Working with markers

Learn about the various types of markers available in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Markers indicate important points in time and help you position and arrange clips. You can use a marker to identify an important action or sound in a sequence or clip. Markers are only for reference and don’t alter the video.

Marker type


Comment Marker

Comment markers are used to comment or add a note about the selected part of the timeline.

Chapter Marker

Chapter markers in the project allow reviewers to quickly jump to those points in the finished video.

Segmentation Marker

Segmentation markers help you define ranges in the video to automate workflows. For example, you can identify certain areas as being leaders or segments where commercials go.

Web Link

Web Link markers allow you to add a URL that provides more information about the selected part of the movie clip.

Markers panel 

Use the Markers panel (Window > Markers) to view all your Markers in an open clip or sequence. Marker details, such as marker colors, In points, Out points, and comments, are displayed. Clicking a clip thumbnail in the Markers panel moves the playhead to the location of the corresponding marker.

The Markers panel shows the In and Out points for all Sequence and Clip markers. You can change a marker’s In or Out point to change it from a single frame marker to one covering a range of time.

Markers panel is open and the option Show All Markers is selected.
Filter the options to view markers that are most relevant to you.

Additional Markers panel features

If two or more track items (with Clip markers) are selected in the timeline, you can view all of their clip markers together in the Markers panel.

Multiple selected markers can be deleted at the same time in the Markers panel.

Sequence timecode is always shown in the Markers panel whenever a track item with markers is selected. However, if you load a clip with markers into the Source Monitor, then the source timecode will be shown for those markers in the Markers panel.

New user interface indicators have been added to the Markers panel to show where Source or Sequence In and Out points have been placed amidst the markers displayed in the Markers panel.

The Markers panel is open displaying set In and Out points of the markers.
View the In and Out points of the markers.

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