Fix export issues in Premiere Pro

Unable to render or export your Premiere Pro project? Application hangs, freezes, or becomes unresponsive while rendering or exporting? We’re here to help!

Fix common export issues in 7 simple steps

  1. Check current and trending known issues that may cause Premiere Pro to crash on export.
  2. Update to the latest Premiere Pro version that provides better product stability as we fix product issues.
    Update Premiere Pro now.
  3. Force quit and restart Premiere Pro or restart your computer to resolve a system issue. 
  4. Check if your System Compatibility Report is throwing any errors. Your report will indicate if you have any driver issues and if you need to update your drivers.
  5. Remove any punctuation marks in the media, the project file, or the output name.
  6. Make sure you have enough free disk space on the machine.
  7. Export to a different location on your machine.

If the issue persists, follow these steps:

  1. Try exporting your project to a different file format. For a list of supported file formats, see Formats exported directly from Premiere Pro.

  2.  Exporting to H.264 or HEVC? Go to Preferences > Media and deselect Enable hardware accelerated decoding (requires restart).

  3. If you are not exporting to H.264, or if the issue persists:

    1. Choose File > Project Settings > General. The Project Settings window opens. 
    2. In the Video Rendering and Playback section, choose Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.

    "Software Only" mode isn't available on Apple computers that use Apple Silicon processors.

    The Project Settings dialog box
    The Project Settings dialog box


    Enabling the Mercury Playback Engine Software Only option may slow down the rendering speed.

  4. If you’re using a custom export preset, change to a built-in preset.
    Switching to a built-in export preset
    Switching to a built-in export preset

  5. Select Queue to open Media Encoder to export your project using Adobe Media Encoder. An added advantage to using Media Encoder is that you can work on other projects in Premiere Pro.

  6. If you’re using a third-party transition or plugin, remove that temporarily from the project and export again.

Premiere Pro still crashing? Try these solutions

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