Monitor color using Lumetri scopes

Learn how to use the Lumetri scopes feature in Premiere Pro to monitor color in an image.

The Lumetri Scopes panel (Window > Lumetri Scopes) displays a set of resizable built-in video scopes: Vectorscopes, Histogram, Parade, and Waveform. These scopes help you evaluate and color-correct your clips. To display a scope, right-click in the Lumetri Scopes panel and select a scope from the drop-down list.

Displaying scopes in the Lumetri Scopes panel
Displaying scopes in the Lumetri Scopes panel

You can also select 8-bit, 10-bit, float, or HDR in the drop-down list on the lower-right corner of the Lumetri Scopes panel depending on the nature of the scopes that you want to analyze. For example, if you select HDR, the scopes change to high dynamic range data, with the scope scale showing a range between 0-10000 Nits. 

Select Clamp Signal if you want to clip any signal over 100 IRE or below 0 IRE that is displayed in the scopes. Clamp signal only impacts output in the Lumetri Scopes window. Clamping the scope does not impact the frame being rendered on timeline or export output.

  At any given point, you can display all the scopes in the Lumetri Scopes panel.  Simply right-click the Lumetri Scopes panel, and select Presets > All Scopes RGB or All Scopes YUV/YC.


A vectorscope is a circular graph the monitors the color information of an image. It measures saturation outward from the center and measures hue in a circular pattern.

Premiere offers two different flavors of the vectorscope: YUV and HLS (Hue, Lightness, and Saturation). 

Vectorscope HLS      

Displays hue, saturation, lightness, and signal information in a glance.

Vectorscope YUV

The YUV mode contains several color boxes, allowing you to see if your hue and saturation levels are correct. 


Histograms can help you accurately evaluate shadows, midtones, and highlights, and adjust the overall image tonal scale. It displays a statistical analysis of the pixel density at each color intensity level.

Histogram use RGB values. The minimum Luma values per channel are displayed as numerical feedback at the bottom. Maximum values are displayed at the top. Two horizontal lines indicate the output range. The default range is set to CIN code values (95 - 685).


Parade scope displays separate waveforms for the different components of an image. The waveforms are displayed side by side, making it easy to compare the relative levels of color in an image, and make adjustments as required. The Parade scope also makes it easy to spot color casts in your image.

It displays waveforms representing levels of the luminance and color difference channels in the digital video signal. You can choose from RGB, YUV, RGB-White, and YUV-White parade types.


You can select from the following available waveform scopes:

RGB waveform

Displays the RGB signals overlaid to give a snapshot view of the signal level of all the color channels.

Luma waveform

Displays the IRE values between –20 to 120, allowing you to effectively analyze the brightness of shots and measure the contrast ratio.

YC waveform

Displays the luminance (represented as green in the waveform) and chrominance (represented as blue) values in your clip.

YC no Chroma waveform 

Displays only the luminance values in your clip.

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