project.
    If Create new sequence is toggled off, the new media is added in the Project panel.

  7. Click Create to import your media as a sequence in Premiere Pro.


A new project is created.

Import media into an existing project

In an existing project, choose Import on the top left of the new header bar, and start selecting your media. All media you select are imported into the existing project.

  • If you have Create new sequence toggled on, the new media is added as a new sequence in your project.
  • If you have Create new sequence toggled off, the new media is added in the Project panel.

Other Import options

For specialized import workflows, Premiere Pro has several other import options:

  • From the menu bar, choose File > Import.
  • In Edit mode, use the Media Browser to navigate to locations on your system and add new media.
  • Double-click in the Project panel to open the Windows or macOS Finder window.
  • Open the Finder window in Windows or macOS and drag media or folders into the Project panel.

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