Media intelligence and Search panel

Learn how to use AI-powered media intelligence and the new Search panel to quickly locate your perfect shot in Adobe Premiere Pro (beta).

  Use new beta features

The new Search panel is now available for testing and feedback. Try it now in Premiere Pro (beta).

Search for your perfect shot using language based on imagery, spoken words, or content with embedded metadata like shoot date, location, or camera type, all at the same time. 

Media intelligence visual search works by analyzing your footage using on-device models. The analysis is collected into an index file saved next to your project. Then when you search for visuals, the description you type is analyzed and compared to your footage to find the best matches.


Currently, visual search supports English language searches only.

How do I use media intelligence and search?

  1. Import your footage into a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Let the analysis process finish in the background. You can see the progress in the upper right corner of the main window or open the Progress panel by choosing Window > Progress.

  3. Open the Search panel by selecting the magnifying glass button in the upper right corner of the main Premiere Pro window.

    UI shows the magnifying glass at the upper right corner of the main Premiere Pro window that opens the search window with a search field.
    A. Media Search. B. Search window.

  4. Type in the search field. Visual search can give better results the more specific you are in describing the scene.

The Search panel shows results for Visuals, Metadata, and Text at the same time. You can use the drop-down to select only one type of result. 

Visual search works differently from the traditional search used in other apps or search engines. Searches that seem very similar in English may lead to different results.

  • Multi-word searches will often work better than single words.
  • Be descriptive, including things like lighting or camera angle.
  • Try different phrasings or descriptions, as if you were describing the scene to a person who hadn’t seen it before.
  • The AI model analyzes a smaller version of your footage as a series of still images, so it won’t pick up as well on small details or fast motion.

Privacy and data usage

Your footage, analysis data, and searches never leave your computer and are never seen by Adobe. The AI models for analysis and search are installed locally on your computer and don't require the internet to work. Adobe does not train on your footage or searches.

Managing media intelligence metadata

The new preferences section Media Analysis & Transcription has existing Transcription options along with a few new settings to manage the analysis.

Premiere Pro caches the results of analysis so that footage used in different projects or by different users doesn’t have to be analyzed again. You can choose to store the analysis metadata in the way that works best for you.

In the Media Cache (default)

Cache your analysis results in the Media Cache location set in Preferences > Media Cache. When you import a clip into a new project, Premiere Pro will skip analysis if a cache already exists for that clip. The Media Cache is local to each user, so the analysis can’t be reused on other computers.

Next to the media as a sidecar file

Premiere Pro will cache the results of the analysis as sidecar files next to each analyzed or transcribed clip using a file with the extension .prmi. You can share media with sidecar files to different computers and Premiere Pro will use the sidecar file to avoid having to reanalyze the footage. This is the recommended preference when working in a Production. 

Do not cache

The analysis results are saved directly into the project data or the project index. If the same clip is imported to another project or on another computer, the analysis must be run again.

Future improvements

Media intelligence is a technology on which we will build more tools and features inside Premiere Pro. While the Search panel is in public beta, we’ll continue to iterate on it based on your input.

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If you have questions about the new Search panel in Premiere Pro, reach out to us in our Beta support community. We would love to help.

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