Dynamic Link

Learn how to share media assets between Premiere Pro and After Effects quickly and efficiently by using the Dynamic Link workflow.

Create dynamic links between After Effects and Premiere Pro to share media assets between the two applications. Creating a dynamic link is as simple as importing any other type of asset. Dynamically linked assets appear with unique icons and label colors to help you identify them. Dynamic links are saved in projects generated by these applications.


Before creating Dynamic Link, ensure you're using the same Premiere Pro and After Effects versions. Dynamic Link won't work if there is a mismatch in major version numbers. 

The same principles are valid if you use Dynamic Link with Character Animator as well.

However, If using Dynamic Link in version 23.x, we recommend that all app versions (Premiere Pro, After Effects, or AME) have 23.5 or higher installed. Since there is no version of Character Animator 23.5, this is a special case. If you're using Dynamic Link with Character Animator 23.1, ensure the other apps are not at version 23.5. Instead, they must be at 23.0, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, or 23.4.

A linked clip can refer to a complex source composition. Actions you perform on the complex source composition require additional processing time. After Effects takes time to apply the actions and make the final data available to Adobe Premiere Pro. In some cases, the additional processing time delays preview or playback.

To reduce playback delays, do one of the following:

  • take the linked composition offline

  • disable a linked clip to temporarily stop referencing a composition

  • render the composition and replace the dynamically linked composition with the rendered file.When you work with some Premiere Pro clips (for example, clips with resource-intensive VFX footage), the clips may not play back smoothly. If you see that a clip has not properly played back, use the Clip > Render and Replace command to improve its performance. To know more about the Render and Replace feature, see Render and replace compositions.

If you commonly work with complex source compositions, try adding RAM or a faster processor.


A linked After Effects composition will not support Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously multiprocessing. See Improve performance by optimizing memory, cache, and multiprocessing settings.

You can create After Effects compositions, and dynamically link to them, from Adobe Premiere Pro. You can also dynamically link to existing After Effects compositions from Adobe Premiere Pro.

Create a composition from clips in Adobe Premiere Pro

You can replace selected clips in Adobe Premiere Pro with a dynamically linked After Effects composition based on those clips. The new composition inherits the sequence settings from Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. In a sequence, select the clips you want in the composition.
  2. Right-click any of the selected clips.
  3. Select Replace With After Effects Composition.

Create a dynamically linked composition from Adobe Premiere Pro

Creating a new dynamically linked composition from Adobe Premiere Pro launches After Effects. After Effects then creates a project and composition with the dimensions, pixel aspect ratio, frame rate, and audio sample rate of the originating project. (If After Effects is already running, it creates a composition in the current project.) The new composition name is based on theAdobe Premiere Pro or Encore project name, followed by Linked Comp [x].

  1. In Adobe Premiere Pro, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > New After Effects Composition.

  2. If the After Effects > Save As dialog box appears, enter a name and location for the After Effects project, and click Save.


    When you create a dynamically linked After Effects composition, the composition duration is set to 30 seconds. To change the duration, select the composition in After Effects, choose Composition > Composition Settings. Click the Basic tab, and specify a new value for Duration.

Issues linking to an After Effects composition? Check out this video by our expert.

For best results, match composition settings (such as dimensions, pixel aspect ratio, and frame rate) to the settings in the Adobe Premiere Pro project.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Adobe Premiere Pro, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import After Effects Composition. Choose an After Effects project file (.aep), and then choose one or more compositions.

    • In Adobe Premiere Pro, choose an After Effects project file and click Open. Then choose a composition in the displayed dialog box and click OK.

    • Drag one or more compositions from the After Effects Project panel to the Adobe Premiere Pro Project panel or the Encore Project panel.

    • Drag an After Effects project file into the Adobe Premiere Pro Project panel. If the After Effects project file contains multiple compositions, the Import Composition dialog box opens.


You can link to a single After Effects composition multiple times in a single Adobe Premiere Pro project. 

Delete a dynamically linked composition or clip

You can delete a linked composition from an Adobe Premiere Pro project at any time, even if the composition is used in a project. You can also delete linked clips from the timeline of an Adobe Premiere Pro sequence at any time.

  1. In Adobe Premiere Pro, select the linked composition or clip and press the Delete key.

Modify a dynamically linked composition in After Effects

Use the Edit Original command in Adobe Premiere Pro to modify a linked After Effects composition. Once the composition is open in After Effects, you can change the composition without having to use the Edit Original command again.

  1. Select the After Effects composition in the Adobe Premiere Pro  Project panel, or choose a linked clip in the Timeline, and choose Edit > Edit Original.

  2. Change the composition in After Effects. Then, switch back to Adobe Premiere Pro to view your changes.

The changes made in After Effects appear in Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro stops using any preview files rendered for the clip before the changes.


You can change the name of the composition in After Effects after creating a dynamic link to it from Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro does not update the linked composition name in the Project panel. Adobe Premiere Pro does retain the dynamic link, however.

Create an After Effects composition from clips in Premiere Pro

You can replace a selection of clips in a sequence in Premiere Pro with an After Effects composition based on those clips. The composition inherits the sequence settings from Premiere Pro and maintains a dynamic link to After Effects. You can edit the composition in Premiere Pro or in After Effects.

  1. In a sequence, select the clips you want in the composition.
  2. Right-click any of the selected clips.
  3. Select Replace With After Effects Composition.

Adobe Premiere Pro display dynamically linked compositions as offline in any of the following circumstances:

  • You’ve renamed, moved, or deleted the After Effects project that contains the composition.

  • You’ve purposely taken the composition offline.

  • You’re working with a project trimmed by the Adobe Premiere Pro Project Manager. Project Manager does not move the After Effects source compositions to the trimmed project folder. Move the composition manually.

Offline compositions appear with an Offline icon in the Adobe Premiere Pro Project panel. If you’re working with an offline composition, you can relink it to the original After Effects composition. You can also choose to relink a linked composition to a different source composition.

Take a dynamically linked composition offline

If you are experiencing jerky playback, you can take a dynamically linked composition offline. When you take a composition offline, you sever the dynamic link with After Effects. The linked composition is replaced in the Project panel with an offline composition.


You can temporarily suppress a linked clip in Adobe Premiere Pro by selecting the clip and choosing Clip > Enable. To relink the clip, choose Clip > Enable again (a check mark next to the command indicates that the clip is enabled).

  1. In Premiere Pro, select the composition in the Project panel.
  2. Choose Project > Make Offline.

In Adobe Premiere Pro, right-click the composition and choose Link Media. In the displayed dialog box, select an After Effects project. Adobe Premiere Pro automatically relinks the composition.


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