Retiring the Legacy Titler in Premiere Pro | FAQ

As of version 23.0 (released in October 2022), Premiere Pro no longer includes the  Legacy Titler. We strongly recommend transitioning to the  Essential Graphics panel  for your titling workflows if you've not done so already.

Are you transitioning from the Legacy Titler to the new titling tools? Download this guide.

Create cool titles and graphics with the Essential Graphic panel's tools

What can I do with the Essential Graphics tools?

Text panel and Essential Graphics panel in Premiere Pro
Text panel and Essential Graphics panel in Premiere Pro

The titling and graphics tools in Premiere Pro allow you to:

  • Review, search, and edit, all of the titles and graphics in a project via the Text panel.
  • Design titles and graphics and animate them directly on your video images.
  • Use familiar Adobe design tools for adding text, shapes, and lines.
  • Incorporate graphics files (such as logos) and save them with your designs.
  • Save titles and animations as editable Motion Graphics templates (.mogrt files) for easy re-use and sharing.
  • Stylize titles and captions and save styles.
  • Incorporate Adobe Fonts in your designs.
  • Add effects to text and shape layers.
  • Animate layers and pin layers within animations for responsive design. 
  • Use vector motion for crisp outlines.
  • Open and customize Motion Graphics templates authored in After Effects.
  • Organize and share Motion Graphics templates from your Creative Cloud Libraries.

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If you have a question about upgrading your Legacy Titles, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.

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