Color settings in Lumetri Color panel

Easily modify your media, sequences, or display-related color settings under a single workspace.

Color workspace

The Color workspace offers all color-related settings bundled into a single place for easy discoverability and simple use.

  1. Open the project that you want to work on, and choose Window > Workspaces > Color.

  2. The Settings tab under Lumetri Color consolidates Preferences, Project color settings, Source Clip color settings, Sequence color settings, and newly added Sequence Clip color settings, which were earlier spread across panels and General preferences in Premiere Pro.

The Lumetri Color UI shows Settings that consolidate Preferences, Project, Source Clip, Sequence, Sequence Clip settings across Premiere Pro.
The Settings under Lumetri Color consolidate all color options.


You can also access Preferences under Lumetri Color settings.

  1. Access color management parameters under Preferences settings.

  2. Enable Display Color Management to display accurate color values on any monitor and Extended Dynamic Range Monitoring to display out-of-range color values without clamping when available.

  3. You can also have a transmit device subsection listing all the transmit devices connected and an option to enable or disable video streams for each device and access their settings.

The Lumetri Color UI shows Prefences under Settings with Display Color Management and Extended Dynamic Range Monitoring.
The settings under Preferences will apply to all clips and projects within Premiere Pro.

Project color settings

Premiere Pro automatically recognizes log media with the appropriate color space in the Color workspace settings.

  1. Under the Project section, modify the target luminance for 100% white color when working with HDR workflows under the HDR Graphics White (Nits), set the method by which LUTs will interpret color information through 3D LUT Interpolation, or select Viewer Gamma from the dropdown menu, which was only available under Project Settings

  2. Enable Auto Detect Log Video Color Space to apply automatic log color management to the project.

The Working Color Space settings UI shows the Project settings with Auto Detect Log Video Color Space disabled.
The settings under Project will only apply to the project in focus.

Learn how to match colors across applications in Premiere Pro.

Source Clip color settings

The color settings under Source Clip allow you to manually override the default color space and specify the media color space. 

  1. Apply Input LUT or Override Media Color Space from the drop-down.

  2. These settings can be applied to the source clip from the selected sequence in the timeline or the selected source clip in the project bin.

The Lumetri Color UI shows Source Clip color settings, with Use Media Color Space selected.
The settings allow you to override the default color space or specify the media color space manually.

Sequence color settings

The section allows you to modify the sequence settings for the clip selected in the timeline or sequence selected in the project bin.

Under the Sequence section, you can modify the Working Color Space or enable the Auto Tone Map Media, which was earlier only available through Sequence Settings.

The UI shows Sequence settings with Auto Tone Map Media enabled.
You can easily modify the sequence settings like Working Color Space or Auto Tone Map Media with Sequence settings.

Sequence Clip color settings

These settings apply to the clip selected in the timeline. It also allows you to update the Tone Mapping Method.

You can choose your Tone Mapping Method and use the slider to adjust the Exposure and Highlight Saturation of the selected clip in the sequence. This can then be applied to all clip instances. 

The UI shows Sequence Clip settings with option to select the Tone Mapping Method.
With Sequence Clip settings, you can modify any clip selected in the timeline.

Color settings in Team Project

You can access color-related settings for Team Projects.

  1. Open or create a Team Project.

  2. Select File > Team Project Settings to open the dialog box.

  3. Choose the Color tab to access HDR Graphics White (Nits), 3D LUT Interpolation, or Viewer Gamma under Color settings.

The Team Project Settings UI shows Color tab with HDR Graphics White (Nits), 3D LUT Interpolation and Viewer Gamma as options.
The color settings are turned off while creating a project and enabled only when you begin editing.

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