Modifying and customizing transitions

Learn how to modify and customize transitions in the Premiere Pro Effect Controls panel and timeline.

Display transitions in the Effect Controls panel

You can use the Effect Controls panel to change settings for a transition you placed in a sequence. Transition settings vary for different transition. For more information, see Change transition settings.

In the Effect Controls panel, the adjoining clips and transition are displayed in A-roll/B-roll format.

Transitions in the Effect Controls panel


A. Play The Transition button
B. Transition preview
C. Edge selector
D. Clip previews
E. Start and End sliders
F. Transition settings
G. Clip A (first clip)
H. Transition
I. Clip B (second clip)
J. Current-time indicator

  • To open the transition in the Effects control panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel.
  • To preview the transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the Play The Transition button. This doesn’t affect the Program Monitor.
  • To view frames from the actual clip or clips in the Effect Controls panel, select the Show Actual Sources checkbox.

Keyframes cannot be used with transitions. For transitions, the Timeline View in the Effect Controls panel is used for adjusting transition alignment and duration.  

Align transitions

A transition does not need to be centered or strictly aligned to the cut. You can drag the transition to reposition it over the cut as desired in the Timeline panel. You can also change the alignment of a transition using the Effect Controls panel.


You can’t change a double-sided transition into a single-sided transition. If you realign a double-sided transition to the start or end of a clip, it will use handles from the adjacent clip.

Align a transition in the Timeline panel

Dragging the transition in the Timeline panel to reposition it
Dragging the transition in the Timeline panel to reposition it

To align a transition using the Timeline panel, do the following:

  1. In the Timeline panel, zoom in to see the transition clearly.
  2. Drag the transition over the cut to reposition it.

Align a transition using the Effect Controls panel

  1. To open a transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Choose an option from the Alignment menu:

    Center At Cut or Custom Start: The transition’s start and end points move equally in opposite directions.
    Start At Cut: Only the end of the transition moves.
    End At Cut: Only the beginning of the transition moves.

    • In the Effect Controls time ruler, position the pointer over the center of the transition until the Slide Transition icon appears. Drag the transition as desired. For finer control, magnify the time ruler.
    Align a transition using the Effect Controls panel
    Align a transition using the Effect Controls panel


You can also choose an option from the Alignment menu in the Effect Controls panel. Custom Start appears as an option in the Alignment field only when you drag the transition to a custom location over the cut.  

Move a cut and transition together

You can adjust the location of the cut in the Effect Controls panel. Moving the cut line changes the In and Out points of the clips but does not affect the length of the movie. As you move the cut, the transition moves with it.

  1. To open the transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel.

  2. In the Effect Controls time ruler, position the pointer over the transition, placing it on the thin vertical line that marks the cut. The pointer changes from the Slide Transition icon to the Ripple Edit icon .

  3. Drag the cut as desired. 


You can’t move the cut beyond the end of a clip. If both clips do not have trimmed frames extending beyond the cut, you cannot reposition the cut.

Change transition duration

You can edit a transition’s duration in either the Timeline panel or the Effect Controls panel. The default duration for transitions is initially set to 1 second.

Lengthening a transition’s duration requires that one or both clips have enough trimmed frames to accommodate a longer transition. For more information, see Clip handles and transitions.

Change transition duration in the Timeline panel

To change a transition in the Timeline panel, do one of the following:


In the Timeline panel, position the pointer over the end of the transition until the Trim-In icon  or the Trim-Out icon  appears; then drag.


You can also double click the transition in the Timeline. A Set Transition Duration dialog box appears. Drag the Duration value, or select it and type a new value. Click OK.

Change transition duration in the Effect Controls panel

  1. To open the transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Effect Controls time ruler, position the pointer over the transition until the Trim-In icon  or the Trim-Out icon  appears; then drag. 
    • Drag the Duration value, or select it and type a new value. How the transition changes length depends on the alignment option currently selected. For more information, see Adjust transition alignment.

Set the default duration for transitions

If you change the default duration of a transition, the new setting has no effect on existing transitions.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Timeline.

  2. Change the value for the Video Transition Default Duration or Audio Transition Default Duration.

  3. Click OK.

Reposition the center of a transition

Some transitions, such as Iris Round, are positioned around a center. When a transition has a center that can be repositioned, do the following:

  1. To open the transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel.

  2. In the A preview area in the Effect Controls panel, drag the small circle to reposition the transition center.

    Default center
    Default center

    Repositioned center
    Repositioned center


Not all transitions have an adjustable center point.

Change transition settings

To open the transition in the Effect Controls panel, click the transition in the Timeline panel. In the Effect Controls panel, adjust settings:

  • Edge selectors: Change the orientation or direction of the transition. Click an Edge selector arrow on the transition’s thumbnail. For example, the Barn Doors transition can be oriented vertically or horizontally. A transition doesn’t have Edge selectors if it has one orientation or if orientation isn’t applicable.
  • Start and End sliders: Set the percentage of the transition that is complete at the start and end of the transition. Hold down the Shift key to move the start and end sliders together.
  • Show Actual Sources: Displays the starting and ending frames of the clips.
  • Border Width: Adjusts the width of the optional border on the transition. The default Border is None. Some transitions do not have borders.
  • Border Color: Specifies the color of the transition’s border. Double-click the color swatch or use the eyedropper to choose the color.
  • Reverse: Plays the transition backward. For example, the Clock Wipe transition plays counterclockwise.
  • Anti Aliasing Quality: Adjusts the smoothness of the transition’s edges.
  • Custom: Changes settings specific to the transition. Most transitions don’t have custom settings.

Transition settings vary for different transition. 

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