Media Replacement in Motion Graphics templates

Motion Graphics templates allow you to add customizable graphics, animations, and visual treatments to video. Learn how to swap out specified media within a template.


Starting with Premiere Pro version 25.0, the Essential Graphics panel is no longer included. You can now browse Motion Graphics and Adobe Stock assets using the Graphics Templates panel.

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 If Media Replacement is enabled within a Motion Graphics template, you can swap out specified media, such as a graphic or video clip.

Media Replacement in Motion Graphics templates

Motion Graphics templates (MOGRTs) are the quickest way to to add customized graphics and animations to videos, without having to build them from scratch. MOGRTs give you the structure of an existing design and the creative freedom to customize it for your own content.

Use the slider in the image below to see an example of a MOGRT with Media Replacement. In this case the MOGRT allows the users to swap out two pieces of media: background video and the foreground graphic.

A Media Replacement Motion Graphics template created in After Effects and brought in to Premiere Pro
Motion Graphics template customized in Premiere Pro

Where do I get Motion Graphics templates?

There are three ways to create or source a MOGRT.

1. After Effects users can author MOGRTs for use in Premiere Pro. These can be quite advanced. 

2. Premiere Pro users can create their own animations and graphics and save them as customizable MOGRTs.

3. You can source professionally designed MOGRTs on Adobe Stock, right inside Premiere Pro. This is usually the fastest way to get started with MOGRTs.

For more information, see:

Using Media Replacement

  1. Searching for a Media replacement MOGRT
    Searching for a Media replacement MOGRT

    In Premiere Pro, open the Essential Graphics panel (Window > Essential Graphics) and drag a MOGRT with Media Replacement on to your timeline.

     You can find MOGRTs with Media Replacement by searching for media replacement. Other search terms will also work such as placeholder or configurable.

  2. Motion Graphics template with two Media Replacement options
    Motion Graphics template with two Media Replacement options

    A. Replaceable logo graphic B. Replaceable background 

    Select the template in the timeline. The editable parameters for the MOGRT open in the Essential Graphics panel, including thumbnails for replaceable media.

     The options to replace media vary slightly depending on how the MOGRT was designed.

  3. There are two ways to replace media in a MOGRT:

    • Drag the media asset (graphic, still image, video) from the Project panel or the Media Browser and drop it on the thumbnail. You can also drag media assets from the macOS Finder or Windows Explorer onto the thumbnail. Premiere Pro automatically adds the asset to your project.
    • Click the Hamburger menu next to the replaceable media thumbnail and click Replace from Finder. Navigate to the saved media location and select it. The MOGRT will update with the new media and the asset will be added to your Premiere Pro project.
  4. For MOGRTs with multiple Media Replacement controls you can drag multiple clips at once.

    You can also swap the order of the media when there are multiple Media Replacement controls by dragging one thumbnail onto another.

Edit media

After you replace the media in the MOGRT, you can use the controls underneath the thumbnail in the Essential Graphics panel to adjust position, scale and rotation and to add a time offset (such as, adjusting the start time of a video within a MOGRT) to your media. 

Scale to fill

This option scales the media to completely fill the the frame of the Media Replacement control without distortion by cropping the media as needed at the top/ bottom or sides. 

Scale to fit

This option scales the media to fit within the frame of the Media Replacement control
without any distortion or cropping. Black bars may be added to the top and bottom (letter-box) or sides (pillar-box) as needed.

Stretch to fill

This option stretches the media to completely fill the frame with no cropping.  Distortions may be visible if there is a big difference in the frame size.

No scale

The original resolution of the media is retained.

Editing media properties
Editing media properties

You can also adjust the height and width, position, angle, and time offset by tweaking the parameters displayed in this image.

Apply complex edits to replaced media

You can also apply more complex custom edits to your replaced media (such as effects).

  1. Open the embedded sequence by double-clicking on the thumbnail. 

    You can also click Open in Timeline in the hamburger menu of the Media Replacement control to open the embedded sequence.

    Open replaced media in timeline to edit it further
    Open replaced media in timeline to edit it further

  2. Edit the video like you would edit any other sequence. Some edits you can do are applying effects, adding audio, or additional images on the timeline.

     Depending on the sequence that you are working with, you may see diagonal stripes on the timeline. These stripes indicate that there are frames outside the in/out range of the original media.

    Diagonal stripes on the timeline
    Diagonal stripes on the timeline

    These lines are not indicative of any errors. They just indicate that the sequence is longer than the MOGRT. If you have applied a time offset, these diagonal stripes also appear at the start indicating the offset period.

  3. When there is no track item selected, the Program Monitor shows a widget that allows you to directly manipulate the position, scale and rotation. Any changes you make to the sequence using this widget is applied to the entire sequence.

  4. Exiting the embedded sequence
    Exiting the embedded sequence

    After completing your changes, you can edit the embedded sequence by double-clicking the sequence on the timeline, and then clicking CLOSE on the Essential Graphics panel. 

Try it out!

Download this sample MOGRT and try replacing the logo and the background.


What else can I do with MOGRTs?

Do you know you can also quickly and accurately customize bar charts, line graphs, and more in MOGRTs? Learn more on how to work with data-driven MOGRTs.

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