Edit in Trim mode

Learn how to modify your setting of the edits in real-time using Trim mode in Premiere Pro.

Trim Edit mode lets you view the outgoing and incoming frames of the trim you're working on, so it's beneficial when you want to fine-tune an edit. In this mode, some of the Program Monitor controls change to make it easier to focus on trimming.

How to enter Trim mode

  1. Select the Program Panel or the Timeline Panel before entering the Trim mode.

  2. Select Sequence > Trim Edit or press  Shift + T.

  3. Double-click an edit point in the Tools panel with the SelectionRipple Edit, or Rolling Edit tools.

Trim mode interface overview

In Trim Edit mode, the selected clip and In  and Out  points are displayed in a split-screen view on the Program Monitor. The frame shortly before the In point is shown on the left side of the monitor, while the frame soon after the Out point is shown on the right. Your keyboard's J, K, and L keys can play the clip backward, pause, or forward. 

Split screen view of the selected clip in Trim mode

A. Outgoing edit point B. Incoming edit point C. Trim type indicator D. Outshift counter E. Trim backward 5 frames F. Trim backward G. Add default transition H. Trim forward I. Trim forward 5 frames J. Inshift counter 

Outgoing edit point

An outgoing edit point refers to the point in a clip when the cut or transition will occur. It specifies where the clip will finish and the following will begin.

Incoming edit point

An incoming edit point is a point in a clip when the cut or transition will begin. It specifies where the clip starts and where the preceding clip ends.

Trim type Indicator

It's a signal shown in the Program Monitor during a trim process. It specifies whether the clip's Outgoing Edit Point or Incoming Edit Point is being cut.

Out shift

Shows how many frames the out point for the left side has changed.

Trim backward 5 frames

This allows you to shorten the clip by five frames while moving the remainder of the timeline to accommodate the change.

Trim backward

This allows you to trim the clip to the left one frame at a time while the remainder of the timeline adjusts to accommodate.

Apply Default Transitions to Selection

Applies a default transition effect when you transition between two clips in the timeline.

Trim forward

Allows you to trim the clip to the right, adjusting the rest of the timeline to account for the adjustment. 

Trim forward 5 frames

It trims the right edge of a clip by a duration of five frames. 

In shift

Shows how many frames the In point for the right side has changed.

Trim mode workflow

You can do regular trims, rolling edits, and ripple edits in Trim mode.

  1. Select clips in the timeline and press Shift + T to open Trim Edit mode in the Program Monitor.

  2. In the Program Monitor, move the cursor slowly across the two clips.

  3. As you drag from left to right, you can view the tool change from Trim Out (left side) to Roll (center) to Trim In (right).

  4. Drag in between both clips to perform a roll edit.

  5. To trim in or trim out, move the cursor to the left or right until you get the yellow trim icon, then trim inward or outward.


    Multiple modifier keys can be used to refine a trim selection.

    • Press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) when selecting clips to temporarily unlink audio and video. This makes selecting just the audio or video portion of a clip easier.
    • Press Shift to select multiple edit points. You can trim multiple tracks or even multiple clips at the same time. Wherever you see a trim “handle, ” adjustments will be made when you apply a trim. 
    • Combine these two modifier keys to make advanced selections for trimming.

Playback and review trims

To review the currently applied trims while the edit point selection is still active and in Trim Edit mode, select the Play button or press the Spacebar. The playback loops around the current edit point selection, playing from a specified Pre­rolling time before the first edit point and ending a specified Postrolling time after the last edit point.

To stop playback, select the Play button or press the Spacebar. The playhead will move to the selected edit point nearest where you stop.

J-K-L dynamic trimming

When in Trim mode, you can use combinations of the three shuttle keyboard shortcuts (J-K-L) to play the clips and perform a trim based on the location of the playhead when playback stops. This is called dynamic trimming.

You can dynamically trim footage one frame at a time using J-K-L shortcuts. 

  1. Select the edit point, press the K key, and then select either the J or the L keys.

  2. Open a project and select a clip on the timeline you want to trim. Use the J key to shuttle backward through the clip. The more times you press the J key, the faster the clip will shuttle backward.

  3. Use the L key to shuttle forward through the clip. The more times you press the L key, the faster the clip will shuttle forward. While shuttling through the clip, use the K key to pause playback.

  4. Once you've found the point where you want to make a cut, press the J or L key to shuttle to the exact frame you want to cut.

  5. Press the L key to set an In point at the current frame. Press the K key again to resume playback.

  6. When you reach the point where you want to end the clip, press the J or L key to shuttle to the exact frame you want to end the clip.

  7. Press the O key to set an Out point at the current frame. Your clip is now trimmed to the selected range between the In and Out points.

Trimming techniques    

Use the following techniques to refine your trim:

  • Use the Trim Forward and Trim Backward buttons to trim one frame at a time. The keyboard shortcuts are as follows:
    • Windows: Ctrl + Left to trim backward. Ctrl+Right to trim forward.
    • macOS: Option + Left to trim backward. Option+Right to trim forward.
  • Use the Trim Forward Many and Trim Backward Many buttons to trim by multiple frames at a time. The keyboard shortcuts are as follows:
    • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Left to trim backward. Ctrl + Shift + Right to trim forward.
    • macOS: Option + Shift + Left to trim backward. Option + Shift + Right to trim forward.
  • Use the numeric keypad + or  offset entry to trim by the specified numeric offset.
  • Select SequenceApply Default Transitions to Selection to add the default audio and video transitions to the edit point.
  • Select Edit > Undo or Redo menu commands to change the trims during playback.

Behavior of Trim tools in Trim mode

Within the Trim Edit mode interface, and when playback is paused, use any trim tool, including the Selection tool, to drag across a clip to trim. If you drag over either clip, a ripple trim is performed. If you drag between the two clips, a rolling trim is performed.

If you drag the Selection tool with the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS) held down on the outgoing clip, a regular trim is performed on that side of the edit. If you drag with the same modifier key held down on the incoming clip, a regular trim is performed on that side of the edit.

The behavior of dragging across clips in trim mode on the edit point is the same as with the trim tools in the Timeline. Dragging to the left trims backward and dragging to the right trims forward.

Exit Trim mode

Select anywhere in the timeline to exit Trim Edit mode or press Shift + T.

Trimming and the History panel

The History panel shows each trim adjustment as an individual entry, whether using the keyboard, clicking one of the buttons, or using JKL shortcuts. Entering or exiting Trim mode does not change the entries in the History panel, so you can still undo one or more of the trim adjustments made during any Trim mode session.

Contents of History panel
History panel

Asymmetrical trimming

When a combination of Ripple In and Ripple Out edit points are selected on different tracks, with one edit point selected per track, it's an asymmetrical trim. If more than one edit point is selected per track, all edit points move in the same direction. Asymmetrical trimming can be performed in the Timeline and Trim Edit modes.

The trim duration is the same on all tracks for each asymmetrical trim operation, but the direction of each edit point trims left or right may differ.

  • The primary direction of the trim determines the primary edit point. The primary direction is determined by selecting a tool, using a keyboard shortcut, or selecting a button, and it's the same on all tracks for each edit point that matches the primary trim type.
  • The edit points that don't match the primary edit point type trim in the opposite direction. 
  • Specifying the primary direction for asymmetrical trims in the Timeline determines the primary edit point for an asymmetrical trim.

Notice that the direction trailing clips shift in is the same on all tracks, left or right is the same on all tracks, which helps to keep all tracks in sync. This shifting is because the tail of the trimmed clip moves in a different direction for a Ripple In versus a Ripple Out edit point.

For example, if you drag an edit point to the right by 10 frames with the Ripple Edit tool, then 10 frames are added to the other edit points set up as Ripple Out points. Conversely, 10 frames are subtracted from edit points set up as Ripple In points.

  • The edit points don't move but reveal more of the head material of the clip. Trailing clips on all tracks shift to the right by 10 frames.
  • Combinations of Trim In and Trim Out trims are not considered asymmetrical even if the side of the edit point differs since edit points always move in the same direction, and trailing clips are not shifting.

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