Working with the style browser

Learn to create, use and manage text styles seamlessly with the style browser.


Starting with Premiere Pro version 25.0, the Essential Graphics panel is no longer included. You can now edit titles, captions, audio, video, and graphics more efficiently using the new Properties panel and browse Motion Graphics and Stock Audio using the Graphics Templates panel.

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Effortlessly enhance your text's visual appeal and efficiency by reusing saved styles from the style browser, cutting down on time spent formatting.

Create a new style with the style browser

Follow these steps to create new styles:

  1. Select a text layer or caption and give it the stylistic Text or Appearance properties you want.

  2. Select the grid button   in the style section of the Essential Graphics panel to go into the style browser. Choose between the default icon view or a more compact list view for additional font information. 

  3. Create the new style by selecting the plus button and selecting Create style from text selection

  4. Name your style and save it to your desired location. Saving the style to the project will create a project item in the Project panel. When you save the style to Local styles, you can reuse the style across projects.

    Save the style either to local or the project or both when prompted.

  5. You can now easily apply the style to your text layer.


You can assign a keyboard shortcut for Toggle Style Browser to quickly switch between the regular Edit tab and the style browser.

UI shows 'Create style from text selection' highlighted in the Essential Graphics panel.
Build a collection of catchy styles that can be easily applied to other projects.

Apply styles to a sub-selection of the text

Follow these steps to easily apply two or more styles to a single text layer:

  1. Select part of the text layer or caption you wish to edit.

  2. Select the style thumbnail you wish to apply.


    Shadow and Background cannot be applied to sub-selections within a text. If adding a style to a sub-selection it will apply it while excluding Shadow and Background.

  3. Only the selected part of the text or caption will change to your new style.

UI shows different styles applied to single text layer.
Apply attributes to only parts of your text with style browser.

Apply style without font

To apply a style but retain the chosen font, right-click a style and choose Apply style without font. Alternatively, you can select option (macOS) or alt (Windows)-click a style.

Locations and copying styles

Creating an engaging style can take a lot of time. Save them to Local styles to reuse them in other projects.

Save them to the project if you want to use them in a Linked style workflow for titles or a Track style workflow for captions to ensure consistency across the project you are working on.

If you want to use a local style as a linked style for graphics or a track style for captions, you can right-click the thumbnail and choose Set as Linked style or Set as Track style. This will add the local style to the project and link it to the text layer or caption track.

Alternatively, you can also copy a style via drag and drop from within the style browser to a different location, e.g., a different project. Local styles can be found on disk at this location:

Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Adobe\Common\Assets\Text Styles

macOS: /Users/<username>/Documents/Adobe/Common/Assets/Text Styles

UI shows Local Styles and Open Project styles in a single window.
Easily store styles in a new default local location for quick reuse.

What parameters are part of the style when applying from the style browser?

Most parameters from the Text section:

  • Font 
  • Font Style
  • Tracking
  • Kerning*
  • Leading 
  • Baseline Shift*
  • Tab Width*
  • Faux Bold
  • Faux Italics
  • All Caps
  • Small Caps
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Underline
  • Tsume 

All parameters from the Appearance section:

  • Fill 
  • Stroke including Stroke Styles 
  • Background including Background Styles 
  • Shadow
  • Mask with Text 

* only applies to text layers and not to captions.

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If you have questions about working with style browser in Premiere Pro, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.

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